Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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for me that was the only "gotcha" moment

No "gotcha" when Leia WOKE and flew home?

No "gotcha" when Luke wasn't there at all?

No "gotcha" when Benecio turned traitor, yet with a real-world suck-ass message for the kiddies?

No "gotcha" when barely-mobile Leia shot Poe but it was only to calm him down and tell him the truth?

No "gotcha" when Holdo turned out to be good guy instead of a bad woman?

No "gotcha" when Rey's parents were said to be nobodies?

No "gotcha" when Finn was saved from his one possible moment to actually accomplish something inside of two movies?

So many "gotchas" missed...?
I think that after you see the real film (the one with no contact between Kylo and Luke, and meaningless island scenes) you will still like it because you will come up with a whole knew exciting storyline for this film :lol

;) ;) ;)
Perfectly said.....I m a g i n a t i o n
Sure, but then use the screen time for other great stuff. Instead we got Canto Bight, space cow milking, Rose, etc...

I think that's really what pisses people off. A 150min movie and yet Rian Johnson didn't bother with 'some' fan service that was really expected and would have been much appreciated.
I mean if you are going to have three ****ing flashbacks in your movie, how about you dedicate one to Snoke by having Luke explain his origins to Rey? That would take one minute.

And if Kennedy is all about strong females, then what's the deal with ridiculing Phasma like that? Two movies in a row they used the character poorly. Two in a row. That's crazy, after all the Phasma marketing and Gwen being all giggly about her role.

I agree that there was lots of wasted time in this film that could have been used for better story telling.

But the film could have been 40 min shorter had some great payoff scenes and people would still complain if Snoke did not get a good back story.. There was some kind of crazy love affair people had for his character.. He was cool in this film but like I said he did not need a back story..

As for Phasma.. Meh.. I did not care what happened to her. It was funny how she was treated in the first film as they did act like she would be a big deal.... But her demise was much better the Boba Fett's and she was not nearly as cool :)
Meh.. Blowing up Star Killer and all that never bothered me as in the OT the Empire took its licking but kept on Ticking.

There are things about this film that people get upset about that I don't get..

A lack of Snoke Origin.. Hell if it was not for the PT we knew nothing of the Emperor
Phasma - Why do we need more of her and not every other side character in the SW Universe.

I do agree that some of the issue comes from not giving a small back story to how the events finally came to be after the rebellion won the first time.. But that is not a make or break issue for me..

For me it is all about the lack of good story telling.. These films have not captured my imagination at all. I would think its because I am getting old but RO reminds me that I can still have fun in this universe and feel like a kid. :)

TLJ had that moment for a little bit with me with the death of Snoke and the team up of Rey and Kylo but that was it. I thought Snoke's death was a great surprise for me that was the only "gotcha" moment that had a payoff and went anywhere and moved the story forward.

Yeah, but the Death Star was the size of a small moon and was merely a space station.

They made a point in TFA of showing the audience that the Starkiller was the size of a planet, or, dozens of Death Stars. They also showed Hux giving a huge speech to what looked like their entire fleet and army with legions upon legions of men. The resistance blew them to hell and back, and mere hours later, the First Order just shrugs it off and immediately attacks them. Then in TLJ, Snoke, the guy that's been funding and orchestrating all this, dies and Holdo does more damage to the FO fleet with the hyperdrive stunt than the Rebels did to the Empire on the Battle of Endor . . . and they still have enough will power to send down dozens of AT-ATs and a Death Star canon. Even if we're to assume that, somehow, all the man power of the FO is surviving (unlike the poor Resistance who lost all theirs in one movie), how do they seemingly have this endless amount of resources?

None of it makes sense. The writers just pull out whatever they want out of their *****.

The Galactic Empire and rag tag Rebels had clear, distinct roles in the OT. The Republic and Separtists had clear, distinct roles in the PT.

The First Order and Resistance have been a mess since day one. They don't even have a clear identity, being nothing more than poor copy and pastes of the Empire and Rebel Alliance.
Yeah, but the Death Star was the size of a small moon and was merely a space station.

They made a point in TFA of showing the audience that the Starkiller was the size of a planet, or, dozens of Death Stars as well as Hux giving a huge speech to what looked like their entire fleet and army with legions upon legions of men. The resistance blew them to hell and back, and mere hours later, the First Order just shrugs it off and immediately attacks them. Then in TLJ, Snoke, the guy that's been funding and orchestrating all this, dies and Holdo does more damage to the FO fleet with the hyperdrive stunt than the Rebels did to the Empire on the Battle of Endor . . . and they still have enough will power to send down dozens of AT-ATs and a Death Star canon.

None of it makes sense. The writers can pull out whatever they want out of their ***** and that's that.

I Never thought that Star Killer was fully populated like the Death Star Was.. I figured it had a base on it and that was all.. Most of it was just a planet.

Having said that.. I do forget that it is just a few hours later and the FO sure seems to be in great shape :lol
No "gotcha" when Leia WOKE and flew home?

No "gotcha" when Luke wasn't there at all?

No "gotcha" when Benecio turned traitor, yet with a real-world suck-ass message for the kiddies?

No "gotcha" when barely-mobile Leia shot Poe but it was only to calm him down and tell him the truth?

No "gotcha" when Holdo turned out to be good guy instead of a bad woman?

No "gotcha" when Rey's parents were said to be nobodies?

No "gotcha" when Finn was saved from his one possible moment to actually accomplish something inside of two movies?

So many "gotchas" missed...?


I said it was the only "good" gotcha moment :lol
Over time this movie will be known as being worse than the prequels including phantom menace.
It will happen. The movie made its billion and everything, sure, but the reputation it will have will be as the worst stsr wars movie of all time.
Thats rian Johnson's legacy. Having created the worst movie in the entire franchise.
It willl happen. Rose toys will end up in bargain bins just like jar jar did.
The money part is only relevant of how this movie will affect other future movies.
Most people feel tired now, like watching these is like a chore

Mmmmm just don’t think so Crows....

The were technically well made....

The PT downfall will always be the horrible dialogue, CGI and acting.....

I think TLJ beats AOTC on every single score with those factors...probably the same for PM....ROTS might be a contender however...

Your mileage may vary....

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I agree that there was lots of wasted time in this film that could have been used for better story telling.

But the film could have been 40 min shorter had some great payoff scenes and people would still complain if Snoke did not get a good back story.. There was some kind of crazy love affair people had for his character.. He was cool in this film but like I said he did not need a back story..

As for Phasma.. Meh.. I did not care what happened to her. It was funny how she was treated in the first film as they did act like she would be a big deal.... But her demise was much better the Boba Fett's and she was not nearly as cool :)

That's because people like great villains. Simple as that. Nine years later and Heath Ledger's Joker is still talked about all the time.
Or even more relevant: Darth Vader.

I think a lot of people were a bit underwhelmed by Kylo, or at least realized that it would take some time and training for him to become a Vader equivalent, therefore their hopes were high regarding Snoke. Hence the widespread disappointment.

And yeah, even 40 minutes shorter and the complaints would still be there, but when your movie is 150 minutes and full of crap, you've got no excuse other than 'meh, I'm Ruin Johnson, JJ's stuff wasn't really interesting to me'.
Having said that.. I do forget that it is just a few hours later and the FO sure seems to be in great shape :lol

Yes, that part disturbed me. At least in ESB the Empire had had three years to regroup.

Of course some would say that Vader being in the Advertisements was enough to get it over a billion

And how many of our fellow Freaks would have rated it so highly without the Vader scenes (which were a result of studio interference)?
Agreed... RO had a much harder task in front of it..

Of course some would say that Vader being in the Advertisements was enough to get it over a billion

Yeah, that little last-second add-on I think was responsible for much of its money. I mean that minute and a half is a fanboy's cream cheese fermenting for the last 40 years.
Mmmmm just don’t think so Crows....

The were technically well made....

The PT downfall will always be the horrible dialogue, CGI and acting.....

I think TLJ beats AOTC on every single score with those factors...probably the same for PM....ROTS might be a contender however...

Your mileage may vary....

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I agree.. I don't hate the PT but they are poorly made.

AOTC is just awful. I personally think that TPM is the best of the three because of Qui Gon, Maul, Emperor, and some great action scenes. ROTS is very flawed for me for a while ruined Vader for me.. Thank God RO came around and made me realize how cool he could be :lol

But the PT has many issues..

New films have many of their own issues and I am not sure how long they will be loved with their lack of good stories and interesting characters.. But they are much better made films the PT and they are Star Wars so they will always have their fans.
Some of the same fans that were super excited and talked about the Vader scene all starry-eyed, pretend they are all good not having a similar scene for Luke in TLJ (except it could have been even more mind-blowing). That's called settling.
And how many of our fellow Freaks would have rated it so highly without the Vader scenes (which were a result of studio interference)?

No questions asked that that scene allowed me to add an extra point and a 1/2 to its final score :lol. Hell I even loved the Leia bit.

But like I said earlier, this film keeps getting better for me with repeat viewings because I like the main characters more and more.. It took me a bit to get there but they are some of my favs in the series.
Some of the same fans that were super excited and talked about the Vader scene all starry-eyed, pretend they are all good not having a similar scene for Luke in TLJ (except it could have been even more mind-blowing). That's called settling.

Yes. Everyone wanted a knock-down, drag-out fight with Luke.

I knew he was too old for such excitement.

Better perhaps to have the disappointment of no fight rather than some ridiculous CGI Yoda-flip-fight to complain about.
Some of the same fans that were super excited and talked about the Vader scene all starry-eyed, pretend they are all good not having a similar scene for Luke in TLJ (except it could have been even more mind-blowing). That's called settling.

What would be the equivalent of the RO scene with Luke look like, keeping in mind that the future of the brand is Rey and Kylo?
Some of the same fans that were super excited and talked about the Vader scene all starry-eyed, pretend they are all good not having a similar scene for Luke in TLJ (except it could have been even more mind-blowing). That's called settling.

Vader scene was great but fan service... that’s what the franchise has done for 40 yrs. Give me the same stuff over and over that’s made ot stale because they do what is expected, comfortable...that is settling.

Regardless what you think of Luke’s Handling fail or succeed least it wasn’t the same....
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