Done of the other themes people are banging on about bothered me. Like I really don't get the hate for the milking off the cow scene, I thought that quite nicely showed how simple, mundane and routine Luke's life was on the islands.
Because, the mythic heroic figure isn't supposed to do laundry or by groceries or slap makeup on or clean a bathroom or do taxes or get traffic tickets

. It's a rude reminder of real life and actually played for laughs in *heroic* movies. It's inherently WRONG for heroes to do ordinary things like getting the oil changed on a car. The only time you see that kind of stuff in a heroic movie is when it's the trope e.g. a hero will rise from a *lowly* background like Broom Boy.
Either that or it's gotta be a rich spoiled kid who learns humility. Never seems to be the middle class kid who's life is pretty OK-ish, actually. (Well, except for Sam in Transformers but he had the "special lineage"). We sure didn't see Obi-wan grubbing cactus roots out in the deserts for food (in his spotlessly clean robes.)
I don't have a problem with Luke having a moment of thinking about killing his nephew. Because, he tells Rey he's seen her kind of raw power once before etc. IMO the implication to me (when I think about it) is that Kylo (which is kind of backed up by Snoke's comments) is pretty extraordinary.
But Luke apparently "wasn't scared by it". Not at first. The he sees the darkness in Kylo one day. Luke reacts to something terrible (raw power combined with darkness). And Kylo must have been pretty far gone anyway (as Luke DID see). It's not like Kylo's reaction is JUST to lash out at Luke. He kills other students and destroys the whole place. Later Kylo has a whole village killed. He's indifferent to entire planets being destroyed.
Obe-wan was willing to kill Anakin, in the end. But Luke doesn't spend years stalking his nephew. He seeks solitude to wrestle with an impossible problem. Luke couldn't kill his own father; how is he supposed to kill his nephew? I think Kylo is so powerful only he can save himself - or Rey maybe can stop him/save him. But IMO Luke's behavior is reasonable and he doesn't follow through.
Maybe it would have been better if there had been a few frames showing what Luke was seeing in Kylo - I dunno - some sort of swirling darkness/destroyed planets/bodies etc. Something monstrous. Because the Force can show visions of the future even it it's "always in motion".
But we did get a camel race tho.