What I find hilarious, is how anyone could passionately defend
The Last Jedi. I'm hearing the mantra, "The Fandom has to die!" I get it. You dislike that people passionately hate this movie, because you didn't. But if you're not a fan, why do you care that other people hate this movie so much? I mean, you saw the same film I did. Did any of you really like it
so much, that you feel as though it needs defending?

You'd think we were all bashing
Apocalypse Now,
A Clockwork Orange, or
The Matrix.
I liked the movie Fight Club. A lot of people hated it. At no point would I argue with people on forums for weeks, defending that movie even though I personally thought it was one of the best films ever made. If you hated the plot, dialogue, found the subtext annoying, disagreed with the philosophy behind it, felt that it didn't do the novel justice... Fair enough. If it represents ideas you find abhorrent, like anarchism, I could see why it would be grounds for discussion. If you hate the aesthetics, I get that to.
I think defenders of the film like something many people thought was complete garbage, and are worried that it says something about them; that they're falling short of some elusive standard. You can hear it in some of the arguments on this thread. If you didn't like the film you're "a moron" or "have the IQ of a baked potato".

Meanwhile, people who hated the film are mainly focused on this dumpster fire of a trilogy, when not fending off attacks from the insecure hordes of... what do you call them? Fans? No, the fandom has to die. We're fending off people who thought the movie "wasn't that bad".

Sounds like the grievances have less to do with enthusiasm for the film, so much as feelings of alienation.