I hear Luke "purposely" sunk his X-Wing so that he could never leave the island. Then he used the Force to leave the island as a film projection. Why didnt he just fly there like Leia?
you need girl power to fly through space
I hear Luke "purposely" sunk his X-Wing so that he could never leave the island. Then he used the Force to leave the island as a film projection. Why didnt he just fly there like Leia?
Yep. Why didn't Tarkin just blow up Yavin instead of orbiting it. Why didn't the X-Wings enter the trench *much* closer to the exhaust port, why didn't everyone at the Rebel base just get on cruisers and fly away when the DS was preparing to fire, why did the snowspeeders fly toward the AT-AT's from the *one side the AT-AT's have guns.* Etc., etc., etc.
I hear Luke "purposely" sunk his X-Wing so that he could never leave the island. Then he used the Force to leave the island as a film projection. Why didnt he just fly there like Leia?
This now has the lowest fan rating on RT of any SW movie by a wide margin.
This now has the biggest butt-hurt score by a tiny group of fans who don't know what makes a good film and aren't negatively impacting the film's box office at all.
And this is why no one will ever take the criticisms seriously.As it should because TLJ is 100 x worse than AOTC.
AOTC plot, script, dialogue, acting and directing is master class filmmaking when compared to TLJ.
Think Geek is practically giving their SW stuff away at 75% off.
Nah Lucasfilm isn't in trouble at all. What a joke. I sympathize with the retailers.
Yup, that multi billion dollar company is drowning....from the lost profits on a bunch of cheap Chinese crap...
They make money on the license not the product.
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Please. All you have to do is go to any store with SW toys and you'll find nothing but peg warmers at sale prices]