I'm betting that's the subject of Johnson's new trilogy. Of course I could be wrong.
On a side note, the TLJ Visual Dictionary confirms Snoke isn't a Sith - so the Plagueis theory is gone for good.
Clearly. That Plagueis theory lost most of its appeal anyway when they started introducing the idea (in a book) that Palpatine felt something hugely powerful in the Force from the unknown regions. What could it be if not Snoke?
But Ruin Johnson didn't feel like dedicating even one sentence to this matter in TLJ. Rose is far more crucial.
Haha I hope you're wrong about Johnson's trilogy. What would that look like anyway? Force kids are useless without masters, and he showed he doesn't like to include any kind of real training, apparently in his understanding of SW it's useless

We know it's separate from the main saga so it can't be about Rey training a bunch of padawans.