Yeah crows, it's okay to be white. It's also "okay" to use logic and reason. Being intolerant of dumb ideas is the way we learn. That's "the old way of thinking". If people on the left subscribe to "the new way" of thinking, they will consistently be dominated by those influenced by the Enlightenment, because knowledge is power. You can't have knowledge, without logic and reason. Those who have it, will always have the bigger guns, the greater technological innovation, and as a result, the most power.
Self-pity and victimhood won't get you very far, when you're at the mercy of those who are smarter than you. That's life. So if they want to abandon "the old way of thinking"... they can have at it. They'll be too weak to do anything to me, so I'll be fine. It's not about your race, but how you think.