Enlighten me, what was there plan with this line??
Drag it out for 20 years, offer crappy characters right off the bat, kill any interest by releasing two figs a year with crappy paint apps, no Gimli, under estimate the cost involved, do 2 hobbits, not all 4, offer no cool baddies???
Which one of those were in the PLANS?
I missed that meeting so I don't have the specifics.

I'm sure the plan was to make as many of the characters as possible and have the line last as long as possible. Sadly, it was hard to get the proper materials to make these figures without having to charge even higher prices, paint issue, pacing issues, and a reluctance by some buyers, etc. All those things kind of killed any plan. Something doesn't sell you don't or working you don't keep tossing money at it to fix it.
We could only hope a line last twenty years. That would be fine by me. As far as offer crappy characters I had no problem with the ones they offered. If you mean Faramir well many of us wanted him. Going back to the original statue line we had been asking for him. Not doing a bad guy early in there probably hurt things but other than that I liked what we got.
So like I said what happened I'm sure wasn't part of their plan. Sometimes things just don't work out as one would hope. I know SS loves LOTR and it sucks for them that the 1:6th line didn't go well.