Actually it’s more like “ sister, some girl I kind of hate, buncha sock puppets, some cool robots and a nice gay couple escape with an androgynous corpse and all my ****ing books.”
please explain to me why Luke was on that that island ( im not being facetious). What I got out of the movie is he was there to die, after feeling bad for trying to kill his Nephew. Therefore he didn't want anything to do with the outside world and wasn't going to train Rey even though he knew the "Rebels" needed her and his help. He just gave up and went there to wither away. I didn't see any hero qualities in him anymore and the drive to carry on help for his friends and family.
Luke doesn't know about the books because Yoda tricked him one last time![]()
please explain to me why Luke was on that that island ( im not being facetious). What I got out of the movie is he was there to die, after feeling bad for trying to kill his Nephew. Therefore he didn't want anything to do with the outside world and wasn't going to train Rey even though he knew the "Rebels" needed her and his help. He just gave up and went there to wither away. I didn't see any hero qualities in him anymore and the drive to carry on help for his friends and family.
I liked seeing Catwoman **** his **** up. Bruce literally sat around for eight years waiting for something big enough to happen in his life to revive him. If Mr. Freeze or the Penguin had suddenly appeared halfway during that timespan, then that little endeavor of hers might have gone differently.I've seen this "retirement" thing before where a strong female enters his life...
Yeah, the one thing I hated about the OT was in ROTJ when Obi Wan's force ghost gave Luke the Post Modernist cop-out explanation for lying to him about Vader. Johnson saw that and thought, "Brilliant! We should have all the Jedi's constantly lying to each other, for kicks! They're a tricky bunch! We'll even have Luke play the biggest practical joke of all: He'll kill himself by Force Projecting! Oh man, the look on Kylo's face will be priceless..."
There would be no film... or not one even remotely enthralling anyway. And then there would be a whole new level of bitching.Honestly, it would have been better if Luke was just never heard from or seen again and just disappeared after the events of ROTJ.
But everything that occurs in TFA and TLJ paints a very bad picture of Luke. He's gross, he's a coward, he's cynical and, he's not very bright. He's a failure in pretty much every regard. He let the First Order gain power and prominence, he let Snoke manipulate Kylo Ren. Contemplating murder over the shoulder over your emotional nephew isn't a very good thing. Letting said nephew catch you? That's even worse. But to then let everyone else suffer because of the mistakes and go into hiding? Oh boy.
They made Luke an unlikeable loser. Rey almost looks justified when she starts hitting and threatening him. If he loved his family and friends, he would have nipped this First Order/Snoke problem in the bud. It's mostly his doing, that's why he hides on the island and "shuts himself" off from the force, because he really hasn't grown and is a failure like the other Jedi.
His death isn't even heroic. Doesn't even look to me like he expected to die on that rock. His death has no meaning whatsoever. It's so bad that his intentions aren't even clearly demonstrated and Poe has a lucky guess to explain what Luke is doing to the remaining rebels and the audience. Awful. In death, Luke didn't achieve anything that couldn't have been achieved had he not shown up. Disappointing.
He ain't no Walt Kowalski
Wrong loving TLJ makes you look silly boy.Leia in space was a head scratcher. Nothing else in TLJ was. The "new" powers were all extensions of what we saw in ESB. Vader in the Dagobah cave was a Force projection (that was tangible no less!) Luke Force linked with both Leia and Vader. ESB also established that certain powers beyond a Jedi's abilities could take a physical toll on the Force user (Luke was weak and out of breath after trying to lift the X-Wing, Yoda was not.) Ranting about break dancing and firebreathing just makes you look silly
There would be no film...![]()
He literally believed that the Jedi (of which he was the last) were terrible caretakers of the Force ...
He was on the island because of Lesson #2 that he gave to Rey: "The Legacy of the Jedi is failure." He literally believed that the Jedi (of which he was the last) were terrible caretakers of the Force and that they ultimately always ended up making things worse. He thought (wrongly obviously) that he was actually benefiting the galaxy and his loved ones by staying out of the fight. His mask was indifference but Hamill's performance showed how much the plight of Leia and the Resistance were hitting home.
There would be no film... or not one even remotely enthralling anyway. And then there would be a whole new level of bitching.![]()
I honestly wanted the films set eighty to a hundred years after Return of the Jedi. Or a thousand years prior. Seriously, some prime storytelling out there when you get past the ****ing Skywalkers. I wish the midichlorians would just eat them all like parasites already.![]()
Kent's death > any TLJ fact better than TLJ
Exactly. Luke felt that he made things worse, which is a likely conclusion that anyone would arrive at, after destroying the Death Star, then convincing your father to abandon the Dark Side, and ultimately being responsible for the fall of the Emperor. Luke just made everything worse. Then, Luke would obviously abandon the positive re-enforcement he received from turning DARTH VADER to the light, and saving the galaxy, because his nephew had a creepy emo vibe. Then he'd retreat into isolation, overwhelmed by a sense of futility once his reactionary nephew decides to go on a tyrannical killing spree. It just makes sense.
Kent's death > any TLJ fact better than TLJ
I wanted more films. And they had to make more after acquiring the property. If nothing else to try and make up for the prequels.That might be the idea....
You won’t hear any complaints from me!That's why it should have ended after ROTJ.
Or, if you gotta make more Star Wars movies,
But the people at the helm of this aren't creative. That's why we're still at Empire 2.0 vs. Rebel 2.0 stories in the 8th film of a "saga".