Still a chance for a 1/6 Scale complete Fellowship???

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I don't know how you can totally plan for folks who can't pay attention very long. These do take a bit of time to make and of course some issues out of their control.

These figures where really difficult to make. Getting the right materials to properly get them to us so they could be the best they could be. I'd rather them take the time to get it right. That kind of thing is what lead to the pacing issues but I guess for me I was willing to be loyal and give them time to get things going for each figure.

So I can't blame a company for dropping something if its not making money. If the fans aren't gonna support it I wouldn't make it either.

I don't think he was being that way at all.

Oh come on now. Thats being a bit dramatic isn't it? :slap

Cant pay attention very long?? Cmon man
There was a HUGE GAP between releases, If they dont release another GI JOE fig for another year, its the fans fault for not waiting around for them??? Based on SS history people will move one, they are doing this to themselves

If they had released Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli all in year one, and they didnt sell, at whatever price, I would agree with you 100%. I wouldnt make ____ that didnt sell either. But their own business strategies were a direct correlation to poor sales.
Oh no, toys are just as impotant. If not more. :lol

To some I think this is true. :lol

Cant pay attention very long?? Cmon man

There was a HUGE GAP between releases, If they dont release another GI JOE fig for another year, its the fans fault for not waiting around for them??? Based on SS history people will move one, they are doing this to themselves

If they had released Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli all in year one, and they didnt sell, at whatever price, I would agree with you 100%. I wouldnt make ____ that didnt sell either. But their own business strategies were a direct correlation to poor sales.

Yeah, you know as damn well as I do that most people here stick with something for a week then move on to the next thing that everyone is talking about. So yes its part of the problem with lots of collectibles lines.

I agree the gaps where an issue. Some of that though was in order to try and make these as good as possible. LOTR has some of the most intricate costumes we've seen which they tried to pull off in 1:6th. In order to do these correctly it took a longer period of time. Some people didn't want to wait that long and also didn't want to pay the price because most people want something for nothing.

As far as figures not selling well all of them I think kind of struggled to sell. These are characters that are either demanded or most loved. If they don't sell I'm not sure any of them would.
I don't know how you can totally plan for folks who can't pay attention very long. These do take a bit of time to make and of course some issues out of their control.

These figures where really difficult to make. Getting the right materials to properly get them to us so they could be the best they could be. I'd rather them take the time to get it right. That kind of thing is what lead to the pacing issues but I guess for me I was willing to be loyal and give them time to get things going for each figure.

So I can't blame a company for dropping something if its not making money. If the fans aren't gonna support it I wouldn't make it either.

Well considering Faramir was added to the gallery in July of '07 and Gandalf wasn't added until October '08, I'd say that's failing to keep the momentum rolling. If you don't keep the fires burning, the stove goes cold and that's exactly what happened here. The fact that it took that long was a major oversight in development and likely the main reason people walked away from the line. I didn't but hell, I can't ____ing blame them. Can you? OVER A FRIGGIN' YEAR! Watch. Same thing's gonna happen to Indy and rather than take responsibility for completely killing Indy's momentum, they'll outright blame it on a lack of interest on the part of collectors.
Had they put Gimli, Merry or Pippin up for order after the final figures shipped, they would have had no trouble selling Frodo, Sam and Gandalf the way they did.
Had they put Gimli, Merry or Pippin up for order after the final figures shipped, they would have had no trouble selling Frodo, Sam and Gandalf the way they did.

Or, at the very least, shown prototypes/mockups as proof that they were at least committed to finishing the Fellowship. Some of the ones who bailed might even have come back. Especially if they were up to the same quality standard Gandalf, Sam and Frodo were.
The pacing was an issue. I've said that but a lot of it was getting the right materials to make these. People would _____ a fit if they rushed stuff out. They even with GTG to put the little details on it that where on the actual costume. So a bit of a damned if you do or dont IMO.

I'm a fan and stuck around. If someone truly is a fan you wait it out and buy them. I love lotr if it took 6 months or 6 years I'm down. Its not the only thing I collect or do so its not like I'm just pining for them to come out.
Had they put Gimli, Merry or Pippin up for order after the final figures shipped, they would have had no trouble selling Frodo, Sam and Gandalf the way they did.

Or, at the very least, shown prototypes/mockups as proof that they were at least committed to finishing the Fellowship. Some of the ones who bailed might even have come back. Especially if they were up to the same quality standard Gandalf, Sam and Frodo were.

Yup. People didn't bail on the hobbits until they realized nothing else was coming.


As I see it collectors can take maybe 10% of the blame. But looking at it objectively it is obvious to me that the reason why the line failed was because of Sideshow's mishandling of the line.
The pacing was an issue. I've said that but a lot of it was getting the right materials to make these. People would _____ a fit if they rushed stuff out. They even with GTG to put the little details on it that where on the actual costume. So a bit of a damned if you do or dont IMO.

I'm a fan and stuck around. If someone truly is a fan you wait it out and buy them. I love lotr if it took 6 months or 6 years I'm down. Its not the only thing I collect or do so its not like I'm just pining for them to come out.

I dunno. I'm going to have to call BS on the Gandalf thing. I don't see how he was really any more "intricate" than the others previously released. That whole line is arguably Sideshow's best work in 12" figures. GTG's production headcast was newer, yes, but again man, that doesn't account for a year's delay. It's okay to take off the Sideshow Underoos once in a while :)nana:). This was their bad and Indy will be theirs too.
No. There is no chinese finger puzzle here. It's about being able to recognize the proper balance.

It is. They tried they really did. If they had rushed stuff out you all would have ripped them up one side and down the other. I can't blame them a lot for trying their hardest to put out the best product possible. It didn't work out so as far as I'm concerned I've moved on. If they come back to it I'd be down but I'm focusing on other LOTR items.
I dunno. I'm going to have to call BS on the Gandalf thing. I don't see how he was really any more "intricate" than the others previously released. That whole line is arguably Sideshow's best work in 12" figures. GTG's production headcast was newer, yes, but again man, that doesn't account for a year's delay. It's okay to take off the Sideshow Underoos once in a while. This was their bad.

Really? Go look at the costume the figure is wearing and compare it to many of the items from SS in that scale. Outside of the Joe figures it could be one of their most. Getting the right material, detailing around the edges of the costume, etc. All these on top of the new headcast helped push things.

Come on you gotta go with the hole fanboy attack. When will you ladies get off that ride? :lol Anyone who knows me here knows I'm far more honest and open about things with SS than anyone will actually take the time to realize.
Call me a selfish bastard/pr*ck/ (insert word of your choice here), but I hope Sideshow doesn't come back to the 1/6 license. I sold all my LOTR figures, with the exception of Faramir (off tangent: I've been collecting since 2005, but didn't come on to this board until last year. What are the paint app problems regarding Faramir? Mine looks fine.), so if Sideshow decided to continue the license, it would peeve me greatly.
It is. They tried they really did. If they had rushed stuff out you all would have ripped them up one side and down the other. I can't blame them a lot for trying their hardest to put out the best product possible.

But the delays weren't the deciding factor. It was the delay with no prospect of more figures. The delay could have been played correctly. It wasn't.
But the delays weren't the deciding factor. It was the delay with no prospect of more figures. The delay could have been played correctly. It wasn't.

Over the course of the whole things didn't sell. After they got the hobbits out I'm sure folks sat down and looked at the numbers. The numbers told them it was time to let this ship sale.
I've only been skimming through this thread as you're all going on a bit :lol
But a couple of notes i'd like to comment on, if i may:

Wasn't Faramir released first because we were in the post-SSW days and all the fans were crying (including me) that we didn't get a faramir representation in any way, so SS decided to put this out first. Trouble is, figure collectors aren't neccessarily the same as statue collectors, so that would be SS's fault in character selection. However the rest of the figures were main characters, right? So are SS saying THEY didn't sell well? if not, you can't blame them for cancelling the line.
Why would you sell all your figures just because they didn't release the ones you wanted? what about the ones you bought? Did you not want THEM? I understand the want for a complete line, i want it in every line i buy into, but at the same time i love every individual piece i buy and buy it for a reason.

Also, wasn't there a list released by some retailer containing future figure releases SS wanted to do? Including all the fellowship, elves, men...