How come Obi-Wan, Anakin and Yoda didn't talk to Luke before Luke went into Kylo's hut to kill him? You know, try and talk some sense into him or give him counsel or something.
How come Anakin never talked to Luke in his time of need, or Kylo Ren for that matter? Kylo worshipped Vader, wouldn't it make sense for someone to tell him that Anakin was in the wrong and that Luke redeemed him? Why doesn't Anakin talk to him?
Why did just Yoda go to Luke? Also, if Yoda can set a tree on fire from lightning with the snap of his fingers, why couldn't Obi-Wan have intervened and helped Luke on Bespin? Why didn't Yoda and Obi-Wan help him with the Emperor?
How come Yoda was acting like his crazy, hermit act from Empire Strikes Back in the Last Jedi? You know, the little show he puts on for Luke before it's revealed to Luke that he's actually the stoic, wise Jedi Master? Why was he putting on the act when Luke A.) knows who he is B.) he wasn't crazy
Why do force ghosts appear at random times to give exposition? Does anyone really want to see Luke as a cheap ass force ghost?