That's all false narrative silliness.
"Wow this false narrative is too whiny, even for me, I'm out."![]()
Wow. My friend, using a Trumpism to defend your POV is below the belt, even for me.
That's all false narrative silliness.
"Wow this false narrative is too whiny, even for me, I'm out."![]()
Why do they all look unfutzed HT figures?![]()
Mind you, this guy hated TLJ opening day. He saw it 6 more times to convince himself and took to Twitter and snapchat to express his undying love for it.
We are also talking about two very different things.. I did not have to come up with fan theories on why Vader said that at the time.. It makes sense. No plot holes in Empire... I never took that to mean anything more then what it was in Empire... At the time of Empire's release We were talking about a possible father and son relationship here.. Hell for all we know he was just saying it to see if he could appeal to Luke's family instincts.. Or perhaps it would be after the emperor got him to turn then Vader would try and have him join him...
Honestly it does not matter. It had no effect on the story..
I tease you because you came up with why luke had to die (too powerful) just to become something that is even more powerful.
Fans of this film are making up theories to justify the plot points in this film... If ignored in 9 then it is just another moment in these new films that is ignored in the next film..
Either way. Plot holes in Empire (real or not) is not nearly as bad or hard to explain away as all the crap in these ST
Sorry Fabs....
Padme’s death was the most pointless death in any SW.....
Lost the will to live....that was retarded.
Anakin should have killed her in a fit of rage.....
They tried to make her cool flying around like Fett but it came off really really eye rolling bad.
But again just like every SW movie since ROTJ it has problems that don’t ruin the overall movie for me.
I am actually surprised at how many people think Rose was amazing. Don't get me wrong, they seem like a minority, but still a lot.
I feel like a big part of the audience, including grown-ass adults, is looking for people they can relate to or are almost identical to them even when watching Star Wars.
I don't get that. My favorite characters are almost all Sith so basically the opposite of who I am
Rose's intro scene is one of the worst things I have seen in any Star Wars, and I really wish she hadn't stopped Finn. I didn't even want him to die, Finn is great despite how they ruined his arc in TLJ, but he should have been able to get his massive hero moment, and then you can make him survive if you want to whatever. But don't stop him from being awesome ffs.
No, you're right. Luke didn't accomplish anything.
Like Holdo, he doesn't even tell the rebels his plan. He just shows up and goes out into the field. In fact, it's so poorly written that they have Poe come out of nowehere and explain Luke's intention to everyone. Other than lazy writing, how did Poe even guess that?
It's not even a long distraction. I mean, Finn and Rose were miles away from the bunker right near the AT-ATs and mini Death Star battering ram canon (lol, gotta get those Death Stars in there) and Finn was able to drag Rose all the way back to the base, unharmed.
If Luke didn't show up, they all had plenty of time to follow the stupid Crystal foxes to the those rocks where Rey would have found them anyway.
Luke died for nothing. That's not even the most ridiculous part. He wasn't even really there and he STILL died! It's the most pathetic and poorly thought out death since Padme croaking on the hospital bed. Instead of medical pregnancy droids "boo baaaahing" around him, Luke had ****ing Porgs chirping. It's frustrating and ridiculous.
Like Han's, it's so unceremonious too. They're not even heroic deaths. They just sacrifice themselves for absolutely nothing other than to be disposed of so the torch can be passed off to the new characters.
I don't even think I can be considered a "Star Wars fan" anymore. Out of like 9 movies, I only really love 2 to 3 of them. The fans irritate me, their theories between every release irritate me, the cosplayer s annoy me, the crappy merchandise irritates me, all these articles and YouTube videos about it irritate me. I just don't get it. I'll always have my love for it from the classic things that resonated with me when I was a kid, but a part of me wishes this whole "Star Wars phenomenon" died by the end of the 80s. It's an awful franchise.
I said since Padme. Hers is the weakest in this franchise, but Luke is right behind her.
No I was just addressing your claim that somehow our interpretations of TLJ will be ruined if Episode IX goes a different way. My point being that that wouldn't be anything new. And while I agree that ESB is basically flawless you're kidding yourself if you don't think it would be savagely picked apart if it were released for the first time today...
As far as central heroes go, who really had a great death?
Yoda rolled over in his blanket and just disappeared about as cheaply as you could in ROTJ.
Only Ben in ANH seems to have a death with a purpose AND a dramatic moment attached.
But the death of the main Villain (Vader) in the OT was much more eventful and emotional then the death of out hero's.
Luke died for nothing. That's not even the most ridiculous part. He wasn't even really there and he STILL died! It's the most pathetic and poorly thought out death since Padme croaking on the hospital bed. Instead of medical pregnancy droids "boo baaaahing" around him, Luke had ****ing Porgs chirping. It's frustrating and ridiculous.
I forgot about Qui-Gon ... as I often do.
Mace was pretty silly looking. I don't count the Jedi as central heroes but I guess if you grew up watching the cartoons its kind of hard to see past their useless, expendable purpose in the films alone.
K2 had a great death. One of the best. So did Baze actually. Classic. In fact I'd say RO had an emotional impact with every hero's death. Even 'the pilot'.
I think my biggest issue with Luke's ending or "arc", is that it really should have ended in ROTJ.
Unlike Logan's ending, Luke is just there to pass the torch to a new generation. He even said it, "The rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning, and I won't be the last Jedi..." cut to the young cast looking at him like they can somehow hear what he's saying and later broom boy to show the future of the franchise without Luke.
At least in the case of Logan, the story ended, and although it might be implied that there's a next generation, we won't see it. Logan's story is over and he saved the day one last time.
Luke on the other hand is kind of responsible for the death of his students and Kylo, and his story or arc ends with a passing of the torch, but not ending anything, he's just going to leave while the war is "just beginning." I don't like it![]()
But Han Solo and Luke Skywalker!? The had 4-5 films. That was not a proper send off to Luke. **** doesn't even make sense. After decompressing himself and sitting up straight relaxing, he just . . . dies? It's so stupid. That's not even taking account how lame the whole force projection **** is. How does it even work? I mean, doesn't Luke have to concentrate to project an image of himself across the galaxy? How come the Falcon dice in Kylo's hands disappear and vanish after Luke dies? Shouldn't those have faded away the moment he passed?
It's stupid.
It’s a mindset...cup half empty versus half full
I agree with everything posted with the exception of the target. The fandom has kept this stale franchise alive thru Lucas and Disney for years. Kidos to them for their commitment but it’s in the state it is because people lap it up.
Until the product builds itself back to a level I want to invest, I’m simply along for the ride. Good or bad movie is subjective and it doesn’t really bother me. I don’t begrudge other from their enjoyment. I take what I find good in the stories and I’m glad others still find the enjoyment which is the difference. I’m not pissed by what I’m not getting because I’m not actively doing anything to change it. I find other causes more important than SW.
A reasonable reply on an Internet forum!
Personal accountability is a *****.....