Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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I think
Rian Johnson should explain himself but I know he won’t. I simply don’t understand the choice to kill Snoke off so quickly with no further character development. Reduce Luke, after tackling the biggest sith duo in history, to a hermit in hiding. And then to take him out before the arc is complete. And Rey coming from now where. No tie back to Vader. I’m sorry I just don’t get it. I feel empty and disappointed. I have no compelling reason to see episode 9. What’s left to tackle? Supreme Leader Ren? Who gives a crap?

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Merely disagreeing with some of the choices made for a film and despising anything that doesn't recapture the "magic" of the OT simply because that's what you're partial to because of the nostalgia factor, are two different things.

I don't expect anything SW to recapture the magic of the OT because that's what I grew up with; I'm emotionally attached to it. Even if TFA was or if TLJ is fundamentally a better film than the OT films, it still won't capture the same "magic" the OT had and leave as much of an impression on me and I'll always be partial to thinking nothing can hold a candle to the OT.

Regardless if I agree with the decisions or not like a particular film, I personally enjoy and am a fan of SW as a whole and whether I like it or not, accept that what happened in the PT is what happened before the OT and that whatever happens in the ST (regardless if I agree with it or not), is what happened post OT.

Yeah I felt a little empty too. I kind of got the BvS feeling like they were doing too much.

I was
shocked they killed off snoke. It was a cool sequence, honestly. But really kind of anticlimactic at the same time. We have no idea of who or where he came from. I guess I didn’t like how Luke was portrayed as a killer of children.
I watched it another time before deciding to post here. I must admit that this is not the SW movie I was expecting. I went in without expectation and I was surprised by every decision the movie made.

It is a big break from the mythology and basically taking sw into uncharted territory.

The verdict is that I loved it. Maybe not as much as empire but I love it more than any of the PT, ROTJ and even ANH.

This is probably the first realistic SW movie (ala Battlestar Galactica) where your heroes are flawed, make mistakes, live is not always rosy, plans don't always go your way, lots of people die during a war, and your leaders will not always be able to make the popular decision in order to survive.

I don't count RO as a realistic SW movie because while I enjoyed it, for their plan to succeed, they are more like the luckiest group out people out there.

This is surely a divisive SW movie for the fandom and judging by the posts on my FB wall from my other fellow SW fans, a surprisingly large amount is having a meltdown now. These are fans who love the OT so much that they just could not fathom the possibility of a main SW movie that is not about the Skywalkers. TLJ is surely not a movie for those with their own head canon on how SW should be.

I am glad that Luke Skywalker got a great character arc and a great send off. Some argued that he was killed unceremoniously but I don't see it that way. He went the way of Yoda and Obi Wan and has become one with the Force, his last act an ultimate sacrifice so that the Resistance will have a fighting chance.

Basically his character arc mirrors that of Yoda and Obi Wan where they are men haunted by their failures and ultimately finding hope again in the new generation.

Kylo Ren is a great villain, and he is what Anakin should have been. In fact he succeeded where Vader failed thus elevating his character to probably the first true Sith we have ever seen in the franchise where he is now only driven by pure rage instead of the cliche galactic domination.

Rey parentage reveal turns out to be nothing and that is a good thing. All this theory about her bloodline while fun ultimately is not necessary. While the Skywalkers are strong in the force it doesn't make it exclusive to them and it is important to establish that for the future of the franchise.

Time will tell that TLJ is the SW movie that really propels the franchise into bold new direction.

Even ESB wasn't universally loved back then due to its break from the usual sequel formula. The appreciation of ESB came later.

I saw it tonight. it`s was good but not great. I guess us older generation who grew up with it is hard to be wowed like we did when we were younger and this was fresh and brand new when special efx were getting started and was breath taking when it came out back then. today it`s like cool but not wow to us like it is to the younger generation see it today. I guess I`m getting old :dunno

Regardless of what he thought of the material, Hamill turned in an amazing performance that really sold me on some choices that were... well, not what I had been waiting thirty years to see.

As a fan, yes, I viscerally wanted this to be a triumphant Luke Skywalker story... even though I understood that it really shouldn't be. Like everyone, yes, I wanted to see what sort of Jedi Master he had be come, and that it was all an illusion stung a little. His arc was so well done, though, and was so crucial to positioning the other players in the story, that I can't get mad about it. His conversation with Yoda was a punch to the gut, and I felt wounded when Luke faded away. Even if his role didn't fulfill every fantasy or live up to the character he became in the EU, it absolutely grabbed me for the whole film and I walked away still feeling it. So it was successful.

This film really delivered in areas where TFA lacked; TFA introduced a set of fun characters but the emotional story wasn't really there for those characters, and the stakes were completely absent. In TLJ, Rey and Kylo really came into their own and were given satisfying characters arcs. Their relationship is one of the best parts of the film, alongside Hamill's performance. Even the side story with Finn worked, and I loved the battle, short as it was, between him and Phasma.

The other piece I loved was Carrie Fischer. Her role in TFA was a token at best... Here I fell in love with her character again, and really understood why she commanded such a reputation in the galaxy. I'm glad she had this opportunity before her passing.

In this way, TLJ delivered on my two most crucial criteria:it elevated the new cast into truer and more compelling characters, and delivered some really heart-wrenching performances from Mark and Carrie. As a bonus, it delivered a far stronger core plot that had the weight, urgency, and context that TFA lacked.

In my opinion, they really knocked this one out of the park.

I'm serious. I hated it.

I'm a HUGE SW fan. It sucked IMO.

"OT diehard fans have allowed immesne amount of hatred for Lucas' Prequels to twist their minds, until now... until now they've realized their hatred has become the very thing they swore to destroy".

Sequel is nothing but just the reflection of their own selfishness, a shadow from the past comebacks to keep haunting their never-ending torment OT realm, which was started in 1977 until now.


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Is this the support group thread where I can come and comfortably discuss my feelings and not feel ashamed to want to cry after seeing this tonight???? :(

I posted that in the other TLJ thread. But then afterwards I saw this thread, and after reading through this one my post belongs here... I feel better now.. Therapy is good...

"OT diehard fans have allowed immesne amount of hatred for Lucas' Prequels to twist their minds, until now... until now they've realized their hatred has become the very thing they swore to destroy".

Sequel is nothing but just the reflection of their own selfishness, a shadow from the past comebacks to keep haunting their never-ending torment OT realm, which was started in 1977 until now.

I liked TFA. I liked Rouge One.

Sounds like most of the critics in that article liked it. Critics back then never loved Star Wars. They were from a generation weened on different films, not cartoons. So most of there compliments are hard-earned. You have to consider the time period. Those are not bad reviews.

Movie-goers loved Empire. Right from the start. There was no "appreciation grew over time".

Went to see it with my mate who is a big star wars fan, the kind who can actually stand some parts of the Prequels. He thought it was ok. He defiantly didn't seem as hyped as he did coming out of TFA though.

I'm not what you'd call a die-hard star wars fan, was more in the franchise because of the awesome ships, costumes and Ralph McQuarrie art rather than the stories, so in all fairness I probably wasn't into it as much as the diehards. This movie left me feeling really 'meh' though. Didn't really leave any impression. Then again I felt the same about Rouge one so I'm probably not who these movies are trying to target. Maybe I'll have to see it again when released to DVD/streaming.

I think I may be blockbuster-ed out after all the marvel films. The nieces and nephew love marvel but can't stand Star Wars so maybe that's rubbed off on me too. Or maybe all these big blockbusters are just becoming a bit too formulaic for my tastes...I don't know.

Phasma really was kind of pointless though wasn't she?

And was it me or was this movie following ESB as much as TFA did a new hope? I mean we have the small rebellion/resistance been totaled by the empire/first order, the luke/rey jedi training segment, the 'betrayal' and the bittersweet victory at the end where our hero's are reduced to basically nothing to make the stakes in the next movie seem all the greater. Granted that's a bit of an oversimplification but I felt like they used ESB as just as much of a backbone to build off as TFA did a new hope.
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