Shirley, you don’t believe all those guys died on the base like Moe Larry and Curly bumping into each other running in circles?
They show them fleeing .....
Even if only half got away , that’s a lot of troops, and I am pretty sure Snoke was with a fleet of his own.
And yes , I called your Shirley....
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Of course they got away. That was a problem I had with TFA's ending. As soon as the Starkiller is hit and ready to explode, there's an instant evacuation with enough time for Hux to somehow find a ****ed up Kylo and even have Phasma, live to fight another day (until she gets blown up again a couple days later).
It's just like the damage Kylo receives from Rey in TFA. That's a nasty split in his face at the end of TFA, he look completely deformed. What happens in TLJ? The damage is minimal and the scars have changed position. That's my point essentially, no matter what the threat or new Super weapon is, it has no consequence to the next story. It's the same played out scenarios that we keep seeing from movie to movie.
We're at a point now where you can fire your proton torpedoes directly at a cabin window and blow General Organa and her crew into space, and she can just survive it and fly back to safety.
What is the end game for Episode 9? If I'm the First Order, what can I do at this point to defeat the Resistance? If I'm the Resistance, what can I do at this point to defeat the First Order? This game has already been played out 30 years ago with the Empire and Rebels. Killing Vader and the Empreor didn't work, some dude in a golden bathrobe randomly appeared to cause trouble again.
It's like all the Terminator movies. All of them are just a tennis match between the Resistance and Skynet that apes the events of T1 and T2. No matter how hard the opposing force is hit, they just bounce back.
This "galactic conflict" feels small and boring. As far as the timeline in the story goes, in a couple of days the First Order and Resistance have wiped each other other out. Rey beat Luke to being a Jedi by a whole film with no development and we've only known her for 2 years. Kylo didn't even finish his training with Snoke, he's dead. 2/3 movies in this trilogy and it already feels like it's exhausted and close to being over.