The trouble is, Kathleen has given these directors too much freedom! They had no plan or structure as to how they wanted this trilogy to go, so why even have a storyboard?
They should have laid down some ground work for the directors to follow. This is who Rey is, this is who Snoke is etc etc.
The fact that JJ set up all these storylines for RJ to be able to come in and **** all over them is ridiculous and he has left no where for the story to go so now JJ really has his work cut out.
[FONT=&]Johnson shares his response to the backlash. Here it is, in full:
"Having been a Star Wars fan my whole life, and having spent most of my life on the other side of the curb and in that fandom, it softens the blow a little bit.
I’m aware through my own experience that, first of all, the fans are so passionate, they care so deeply — sometimes they care very violently at me on Twitter. But it’s because they care about these things, and it hurts when you’re expecting something specific and you don’t get it from something that you love. It always hurts, so I don’t take it personally if a fan reacts negatively and lashes out on me on Twitter. That’s fine. It’s my job to be there for that. Like you said, every fan has a list of stuff they want a Star Wars movie to be and they don’t want a Star Wars movie to be. You’re going to find very few fans out there whose lists line up.
And I also know the same way the original movies were personal for Lucas. Lucas never made a Star Wars movie by sitting down and thinking, “What do the fans want to see?” And I knew if I wrote wondering what the fans would want, as tempting as that is, it wouldn’t work, because people would still be shouting at me, “F— you, you ruined Star Wars,” and I would make a bad movie. And ultimately, that’s the one thing nobody wants.
And let me just add that 80-90% of the reaction I’ve gotten from Twitter has been really lovely. There’s been a lot of joy and love from fans. When I talk about the negative stuff, that’s not the full picture of the fans at all."
[FONT=&]Johnson shares his response to the backlash. Here it is, in full:
"Having been a Star Wars fan my whole life, and having spent most of my life on the other side of the curb and in that fandom, it softens the blow a little bit.
I’m aware through my own experience that, first of all, the fans are so passionate, they care so deeply — sometimes they care very violently at me on Twitter. But it’s because they care about these things, and it hurts when you’re expecting something specific and you don’t get it from something that you love. It always hurts, so I don’t take it personally if a fan reacts negatively and lashes out on me on Twitter. That’s fine. It’s my job to be there for that. Like you said, every fan has a list of stuff they want a Star Wars movie to be and they don’t want a Star Wars movie to be. You’re going to find very few fans out there whose lists line up.
And I also know the same way the original movies were personal for Lucas. Lucas never made a Star Wars movie by sitting down and thinking, “What do the fans want to see?” And I knew if I wrote wondering what the fans would want, as tempting as that is, it wouldn’t work, because people would still be shouting at me, “F— you, you ruined Star Wars,” and I would make a bad movie. And ultimately, that’s the one thing nobody wants.
And let me just add that 80-90% of the reaction I’ve gotten from Twitter has been really lovely. There’s been a lot of joy and love from fans. When I talk about the negative stuff, that’s not the full picture of the fans at all."
Let me just add that 80-90% of the reaction I’ve gotten from Twitter has been really lovely. There’s been a lot of joy and love from fans. When I talk about the negative stuff, that’s not the full picture of the fans at all."
Blows my mind as well. The fact that there was no established plan going into VIII/IX, for a franchise like Star Wars, that's truly puzzling.
It's not like they had to start from scratch, they got all the people from Lucasfilm in the deal, with all their lore and canon experience. Not to mention Lucas would have been happy to help since he gave them his personal outline for VII, VIII and IX and they threw it away.
From what I hear his treatment sucked! It was only a very basic outline and focused around very young characters.
Was Luke's lightsaber in his hands or attached to his belt when he was looking over Kylo? Was he really thinking of killing him because I remember Kylo igniting his lightsaber first.
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TLJ was a social experiment to see how much crap people will swallow. And how many times they'll go back to lick the toilet bowl clean while waiting for seconds.
When Luke told Rey his version of what went on, I remember Kylo igniting his lightsaber first thinking that Luke was about to kill him then Luke ignited his to block his attack. I'm sorry. I know I'm the one who asked but I just wanted to make sure. Kylo is the one that thought Luke had his lightsaber ignited or he was lying to Rey that he thought Luke ignited his first to kill him.Luke ignites his first, the noise of the blade wakes up Kylo.
When Luke told Rey his version of what went on, I remember Kylo igniting his lightsaber first thinking that Luke was about to kill him then Luke ignited his to block his attack. I'm sorry. I know I'm the one who asked but I just wanted to make sure. Kylo is the one that thought Luke had his lightsaber ignited or he was lying to Rey that he thought Luke ignited his first to kill him.
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