Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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If any of that is true, the world deserves to end right now. And honestly I stand by my earlier thoughts on most of the people who loved this movie being young kids (under 21).

I can't see anyone over 40 genuinely liking any of the nonsense this movie presented.

Agreed, I am 39 hated every bit of it. I was the one who said that Disney caters to this Millennials I said that once tFA came out nothing changed at all!!! **** movie.
It was very dumb to see the way how Kylo mask was smashed into pieces. I believe this mask represents Kylo inner person and very complex charasteristic which was planned and play a key role for future development of this character. It is similar to Anakin lightsaber wieded by Rey, but was tossed away as soon as she handed to Luke. It was very stupid.

Just because Snoke shamed him with words like hes not new Vader and not worthy to his expectation and the guy just fking smash it ? So bascially Kylo Ren is just a kid with anger issue and Vader wannabe, which exactly what people wanted to believe from last TFA. Kylo Ren should be thankful thanks to merciful Snoke, or else he would be either roasted by force lighting or strong force choke of the Emperor by now. So much potential of Kylo Ren character, but wasted by Rian.

I think there's bad blood between Rian and JJA thats why the script was ****ed so hard. If that was the case clearly Star Wars franchise is doomed, let their personal matters and fking power struggle to be involved. Fking Disney Wars to me.
Now you woke Wor-Gar up.

I didn’t have the heart to tell him lol


Kidding aside, look what Miller did at 80 years old. Could Lucas do that? Spielberg? Welles? Even Hitchcock?
It was very dumb to see the way how Kylo mask was smashed into pieces. I believe this mask represents Kylo inner person and very complex charasteristic which was planned and play a key role for future development of this character. It is similar to Anakin lightsaber wieded by Rey, but was tossed away as soon as she handed to Luke. It was very stupid.

Just because Snoke shamed him with words like hes not new Vader and not worthy to his expectation and the guy just fking smash it ? So bascially Kylo Ren is just a kid with anger issue and Vader wannabe, which exactly what people wanted to believe from last TFA. Kylo Ren should be thankful thanks to merciful Snoke, or else he would be either roasted by force lighting or strong force choke of the Emperor by now. So much potential of Kylo Ren character, but wasted by Rian.

I think there's bad blood between Rian and JJA thats why the script was ****ed so hard. If that was the case clearly Star Wars franchise is doomed, let their personal matters and fking power struggle to be involved. Fking Disney Wars to me.

I had no issue with that helmet scene.. It was an embarrassing moment for him.. It was kind of silly yo be wearing it for no reason.. It was not life support or battle armor. At least not battle armor on a ship..

What I love is that Rey;s unbelievable use of the Force and the wielding of the Light Saber is so stupid that Snoke even calls Kylo out on it..

"Defeated by someone who had never even picked up a saber before"

:lol Even Snoke knows that Rey is a Mary Sue

Yeah Kylo should be smashing that Helmet... He has not earned it :lol
Yes my favorite gif good choice.

How WB didn’t fire GM over FR was a miracle.

They sent in people to take control of the movie.

I don’t even think they broke even.
Disney listening to this ***** session...


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A Lucas story directed by JJ would have great potential.

I think it was a mistake to take Lucas out of the role that actually suits him best: storyteller.

Director, no. Writer, no way. But he knows story structure and he knows what tall tales from history to borrow from and build upon to create a modern myth.

His guidance couldn't make things worse at this point.

Kidding aside, look what Miller did at 80 years old. Could Lucas do that? Spielberg? Welles? Even Hitchcock?

I have not watched a Spielberg movie since Munich.. Nothing he has done has really grabbed my attention.. Looks like Ready Player One will be my first in a while..

A Lucas story directed by JJ would have great potential.

Have always said that the new films could use some Lucas.
See for me it was very SW as was TFA.

TFA and TLJ brought back SW for me from the non SW feeling in the PT.

Over the years i’ve really grown to enjoy ROTS quite a bit when I used to really dislike it as much as TPM/AOTC so I do appreciate the darkness in that movie BUT the new Disney movies feel like real films for me.

Just go watch the cgi of Mace Windu on Geonosis running with the troopers so freaking bad.

I think it was you that said something like I will tale Kylo over anakin on a row boat. I don't want to be rude. But please stop talking, because ROTS was amazing compared to this new disney ****!!! ROTS is my favorite star wars to date. Kylo can't even swing a light saber. He swings it like a bat. If you saw ROTS you see how they swing a saber amazing and the power and darkness. Lucas made an amazingly dark movie and powerful with a great soundtrack. Your comment just goes to show how ignorant you are. I bet your a Millennial. Disney made two stupidly idiotic movies that had so many plot holes and boring ass movies. ROTS had action sick battles through out and I felt transformed to a different place only star wars can. The pple ranting about the prequels need to get their head out of their *****. I will take the first two prequels over these two Disney travesties. Rots gave me chills through out the whole movie, yes some of the dialog was awful but I was entertained through out the movie. I don't even want to argue the prequels with these two **** movies. We had amazing characters though out star wars. The disney movies every character that is new is forgettable period. I never thought I would fall asleep in a star wars movie well I did twice.
:lol :lol :lol

That’s cool that you love ROTS :duff

But can my ignorant ass please keep talking I promise not to say anything bad about ROTS ever again :lol

ROTS is my favorite of the PT movie btw. :yess:
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