Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Oh come on Khev... There are many more reasons for this film to be hurting then Emasculated fanboys.. I would say that particular issue is the least of the complaints this film has had directed at it.

Ah but you know that the shoe doesn't fit in your case but you represent a small minority of the film's detractors. ;)

Man oh man, this is the same kinda **** Jye would say! New York even.

Are you two related?

"There can be only one"

Harvard University just opened three new safe spaces for men to color and do their Legos after being traumatized for seeing "Holdo rocks" graffiti on the wall, lol.

Now I would say there is no Agenda if I did not know about KK and the fact that every higher level person in TLJ is a woman and is always the one who is "right" even when they are wrong.. McPurple and Rose..

BUT none of that matters to me or most the fans.. Legitimate complaints have been aimed at this film..

Perhaps I missed something in the past 50 pages but this all sounds like some of the articles I have read that just refuse to believe that people just did not like the film and the plots surrounding it and are just hating on it because they feel emasculated or afraid of change.
Oh come on Khev... There are many more reasons for this film to be hurting then Emasculated fanboys.. I would say that particular issue is the least of the complaints this film has had directed at it.

LOL! So true :rotfl

But he can’t come to grips with how bad this movie was so he resorting to name calling, which is a sign that he’s lost the argument.
One of the classes at West Point academy illustrates just how many bad decisions have been made in the history of war by people in charge during critical battles.

So we can at the very least admit what an idiot she was... But that was not the point of the film film was trying to male was it? :lol
Those are the nicest words that anybody ever spoke to me since that chick I had in Manhattan back in 83 after watching ROTJ when she told me "not so hard, it hurts,God you're big"....I'm starting to choke up

Ummm are you one of my brothers living in Brooklyn, Mike is that you! :lol


Man oh man, this is the same kinda **** Jye would say! New York even.

Are you two related?

:lol :lol

Adolfo just might be family lol


Harvard University just opened three new safe spaces for men to color and do their Legos after being traumatized for seeing "Holdo rocks" graffiti on the wall, lol.

Holy crap lol

Oh come on Khev... There are many more reasons for this film to be hurting then Emasculated fanboys.. I would say that particular issue is the least of the complaints this film has had directed at it.

Khev is obviously joking but admit it that was some funny ****
LOL! So true :rotfl

But he can’t come to grips with how bad this movie was so he resorting to name calling, which is a sign that he’s lost the argument.

I get what Khev is saying.. There are those that cant handle it.. I tend to disagree and believe they are more the minority of haters and not the majority.
So we can at the very least admit what an idiot she was... But that was not the point of the film film was trying to male was it? :lol

Sacrificing her life made her an idiot umm ok lol

She kept Poe alive to lead another day.

She decided that Poe was a BETTER leader so she kept him alive by being a tough b i t c h, her actions was her acknowledging that he was the better leader.

So yeah my West Point analogy was wrong but it sounded good at the time lol

Now I would say there is no Agenda if I did not know about KK and the fact that every higher level person in TLJ is a woman and is always the one who is "right" even when they are wrong.. McPurple and Rose..

BUT none of that matters to me or most the fans.. Legitimate complaints have been aimed at this film..

Perhaps I missed something in the past 50 pages but this all sounds like some of the articles I have read that just refuse to believe that people just did not like the film and the plots surrounding it and are just hating on it because they feel emasculated or afraid of change.

Oh I'm just messing with you guys (mostly just to crack up jye, lol) but I must admit to being glad that the entire "emasculated men" portion of the SW fan base is 100% on *your* side of the fence when it comes to reviewing TLJ. :D
I get what Khev is saying.. There are those that cant handle it.. I tend to disagree and believe they are more the minority of haters and not the majority.

But when you can’t defend the movie on its own merits, you find the most offensive minority criticism (eg from emasculated sexist fan boys) and position that as the core voice of the “haters”. Brilliant on Khev ‘s part because it puts you in the defensive position vs him ;)
Oh I'm just messing with you guys (mostly just to crack up jye, lol) but I must admit to being glad that the entire "emasculated men" portion of the SW fan base is 100% on *your* side of the fence when it comes to reviewing TLJ. :D

Spoken like a man with real nice ******* Kennedy disciple
Sacrificing her life made her an idiot umm ok lol

Not telling Poe what is going on... Idiot
Not sending the other ships into hyperspace in different directions.. Idiot
Not setting the ship on Cruise control or having a droid fly it... Idiot
Not thinking the FO would not somehow see the escape ships leaving in the first place.. Idiot... oh wait she knew that she had the poor script writing on her side..
Not thanking Poe for Destroying the ship that would have followed them and destroyed the fleet but instead chooses to rip into him for asking what the plan is.. Idiot..

But really she liked him after all even though he was the leader of a mutiny... Idiot!!

Should I go on :lol
Adolfo is cracking me up.

That's it, that's it. I decree that Adolfo is the new Jye, or rather, Jye as he should be.

Instead of a gold toof, he a got a gold ring.

Sorry Jye, nothing personal. You've just become too much of a soy boy. Those who weep in favor of TLJ weep for corruption.

Apology not required i’m enjoying Adolfo as much as you are :lol

I have the resolve to be just like you to stab broom boy in the face in defiance of Disney but i’m on a journey of self discovery lol

My wife hated TLJ so your ring analogy might be slightly off lol

Adolfo is the kind of alpha that we need.

The funny thing is that adolfo is not the new jye.....

Adolfo is the new difabio lol

Welcome to the family adolfo. You are greatly appreciated.

Oh I'm just messing with you guys (mostly just to crack up jye, lol) but I must admit to being glad that the entire "emasculated men" portion of the SW fan base is 100% on *your* side of the fence when it comes to reviewing TLJ. :D

You should just feel bad that the emasculated men are on the right side of the reviews ;) :)
Not telling Poe what is going on... Idiot
Not sending the other ships into hyperspace in different directions.. Idiot
Not setting the ship on Cruise control or having a droid fly it... Idiot
Not thinking the FO would not somehow see the escape ships leaving in the first place.. Idiot... oh wait she knew that she had the poor script writing on her side..
Not thanking Poe for Destroying the ship that would have followed them and destroyed the fleet but instead chooses to rip into for asking what the plan is.. Idiot..

Should I go on :lol

Recognizing that MAN Poe was the better spark to lead the rebellion and getting him to safety while sacrificing her life to save him, genius!
Not telling Poe what is going on... Idiot
Not sending the other ships into hyperspace in different directions.. Idiot
Not setting the ship on Cruise control or having a droid fly it... Idiot
Not thinking the FO would not somehow see the escape ships leaving in the first place.. Idiot... oh wait she knew that she had the poor script writing on her side..
Not thanking Poe for Destroying the ship that would have followed them and destroyed the fleet but instead chooses to rip into for asking what the plan is.. Idiot..

Should I go on :lol

Purple. Hair, halo,ugly,dino poop in her hands
Adolfo is the kind of alpha that we need.

The funny thing is that adolfo is not the new jye.....

Adolfo is the new difabio lol

Welcome to the family adolfo. You are greatly appreciated.


"At one time I was but a learner. Now I am the master."
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