Hey did you hear TLJ is STILL # 1 movie of 2017 even with it bombing in China lol
But what if someone in Ecuador doesn't like it??

George Lucas: Raped everyone's childhood.
Rian Johnson: Raped everyone's manhood.
The circle is complete.
Hey did you hear TLJ is STILL # 1 movie of 2017 even with it bombing in China lol
My son and his friends are all about the Legos, nerf guns and Hot Wheels, my daughter collects the bobbleheads. Kids still like SW "toys" even if it they aren't into the 3.75 inch figures like we were.
I think the ones that didn't like TLJ like me are all in denial or in Bizzaro world, looks like the Lucas/Disney train is at full speed leaving without us! Our pleas for help have been muffled by the cash register dings of the all powerful Star Wars. We have lost this battle friends, I guess i need a new Franchise. How good are the Transformers movies?
And Boba didn’t capture anyone....he basically told the Empire where Han went....then took delivery of TV dinner Han and brought him to the gangster space slug for his decorating needs.
I consider him wasted character , how much better would it have been to see Boba actually fight Han and Chewie to capture them? Hell a short space battle with the Slave-1 would have been great.
Phasma is no Boba, but that’s not saying much..
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I sent Kathleen Kennedy an email saying you are a huge fan of hers and that you want to join her crusade on empowering women thru the neutering of the white male family unit and that you would love to wear that t-shirt she’s famous for.
But yes that is me when I learned that Khev hadn’t purchased Battlefront 2 yet lol
But yes that is me when I learned that Khev hadn’t purchased Battlefront 2 yet lol
Wait it didn’t rape your childhood and make you fear for the white male and his dominance in our society?
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I sent Kathleen Kennedy an email saying you are a huge fan of hers and that you want to join her crusade on empowering women thru the neutering of the white male family unit and that you would love to wear that t-shirt she’s famous for.
But yes that is me when I learned that Khev hadn’t purchased Battlefront 2 yet lol
me right now:
Does BF2 let you Force Project?
But Finn was reduced to the token black guy role and he was also put in his place as a man in KK's SW universe.
Feminists when they spot crows. "That's the one. Castrate him".
Vader wanted Luke and didn't really care for anyone else, while Boba needed Han alive and well to get the bounty from Jaba. Boba was actually conserned that Vader wanted to try carbon freezer on Han because it could kill him. So yeah, all of it makes perfect sense.Vader told him he wanted them "alive". In a direct confrontation he would've had to use his non lethal tools. And **** happens. Why risk it?
Vader wanted Luke and didn't really care for anyone else, while Boba needed Han alive and well to get the bounty from Jaba. Boba was actually conserned that Vader wanted to try carbon freezer on Han because it could kill him. So yeah, all of it makes perfect sense.
Now that's a voice I've not heard in a long time....a long time.
Now that's a voice I've not heard in a long time....a long time.