Actually the female audience from TFA to TLJ had a significant increase of like 11%-15%.
On that front Kennedy is delivering the goods.
9% according to official Disney figures. It is still only a bit over a third though, despite a MASSIVE push for females both in casting and marketing.
Lost - or maligned - in these analyses is that the audience is still majority male and majority over 25.
The audience is what it is, despite what people are trying to "shape" it as - aspirationally. If the TLJ audience was over half female, or even (as you'd expect - it's the "children's franchise", right?) over half under 25, then it would mean something.
But it isn't.

Nearly 2/3's male, nearly 2/3's over 25 - that's the outcome. Despite multiple female leads, a very female-empowering storyline, and a huge female-centered push from Disney across all fronts. I would think that given all that, a 9% bump is actually pretty underwhelming and must be slightly disappointing to Disney.