Supergirl Premium Format Figure

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Man, this is crazy! There is this beautiful art print of Supergirl, but the PF may not even match it. How does that happen?

Releasing that art print will be somewhat an acknowledgment that says "yea, this is how the PF is supposed to look like". So not revising the PF to match the art print would just be crazy. You would think the PF is revised to match.
If they can produce a profile that looks like this, I'm sold...


She looks like Natalie Dormer, which is not a bad thing. Come on Sideshow, revise the statue portrait!
Heck, even this art print is questionable. Supergirl will have to wait. Mr. Green can wait.

I feel the same, I feel like SS is releasing the print to test interest. If they sell enough prints they will probably conclude people like the look enough so lets just put out the statue
I find the whole situation pretty confusing. Don't most people buy the art print to display with the corresponding statue? In this case, they don't match at all. So, either people are going to avoid buying the art print because is doesn't match, or they're going to buy the art print thinking the statue will match, which will eventually lead to disappointment. Either scenario kinda sucks.
I think they should take power girls head and change it slightly at this point. Haha
I could just hear them talking at that CEO table about Supergirl. Well, those chronic complainers over at sideshow freaks are at again complaining about Supergirl's not so appealing face and her sissy wrong hand salute. Ok Ok, we'll give them what they want, but they will pay for it dearly like when you return food in a restaurant which is an insult to the Chef. They are paying dearly to have her resculpted and her hand doing anything but saluting. Instead of $430 which is what they would've paid before all this controversy, now they will pay $600 and that's being generous. Let's see if they like those apples, those @#$$%%&^&*&. :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
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Yea, yea, like how about going to another restaurant, cause like, there's a lot of places to eat out. And like, how about not buying this statue? SSC did Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel so well, they just can't do a younger version? They can raise or don't raise their prices, it doesn't really matter. People will make a decision at PO anyway. The only thing we can do is criticize their work based on what is given atm. And atm, this ain't it.
I hope Sideshow updates us on Supergirl's status and what changes, if any, were made to the portrait.

I don't think my last update about this piece on another forum ever made it over here. The portrait sculpt wise has not been/will not change as it was seen at NYCC in the fall. The only changes made to this piece are as follows:

Paint on face and mid drift has changed (make-up is not so dark on her face and the skin tone has been lightened up a bit)
Her left hand has had a re-sculpt and no longer gives the appearance of a salute

That's all the changes she's had. She'll be up for Pre-Order in the next few weeks.

I don't think my last update about this piece on another forum ever made it over here. The portrait sculpt wise has not been/will not change as it was seen at NYCC in the fall. The only changes made to this piece are as follows:

Paint on face and mid drift has changed (make-up is not so dark on her face and the skin tone has been lightened up a bit)
Her left hand has had a re-sculpt and no longer gives the appearance of a salute

That's all the changes she's had. She'll be up for Pre-Order in the next few weeks.



Do you know which artist sculpted her Portrait?
Bummer. Unless the paint app really changes her appearance I am out. Really wanted this piece to. If I happen to see it down the road with a 50% off coupon I would probably pick it up as is.
I've got to imagine that a "red skirt" version will be out before too long and that will be SSC's opportunity to start over from scratch and do a decent version of the character.

Maybe let Will Harbottle (Gentle Giant TWS Black Widow/new Red Sonja) take a crack at it.