I don't know how you can totally plan for folks who can't pay attention very long. These do take a bit of time to make and of course some issues out of their control.
These figures where really difficult to make. Getting the right materials to properly get them to us so they could be the best they could be. I'd rather them take the time to get it right. That kind of thing is what lead to the pacing issues but I guess for me I was willing to be loyal and give them time to get things going for each figure.
So I can't blame a company for dropping something if its not making money. If the fans aren't gonna support it I wouldn't make it either.
I don't think he was being that way at all.
Oh come on now. Thats being a bit dramatic isn't it?![]()
Cant pay attention very long?? Cmon man
There was a HUGE GAP between releases, If they dont release another GI JOE fig for another year, its the fans fault for not waiting around for them??? Based on SS history people will move one, they are doing this to themselves
If they had released Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli all in year one, and they didnt sell, at whatever price, I would agree with you 100%. I wouldnt make ____ that didnt sell either. But their own business strategies were a direct correlation to poor sales.