I agree with pretty much everyone in here and all the reasons why this sucks so bad...

And as I've said before, I feel it's the worst of ALL the movies, including ALL 3 prequels. The acting and dialogue may have been bad in the PT, but there was
a story, plot and pacing that didn't take you out of the movie, cause any confusion, or make you want to scream WTF at the screen (not even the Jar Jar humor or the midichlorians)....
People who defend this just can't wrap their heads around the fact that it's a BAD movie, regardless whether it was Star Wars, Harry Potter, or part of any other scifi franchise. And some arguments/defense make no sense.
I don't feel it's the worst of the SW films. And just sayin' to this day there's plenty that takes me straight out of the PT movies

, including those midichlorians *ugh*, having a LITTLE BOY win a DANGEROUS pod race and generally be a savior, Jar Jar, the *confusion* of trying to track the politics zzzzzzz (like whatever), highly trained Jedi just getting wiped out, Yoda bouncing around like a ball fighting, bad CGI, sullen whiny Anakin, Padme just up and dying

(even tho w. those babies in theory she's got something to live for, and instead dies for luv of a whiner), why Darth Vader just didn't kill the Emperor when he found out Padme was dead, some poorly done action sequences, etc. Plenty of WTF moments

. Never mind that the PT messes up the other films, script-wise (Leia remembering her mother tho maybe that was the Force in her or something - multiple dimensions???)
There's plenty I like about the PT, but IMO don't see TLJ is any more full of holes than any other SW movie

. And IMO TLJ has good acting and some interesting dynamics - Kylo, Rey, Luke. I like the porgs and the crystal foxes.
Just sayin'. I can talk about what I see, personally, that I like in TLJ, but that's subjective and doesn't change anyone's mind *shrug*. I'd like to see TLJ again - maybe this weekend.
In the meantime *for fun* I'm pondering trying to get a handle on the opposite end of the polarization. Because if I overlook the issue of all the *narrative holes/silliness* in the film

(since all of the movies have holes/silliness if you think about it) as far as I can tell, the *outrage* can be summed up as (so far):
1) Canon violation/lack of respect for original? material/universe
2) Luke. Especially Luke. Extreme [out]rage that he didn't go out the way (many) folks envisioned. He needed to "go out like man", mano a mano. And for sure he wasn't supposed to want to chuck the whole thing...

3) Misc. like Rey-Mary-Sue, too many women running around running things, Leia-Mary-Poppins, Dickens-Oliver-Twist-sweatshop-kids, the porgs, Rose isn't hot...tho I'd totally agree that Phasma was completely wasted - that DID PO me, what a WASTE
But, at least with a first viewing, there was plenty I liked. Didn't feel like my *pricey* reserved seat ticket was a ripoff. It's worth seeing this on a big screen. As for Luke, I thought it was an interesting treatment, not an emasculating one or a betrayal. It was something different than the usual "well, you gotta face and kill "X" no matter how much it messes your head up, because the Force needs balance and BTW if you die in the attempt that's good too." It's an interesting approach - e.g., what value is any religion if the end result is slaughter? And IMO it takes an adult to wonder about things that way - past the heroic motif.
So don't agree that the approach Johnson used means a BAD movie. I don't know if I'd call it "great" but IMO there's plenty of good.