This makes sense... One just need to look around at the youtube reviews, this board, and gasp.. ask some people they know, to see that this film is split down the middle and even those that like it tend to agree with the haters about the glaring issues this film has..
Disney and others may want to come up with conspiracy theories about trolls and their desire to take down Disney but truth of the matter is there are a lot of people that dont care for the film who have made pretty good points to why they don't, meaning its not hate for hate sake.. Fans of the film dont agree and that is fine.. That does not mean I am going to pretend that Disney payed off critics and paid a bunch of average Joe's to put up good user reviews.
Yes, pity the world's largest entertainment corporation. And their consumers. For they are being unfairly targeted. And so something... SOMETHING must be done. To help them. To aid this conglomerate battle this small ragtag group who has risen up in defiance. It's a battle just like in Star Wars itself where... oh, wait - no, it's actually the reverse. But... we'll side with the monolithic power anyway.
It's amazing the sanctimonious laziness that so many media outlets have stooped to in covering the "supposed" - yes, always with quotations - backlash. No, there is no actual backlash. According to many news sites it is apparently the work of a single guy on Facebook in command of bots - no, not making this up. And of course it has a... POLITICAL DIMENSION!!
Huffington Post has weighed in with
"Surprise, Surprise: The 'Alt-Right' Claims Credit For ‘Last Jedi’ Backlash" (I KNEW Breitbart had something to do with it!

) and Slashfilm (the um, site where Rian Johnson is an occasional guest reviewer... no conflict of interest there!!!!) clickety-clacked out a queasy article titled
"The ‘Last Jedi’ Backlash is Another Example of Fandom Gone Wrong" whose "balanced" analysis has this whiny grade school note to the teacher:
"People on the internet have decided to devote countless hours to tearing down a movie that plenty of others love. And while no movie is perfect — Star Wars: The Last Jedi least of all — what’s the point in taking the fun out of movies? Is it retribution for a ruined childhood or vindication that your opinion is right? Or is all this backlash to The Last Jedi simply another product of the internet’s penchant for knee-jerk reactions and instantaneous gratification?"
Okay, okay all right - EVERYONE gets a trophy then!!

And here's a final impartial pearl of Slashfilm wisdom masquerading as laughable irony:
"Just don’t tell others what they can’t like. That’s the easy solution to all this hoopla. We perhaps can’t persuade others that their opinions are wrong — it’s their opinion after all... "
Vox puts out the oh-so-perfectly-placed-quotations article title:
"The “backlash” against Star Wars: The Last Jedi, explained" (they really should just say "alleged backlash" in the headline - it'd be nice and clear) that includes such objective, informed analysis of Star Wars lore as:
"But saying there’s a lot of cultural anxiety around this particular generational handoff is an understatement. And when you consider that Star Wars fandom has long been presided over by white guys, it’s natural this would lead to angry policing over what Star Wars is and isn’t. And that policing can be ugly and lead to toxic fandoms in which people who aren’t white men don’t feel comfortable."
What kind of misguidedly-impassioned high school activist gymnasium speech is that? Um, are we even talking about the same backlash here?
Yep, this situation, which is about a lot of people who loved a mythic story they grew up with being shocked and disappointed with how its legacy is being handled by the largest entertainment corporation in the world... has been reduced to racist hater-trolls whose age, political affiliation or even race has been used against them. Oh, and... "it's just a children's movie!!!"
Oh, boohoo - it's so nice to see everyone (in our vailant media, supposedly known for standing up for the little guy) rushing to the defense of a poor, defenseless entertainment corporation that has a market capitalization of $200 Billion. Yes, it's doughy pathetic fanboys; no, it's bots and trolls and haters; no, it's people who didn't grow up and now won't die out fast enough; no, it's racist alt-righters; no it's people who JUST WANT TO SPOIL THE FUN.