This movie is just awful. I had NO expectations, I had NO fan fiction in my head about what I thought would be cool. I don't lye in bed at night thinking about what I want to see happen, nor day dream about what I think would be cool. I wait for the movie and then base my opinion on what I see and whether or not it resonates with me. I have 8 movies, 100's of episodes of animation, and many cannon novels creating 40 years of backstory I've experienced and expect the story to continue to make sense.
I never understood the backlash against Lucas for the PQ's. They weren't great, but I enjoyed them. It's his story, not mine. The movies introduced a lot of great characters I still love today, based on STORY & VISUALS. So far EP 7 & 8 mean nada to me. Not one thing visually, or story wise makes me want to spend money on a collectible. The closest would be BB-8, but after seeing super BB-8 in ep8, I like him less.
I've said from day one, Disney buying SW was gonna be a slow death. My friends & family thought I (being a huge SW fan for 40 years, I was 5 in 1977, and having probably spent in excess of $40- $50k in merchandise in my lifetime) was crazy. I also said one day the fans will wish Lucas was back since they were the reason he sold to Disney being tired of the hate.... Now we no longer have the creator steering the ship, but random people, whether fans or not, telling us how they think Star Wars should be. This is the 1st time in 40 years I have no excitement over what comes next. I fear for Solo, and as of now have no desire for Ep9...