Broke and happy

The Rock should’ve been Thanos and Vin Diesel Rey’s dad.
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The Rock should’ve been Thanos and Vin Diesel Rey’s dad.
With a gun-toting Milla Jovovich as the frumpy mechanic.
DJ should have been played by a pants-less Johnny Depp.
Oh man Resident Evil is a top earner that just blows my mind.
Yep and RE is also the type of film that TLJ needed to be to win over Chinese audiences and the "respect" of the haters here, lol.![]()
Who is that so I can watch on YouTube?
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You literally have no way of proving that the opt-in votes that account for RT's 50% negative audience score *actually represent* 50% of those who saw it. I'm not saying that the people that weighed in on RT were lying or bots but I think the clear indication is that they're just a tiny butt-hurt portion of the fanbase that have focused their efforts on that one site to make their voices heard. Meanwhile sure the box office numbers don't for a second prove that it's a "good" film but they do show that it's a *popular* film (outside of China anyway.) Combine that with objective 3rd party audience polls and the critic scores and it's easy to see which stat is the anomaly. But hey, you agree with the anomaly so everything else is rigged/bought off/wrong right?
I paid to see this movie opening weekend and well ... I liked it about as much as Anakin likes sand.
I didn't leave a review on Rotten Tomatoes (positive or negative) and I wasn't asked to take part in cinemascores poll or any other polls for that matter.
So am I to be counted amongst those that 'liked' the movie because I paid to see it thereby contributing to the box office (I want my money back lol but that wasn't an option unfortunately)?
If you get a chance to read through a few pages of the latest Rotten Tomatoes audience reviews you may notice a trend that a lot of the negative ones are long, detailed and discuss reasons other than the 'rarrr I hate diversity / feminism' angle. Compare that with the positive reviews which I have found to be typically 3 lines long and say 'Yay it's Star Wars but new and if you don't like that then boohoo fanboy because Star Wars isn't for you anymore ... but man that Canto Bight scene dragged' (sure there are outliers on each side).
I've been watching Rotten Tomatoes on a daily basis ever since I saw the film ... for the lols I tell you (and because I'm sad, mostly because I'm sad ... like 51% because I'm sad and 49% for the lols) and I agree with you that the 49% 'like it' score is pretty meaningless. RT are without a doubt applying some form of aggregator / algorithm to 'count' audience scores. I've noticed a much much higher proportion of negative reviews against positive ones during my time reading them and ever since it hit 50% the score has barely budged despite the larger proportion of negative reviews that keep on rolling in (perhaps it's some form of 'anti-troll algorithm' or something). It also lacks transparency because you can't go back further than the last 50 pages of audience review scores so it is impossible to actually count each one and check RT's averages. Without knowing the algorithm that RT applies to the scores it's not possible to truly apply any weight to the 'audience score' that they provide.
I guess my point is that all these things / scores / critic's reviews can be manipulated and all the websites putting them out / publishing them have an agenda of some sorts (whether it's to get more traffic to their page or perhaps even to please the Galactic Empir... er Disney).
I know a lot of folks point to the box office score and yeh I agree it's large but when you put it in context (i.e. that it's a Star Wars saga movie, the follow up to the box office smash hit TFA, had a monumental marketing campaign / hype machine behind it and was set to resolve a lot of dangling plot threads from TFA) is it really as high as you were expecting and do you think it's what the shareholders / directors were anticipating?
In the end I can only go on my view and I strongly disliked the movie (it now stands alongside X-men Last Stand, Alien 3 and Dark Tower in my most disappointing movies of all time list). I don't think I'm a troll (I'm too lazy for that haha), I'm fairly liberal in my views and most importantly I'm a super easy SW fan to please... I like the freakin prequels. I'm not an old OT purist as I'm from the prequel generation so I would have thought that I'm one of the fans that Disney were hoping to hang on to ... you know when they let the past die and killed it when they had to.
I can't believe that I actually have more interest in Solo now than Episode 9 ... if you could have told me that prior to watching TLJ I would have laughed so hard but alas the joke was on me. What sucks the most is that I really wanted to like this movie, I don't enjoy being a 'hater' and I like even less seeing a picture that leaves me feeling so disappointed.
All of this talk of vocal minority of haters...
I would say that from the people I have talked with (I work in a hospital), this board, you tube, and other message boards.. 50/50 love/hate seems to be pretty fair. Now that is just me and who the hell am I?? But I literally only talked with one person who loved this film. I have talked with a few who thought it was ok or pretty good.. But most have thought it is was bad or worse. But most of the people I talk to are long time Star Wars fans and not the general / casual fan. But like I said.. Who the hell am I? I live in the middle of nowhere and don;t pretend to be a very large sample of SW polling
As for Cinemascore.. Well Its been pointed out plenty that the PT rated very high also. Getting a score from an excited group of fans (especially star wars fans) is not going to be IMO an accurate reading. Hell I would have gave it a decent score right after I saw it (B rating) but my score came down after just thinking about it for a bit (C- rating) Basically from the time it took me to get from the theater to my home it lost a lot from me.
As for the money.. Well I can only post the "adjusted for inflation" numbers so many times to show that this is the third least popular of the series so far.. Beating out AOTC and ROTS. But even being the least popular in the SW saga still makes you very popular.
If I go by Cinemascore / Box office / Rotten tomatoes scores then TFA has to be considered the best Star Wars film out there. We all know that's not true.. Its the second worst![]()
Of course I am not saying that TLJ does not have its fans (as wrong as they might be). But I don;t believe for a second that the haters are a tiny vocal minority...Maybe its not 50 / 50... But I would say it's not that far off. Hell many of the reviews I have read and watched that liked it still complained about many of the issues that the film had.. Yet they could look past it. Good for them
Ultimately it does not matter.. SW is the OT... Everything else is fan fiction with the exception of RO![]()
First of all... did you actually *edit in* that insult...? Lol.. bravomite’s quote doesn’t show it yet mine does.
No. Bravomite must have edited the quote. And how is it an insult? Sometimes being butt hurt is justified. However this is not such an occasion.
I'm almost over being butt hurt about this movie now ... Well ever since the new precious, Blade Runner 2049, was released on Blu Ray (thank the maker!) my inner fanboy and movie connoisseur me have been distracted by better things. Khev btw thanks for the recommending PKD's original novel 'do androids dream of electric sheep' (you mentioned it in 2049 thread a couple of weeks back I think). Blade Runner is one of my fav movies but I never checked out the inspiration behind it until now ... Terrific book
Aw who am I kidding I'm still butt hurt haha! In isolation I do like the idea of Luke using the force projection thingy to best Kylo without lifting a finger / blade against him. I agree it showed true mastery of the force and was very Jedi / Luke behaviour. "See ya around kid" - perfect line. For a very brief moment I was totally stoked to see what would happen in 9 between master and student. Luke reflecting on what is to come whilst looking out on a binary sunset was like a new beginning, Luke was feeling hope again. Then he upped and died really weirdly in a CGI fade out, cloak drop to the floor. And just like that my interest and hope in the sequels faded away as well - Jedi cloak drop style.
"Luke - it's been nice to meet you, but I must step into another room to force-project myself to Alderaan. It'll just take 5 minutes, but will save us a WHOLE lot of trouble."
"That boy is our last hope."
"Right you are... force-project to Bespin I must. You will be there too, using your force-ghost powers."
As for Luke's "cloak drop" (lol) well Ben and Yoda's deaths were both a bit awkward in execution so if you didn't like how Luke went out you can just consider it "tradition."![]()