Isn't that a dark-side power? Did those Gamorreans die from that?
He slaughtered them. And not just the men. The woman and children too.
Isn't that a dark-side power? Did those Gamorreans die from that?
He slaughtered them. And not just the men. The woman and children too.
Star Wars is fantasy, not sci fi.You still need to breath to survive, but then it is science fiction.
Jedi cant fly either, or else yoda wouldnt need this
Somehow leia is much more powerful than both yoda, vader and obi......
Just came from seeing it and like Ben Solo, I'm conflicted. There were some great parts and then there some wtf parts. There was no explanation as to who Snoke was, or where he came from, or how someone that powerful in the force was never before mentioned in the past with the Emperor and Vader. Rey's parents are nobody drunks? Really? And some how these drunks gave birth to this power jedi/force user? I honestly thought the whole time watching that Rey and Ben were brother and sister; a daughter lost and presumed dead. I hope there's more too it than it. And Benecio Del Toro's character. Who the heck was that guy? I remember he talked about how important this character was and how mysterious.
They had talked about how Carrie Fisher had a fitting end in this movie, so naturally you would assume Leia dies, buuttt she doesn't? If having her get shot out into space, and use the force to presumably survive is just lazy writing imo. They should have done better. There were a lot of stuff like that in the movie. BB-8 conveniently is controlling a Walker in the nick of time, one lone shuttle that's completely untouched with everything else burning around it for them to escape in, Captain Phasma once again going out like a *****.
I can see now why Mark Hammil was so against the direction they gave to Luke, and I agree completely. I don't feel Luke would have ever gone as far as igniting his saber to strike down an innocent person, let alone his nephew, even if he did back down immediately. I get the whole tragic figure/hero thing, that they're not without flaws, but to do that seems completely out of character. And I can see how he became so powerful with the force over the years that he was able to force project and Palpatine for example never did. He used the last of his power to do this and presume to now be a force ghost in Ep9, and I'm ok with that.
Rose is and was such a throw away character, and how convenient that the one planet where this so called code breaker is on is the same one she was on in her past life. Of ALLLL the planets and cities across the galaxy. That whole scene was a complete waste, they never got the right code breaker anyway, all it served was to give some background on Rose, which lets face it, no one really cares. Finn pretty much had nothing in this film if you think about it. Chewie had more of an importance.
Overall, I thought it was just ok and had a lot more disappointing moments. I really expecting to learn more and instead we barely got any info that we didn't already know before. A lot of the comedy seemed to work, which is good at least. I don't know. Just didn't feel it. Maybe if I watch it again who knows.
Isn't that a dark-side power? Did those Gamorreans die from that?
Meh. Maybe I just don't care anymore.
So... at least we know how Kylo and Snoke originally met. Snoke was Kylo's steroid dealer.
I managed to snap this iphone pic of shirtless Kylo from my theater seat:
Luke is his own man.Isn't that a dark-side power? Did those Gamorreans die from that?
We have a upset DC fan pushing the Disney pays critics narrative(it's illegal by the way). I see you decide to ignore the A cinemascore, which is the people that actually see the movie. But sure, the series is doomed because you and a few others on here aren't going to repeat view or buy the blu-ray for the first time ever. Oh no!
I thought Kylo was corrupted by Snoke, took some of Luke's students, formed the knights of Ren and went to Luke's academy, killing all his students and burning everything to the ground ala Anakin Skywalker?
Rose was never on this planet-- it reminded her of the mining planet that she called home.
Apologies if this has already been mentioned, but TLJ just made more in three days than JL has made in 31!
KK's plan is proceeding as she has foreseen (until the record second weekend drop...)