Well I'm not disputing your anecdotal experience and obviously we can all state how much our own friends/families/coworkers all echo our own opinions but at the end of the day it's still a critically acclaimed and highly profitable film and there's just no reason to dispute that. Pointing out one country that hated it and one site (that is opt-in no less) with reviews lower than all the others to "prove" a narrative of disaster or to use those two individual anomalies as proof that everyone else is out of touch with reality or that "this is why Trump won" is pretty laughable and that's putting it lightly.
Oh without question.. I know that I am referring to just my small population size.. I just find that interesting that the people around me line up more with the people here, you tube, and RT.. Maybe everyone in Waverly NY USA wrote all the RT reviews
I agree that trying to negate the films worth by the money it made is a useless task.. But that is why I point to the inflation adjustment which shows that as a SW film goes its not as popular as most of the series...
I tend to disagree with you about this film not making a ton of bank because the wow factor wore off.. It was a Star Wars film.. A Star Wars film that was a follow up to a very popular SW film and A Star Wars film with Luke Skywalker.. If anything I think this film under preformed (adjusted for inflation wise)
Of course it does have to compete with Streaming and all of that so I will grant you that Adjusted for Inflation is not the end all be all but its closer then total Box office I think
I've said it before but I really think that TLJ is the SW version of IM3. There's no denying that it's divisive, or that many fans were even outraged, but whether someone loved or hated it seems to mostly come down to how any given person wanted the story to go rather than just weighing in on how well they told the story that *they* wanted to tell. Because if the Mandarin was always supposed to be this wacky impostor then IM3 captured that magnificently, if Luke was "supposed" to drink green milk from a sea cow then again, the execution of TLJ was fantastic. And that seems to be the sticking point for most people who hate it; the fact that it didn't follow their head canon the way they deemed it was "supposed to."
Yep.. I have compared it to IM3 also.
As for expectations.. I would agree that some did not like the path it took.. But IMO it still came down to execution with the story and that is what hurt the film.. You can film something the best way possible but if your story sucks.. So what? Kong Skull Isand was beautifully filmed and probably is the story the director wanted to tell.. Why didn't you and Jye like it then? Why don;t I still like it?
There does seem to be a lot of focus on Snoke's back story, What Luke would and Would not do, and Rey's parents.. But there is a lot more issues with this film then just "It did not go the way I wanted it to go"
I would say that is the complaint for most bad films.. It did not go the way we wanted it to go.
Now I'm no slave to execution at the expense of all other elements. For instance I do find TDKR annoying that they had Bruce just leave Gotham to fend for itself at the end. I think that that makes his character weaker, the film less satisfying, and even hurts the entire trilogy. So I can understand people feeling that Luke is portrayed in a way that turns them off to this whole trilogy and that's certainly an interesting topic of discussion. But I don't consider TDKR to be a "bad" film even if it didn't take the character to the place I wanted him to be. I also don't consider the first Avengers flick to be "bad" even though I pretty much write the whole thing off on account of how stupid Cap looks and acts in the film. That's just my irrational inner fan overruling the film critic in me which I think is what is happening with many SW fans in the case of TLJ
Maybe Luke is the major issue for most.. Perhaps I just see the complaints that tend to agree with me and ignore the other issues. But I have seen many complaints about the story structure and the lack of character growth in this film.. Or is that that all just me
I am with you on TDKR and feel that the film hurt the trilogy as a whole.. Jeepers Bruce Wayne is Batman for like a total of a year. Thats just silly.. However I find that the film suffers in many other ways that has nothing to do with Batman.
And that is how I feel about TLJ. Many other issues then just one character.
As for the Avengers.. You are aware he takes off that stupid Helmet during the final battle right?? SO not all is lost
Besides Avengers is way better then TLJ
Anyways.. Why the hell am I back in here discussing this film
Life was much more peaceful in the Statue threads
I guess I just keep coming in here to check on You and Jye just to make sure you are OK.