Ugh. this is such a silly overblown news story.
Some people were hired to register people & got lazy and filled out Mickey Mouse, Dallas Cowboys n such. Legally these forms must be kept and turned in for evaluation, which is exactly what was done. As Dave pointed out, it's not voter fraud unless someone turns up and tries to use an id with the name "Dallas Cowboys".
The one shining part of this election for me is that some people have revealed themselves to be quite ignorant and foolish with name calling and hyperbolic vitriol.
I don't think it's overblown. I think the left if trying to quickly dismiss it and hope it fals through the cracks, as has Rev. Wright, Ayers, etc.
This is how I understand it, and I may be completely off as I haven't researched it that well. ACORN was making it as easily as possible to register groups of people that will most likely cast ballots for Obama. Obama represented Obama during some legal issues and Obama and ACORN are financially tied to one another. So it's in ACORN's best interest to get Obama elected. That in itself is a conflict of interest, but that's a whole other story. So while ACORN is registering people to vote, they are also casting early ballots, on the same day. This is the problem and big concern. There is already numerous examples of fraudulent voter registration (Mickey Mouse, Dallas Cowboys, registering 73X, convicted criminals registering, homeless people potentially registering in multiple counties of same state, etc etc. etc.) So obviously, the McCain people are concerned. I'm concerned. In Ohio, an official asked the secretary of state to look into the situation and see if the early ballots that had been cast are legitimate. This is a difficult process, because remember, once you cast a ballot, it is ANONYMOUS. You don't want the govt to know who you voted for. And this anonymous ballot and the letter it came in get separated when it comes in, and once that traceability is lost, there is NO WAY to tell how many of the received ballots are legitimate. So the state was asked to look into the process and see if voter fraud was occurring by yesterday (Friday) The secretary of state of Ohio basically said it's too hard to do, and she appealed to the Supreme court to file for an extension, and Supreme Court said she didn't even need to look into it.
I find it extremely interesting that Obama's people and ACORN are only commiting voter registration/early ballot fraud in swing states. In the blue states where they know they'll win, no need to cheat. In swing states (Ohio, Nevada, Florida, etc.) these additional fraudulent votes can only help his cause.
I also find it extremely unprofessional that our potential future president isn't addressing the problem. If it were me, I would go on record, address the public, and say I don't approve of any voter fraud if it is happening, and if I win this election, I want it to be a fair process, not an election won through illegal and criminal acts. Obama will not live down this conspiracy, it will follow him his entire campaign. It will make it very difficult for republicans to accept him as their leader when there is doubt if he should even be in the white house to begin with.