Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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He's drinking fermented milk in the afterlife with Yoda.

LOL...Afterlife booze don't count....I remember talking with my wifes priest couple years ago after a funeral...He mentioned the guy is now with the I told him flat out in front of everyone That when I die and if there are angels present they better be hot blonds brunettes and redheads cause I'm gonna F them all...His wife was right next to me....told him you might be used to people kissing your azs with that colar/robe on, but I'm gonna talk to you like you were like everyone else....My wife was embarrassed man....I got to see who gave me more respect after that...some shunned me or never said jack to me...cause they knew I was gonna give them a real straight up answer...don't know why this thread made me think of that LOL
I was thinking his appearance was designed for maximum effect on Ben, down to the blue lightsaber Ben told Rey he wanted in TFA(which Luke wouldn't have known was destroyed).

Someone else pointed out - and I don't know if it's true - that Kylo stole Luke's green saber and is wearing it in photos from the "Rey's vision" shoot in TFA. If that's the case, having the green saber would have been a tell that he was a hologhost thing.

I hadn't heard that about the green one.

The blue one also brings things full circle. Just as Luke stares at the sun at the point of death. I posted the ANH Twin Suns video earleir in this thread without a comment, but it was a reference to Luke's awakening being mirrored by his death.
When I need to be enlightened about a movie i’m conflicted on I always turn to Khev his reverse structural engineering does wonders for my grey.

If I just want to blow my brains out from depression I turn to DiFabio, Wor-Gar and Clown. :lol
Hamill's renouncement of TLJ is just the beginning. I wouldn't be surprised if Johnson pulls a Neill Blomkamp/Elysium/Tomas Alfredson/Snowman and blatantly starts admitting/apologizing for what he did to SW.

Then the apologists would quickly change their position to "I always knew it was bad, just needed time to process it all. Its definitely a bad movie."

**** at least an apology could start the healing process. :lol
Fair question. I've tendered my resignation as a mod to Darklord Dave a couple of times now as I'm ready to be just another fanboy grunt again and I imagine that one of these days he'll get around to changing my status. Until then I'm not going to delete any posts of people hating on a movie I like so that it doesn't come across as me abusing my power. I'll let better and wiser mods (current and in the future) decide who and what needs to be censored/enforced.

That said I haven't been offended by any of the discussion here even if the over-reactions from certain bashers has been quite amusing in it's tenacity. ;)

Allright kid now lets blow this thing and go home!
Hamill's renouncement of TLJ is just the beginning. I wouldn't be surprised if Johnson pulls a Neill Blomkamp/Elysium/Tomas Alfredson/Snowman and blatantly starts admitting/apologizing for what he did to SW.

Then the apologists would quickly change their position to "I always knew it was bad, just needed time to process it all. Its definitely a bad movie."

No director in their right mind is going to abandon a flick that has gotten the critical praise TLJ has. It's a huge triumph for Johnson, his biggest movie yet.

Just more SNIKT reddit theorys. :lol
This gave me a good chuckle:

As 'The Last Jedi' Nears $600M, Can 'Star Wars' Recover?

With another over/under $34 million worldwide on Wednesday, Star Wars: The Last Jedi has now earned around $570m around the world, including an approximate $280m in North America. Barring a fluke, the film should end today with just under $300m domestic and just over $600m worldwide. How on Earth can the Star Wars franchise possibly recover from this monstrosity?

Rian Johnson, who has been given a stand-alone Star Wars trilogy to oversee once the current one wraps up, crafted a film that has earned overwhelmingly positive reviews. Including a 93% “fresh” and 8.1/10 critic ranking on Rotten Tomatoes. It also has an 86% score on Metacritic and a 7.9/10 user rating on Oh, and the film received an A from Cinemascore and a 90 from comScore. My god, what will Lucasfilm do now?

But wait, there is more terrible news. It may have to wait until Friday to pass $300 million domestic and/or the global gross of Justice League ($637m+). At a glance, the film may end the second weekend with only over/under $400 million domestic and over/under $800m worldwide heading into Christmas Day. With the next full week of holiday business offering a slew of newbie competitors, the $250m+ sci-fi actioner may have to wait until the end of the year to cross $1 billion global.

My god, say it with me now… can this franchise be saved?

I’m sure that the folks who flooded the Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic user polls with negative reviews were real people and not robots or spam programs. But there is a rather high number of folks who apparently created an account specifically to offer a poor review of the newest Star Wars movie and then deleted the account. James Emanuel Shapiro did the hard work over at Birth.Death.Movies detailing that, of 100 random negative user reviews from Rotten Tomatoes, 94% of them either had no account or were first-time users. Of 100 random negative Metacritic user reviews, 72% of them were new users.

Maybe they review-bombed as some kind of anti-SJW conspiracy (take a look at the downvotes on YouTube for the Ocean’s 8 trailer) or skewed revenge from DC fans over Justice League. Or maybe the segment of online fans who didn’t like the movie flooded the opt-in polling and thus created the impression of poor word-of-mouth. But every other measurement thus far (the reviews, the initial box office, the audience polling from folks who absolutely saw the movie, etc.) would indicate that folks loved or at least somewhat enjoyed The Last Jedi.

And yet, despite this perfect storm of pretty good press and rock-solid box office, the overriding narrative right now is “What went wrong?” or “How Star Wars can be fixed!” That we are discussing the controversy, even whether the controversy is genuine, means we are letting these folks dictate the terms of the conversation. This is little different than having a singular climate change scientist or singular pro-gun purchase background checks politician debating a singular opponent on the other side and then acting as if both sides have equally strong levels of support.

Without discounting audience members (and critics and writers) who genuinely didn’t like Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the user polling is a deviation from the narrative, not the backbone of the post-release narrative. Most folks thus far thought The Last Jedi was at least “fine,” just as they thought (for example) Spectre, Iron Man 3 or Star Trek into Darkness were “fine.” At worst, Star Wars is in a place similar to the James Bond franchise, whereby Spectre was hated by a number of folks and fans (raises hand) but still snagged $880 million worldwide and left the 007 series in a relatively healthy place.

As always, the problems with the user polling from sites like Rotten Tomatoes or the up-vote/down-vote systems employed by YouTube are not the applications themselves, but how the media uncritically and unquestioningly takes those results as proverbial gospel or part of a wider truth without considering variables that might have skewed the results. Whether individually or en masse, the folks who hated Star Wars: The Last Jedi flooded the most visible opt-in polling site and single-handedly changed the conversation about a movie that otherwise was doing quite well. That’s not a huge deal, but it’s something to consider as so-called critical opinion becomes more democratized.

The folks who pushed down the Star Wars: The Last Jedi scores didn’t necessarily game the system, but they did trick you and me by convincing us to look at the one shiny object that was different from all the other shiny objects. It was an effort to convince us that the exception was the rule. But The Last Jedi is, by every other measurement thus far, doing quite well and keeping its franchise artistically and financially healthy. That doesn't mean you're wrong for disliking it (I panned The Force Awakens), but that does mean that Disney and Lucasfilm have little reason not to be celebrating at the moment.
So, luke skywalker left a map in R2 D2 so that when they needed his help , they would know where to find him......

and then they find him and he tells them to F off?
No director in their right mind is going to abandon a flick that has gotten the critical praise TLJ has. It's a huge triumph for Johnson, his biggest movie yet.

Just more SNIKT reddit theorys. :lol

It woulda be Ed Wood and Uwe Bolls greatest BO too...Hal Roach could do this...Woody Allen too
In a recent interview it was said that Brian Blessed said the it was not true of Alec and that is was all "hogwash". And that he actually loved it. Again another grain of salt but who really knows. (and i'm aware of what Alec said to the little boy, but that could be taken many of ways)

I always understood it that Alec just didn't understand or have any interest in science fiction. But he was such a professional that he took it completely seriously. He's one of my all time facourite actors.

It's evident that Mark Hamill approached the filming of TLJ with the same professionalism, even though outside of the film he's been very vocal about his character's progression.
When I need to be enlightened about a movie i’m conflicted on I always turn to Khev his reverse structural engineering does wonders for my grey.

If I just want to blow my brains out from depression I turn to DiFabio, Wor-Gar and Clown. :lol

LOL...damn you bro
So, luke skywalker left a map in R2 D2 so that when they needed his help , they would know where to find him......

and then they find him and he tells them to F off?

Yeah that's the whole movie in a nutshell. Pisses you off doesn't it? Just shows they're making this up as they go along. (and not in a good way)
If I just want to blow my brains out from depression I turn to DiFabio, Wor-Gar and Clown. :lol

Milk me, Jye.

milk me.jpg
Yeah that's the whole movie in a nutshell. Pisses you off doesn't it? Just shows they're making this up as they go along. (and not in a good way)


Go watch TFA again, Luke didn't leave the map in R2D2. The old guy at the start of TFA gives it to Poe. No where in the movie is it mentioned that Luke left the map.

Fanbois and their headcanon. :rolleyes2
The SW is making $ ARGUMENT IS RETARDED. Of course it's gonna make ****tons of $ by default.
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