I didn’t mean 50% of total posts I meant 50% of the posts from those who disliked the movie cited forced diversity as one of their reasons for disliking it absolutely.
Lets see because the way I see it is that even after being off by 1 billion or even if 500 million from what TFA earned AND they still don’t 100% fully jettison Kennedy’s SJW agenda going forward then that tells me that they’re sending those that hate the notion of her infusing her agenda into SW in the strong manner that she is a clear message which is “We don’t want you as a SW fan, keep your money we don’t want it!”
Lets see.
The majority of the posts criticized the plot holes, crappy character development, disregard for the previous movies etc, and as the discussion evolved many (including myself) disliked the forced SJW agenda including the fake diversity for diversities case (like introducing Holdo instead of using Lando or Akbar). To say that 50% of the posts hated the movie "absolutely" because of "forced diversity" is absolutely false.