Supreme Court has spoken - No need for investigation into Ohio Voter Fraud

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Actually, the O'reilly Factor interview with Obama was one of the best I have seen. Bill was tough, but respectful, and Obama never faultered answering the questions, getting up close to Bill a lot of the time. I think a lot of people were angry that O'reilly wasn't meaner, but I thought overall it was a informative and solid interview.
Actually, the O'reilly Factor interview with Obama was one of the best I have seen. Bill was tough, but respectful, and Obama never faultered answering the questions, getting up close to Bill a lot of the time. I think a lot of people were angry that O'reilly wasn't meaner, but I thought overall it was a informative and solid interview.

I actually thought that was a very good interview (for both of them) as well.
I watch Keith all the time, he's only a ^^^^ to people who are dicks...mainly people like Bill O' Riley.

The things that come out of that man's mouth. Nancy Grace too. She sucks just as bad.
So i'm not mature cuz Obama is a maggot? Interesting. I'm from chicago originally and I know a hell of a lot more about him then you do. The Media propaganda machine has all you fooled. Guess the day Rev. Wright gave his anti white/america hate speech Obama must have been missed church right? But he does have ungodly ammount of non attendance for the short term he's been in the office. O'riley is great cuz he calls it like he sees it. I don't need nice, I want honest. You want socialism go and talk to someone from Tibet and get their take on it. "spread the wealth" And Change isn't always good ya know, some things change for the worse like America is going to find real quick if that baby killing, Racist, MAGGOT gets into office. And i didn't ask for your permission to say what i felt like saying CelticP. I said it cuz the liberals haven't completely abolished the 2nd amendment yet.
Well I guess if i have to choose between being Mature like you are Lee in MI, or what my quote says, i'll stick with my quote!

Here's why there's very little intelligent conversation on this site. Some folks just let their...oh wait...I saw your aren't that mature.
So i'm not mature cuz Obama is a maggot? Interesting. I'm from chicago originally and I know a hell of a lot more about him then you do. The Media propaganda machine has all you fooled. Guess the day Rev. Wright gave his anti white/america hate speech Obama must have been missed church right? But he does have ungodly ammount of non attendance for the short term he's been in the office. O'riley is great cuz he calls it like he sees it. I don't need nice, I want honest. You want socialism go and talk to someone from Tibet and get their take on it. "spread the wealth" And Change isn't always good ya know, some things change for the worse like America is going to find real quick if that baby killing, Racist, MAGGOT gets into office. And i didn't ask for your permission to say what i felt like saying CelticP. I said it cuz the liberals haven't completely abolished the 2nd amendment yet.

It's posters like you that get these threads closed down. Your statement of your opinion is inflammatory, doesn't advance the discussion and this post is just more of the same. If you can't be civil please refrain from posting at all.
Didn't Olbermann get pulled off of convention/debate coverage for being an overly biased jerk?

Not really, he was just being himself. The real reason was his terrible ratings. His were the lowest ratings of anyone covering the conventions.
I figured that's what you'd say Dave. So you win, I won't post. Guess I was wrong about the 2nd being dead. Atleast in here.

It's posters like you that get these threads closed down. Your statement of your opinion is inflammatory, doesn't advance the discussion and this post is just more of the same. If you can't be civil please refrain from posting at all.
So i'm not mature cuz Obama is a maggot? Interesting. I'm from chicago originally and I know a hell of a lot more about him then you do. The Media propaganda machine has all you fooled. Guess the day Rev. Wright gave his anti white/america hate speech Obama must have been missed church right? But he does have ungodly ammount of non attendance for the short term he's been in the office. O'riley is great cuz he calls it like he sees it. I don't need nice, I want honest. You want socialism go and talk to someone from Tibet and get their take on it. "spread the wealth" And Change isn't always good ya know, some things change for the worse like America is going to find real quick if that baby killing, Racist, MAGGOT gets into office. And i didn't ask for your permission to say what i felt like saying CelticP. I said it cuz the liberals haven't completely abolished the 2nd amendment yet.

O' Riley sucks because he attacks little kids, and he doesnt want to accept you're beliefs. You're wrong because you're opinion on Obama has no merit, or is at all conversation worthy.

McCain is a moron!

Whats that going to do? Would that make a good conversation? I think we should just ban politics. Go somewhere else if you want to discuss it. All it does is turn good members into raging loons in the process. I've seen it, its bad. Very very bad.
No Merit? I disagree Celtic P. Taking more money from the wealthy and spreading the wealth IS solcialism. The Rev. Wright was considered one of his best friends and was all over campaigning with him all over the country til the videos of some of his recent sermons came to light. And whether or not you are pro choice or not. Partial birth abortion is wrong. As of now scientists who study stem cells will destroy the embryo after the 13th day because that is when the nervous system starts to develop. They aren't even forced to do that by regulation but have enough sense to do it on their own. So I'd say there is a lot of merit to what i said. I also stated his absentee rate which was the highest of any senator we had in Chicago in LONG time. And I'm not for McCain either, I like Ron Paul. But either way that's the last i'm saying on this. I will go somewhere else. No need to be somewhere im not welcome. See ya
No Merit? I disagree Celtic P. Taking more money from the wealthy and spreading the wealth IS solcialism. The Rev. Wright was considered one of his best friends and was all over campaigning with him all over the country til the videos of some of his recent sermons came to light. And whether or not you are pro choice or not. Partial birth abortion is wrong. As of now scientists who study stem cells will destroy the embryo after the 13th day because that is when the nervous system starts to develop. They aren't even forced to do that by regulation but have enough sense to do it on their own. So I'd say there is a lot of merit to what i said. I also stated his absentee rate which was the highest of any senator we had in Chicago in LONG time. And I'm not for McCain either, I like Ron Paul.

Ugh. this is such a silly overblown news story.

Some people were hired to register people & got lazy and filled out Mickey Mouse, Dallas Cowboys n such. Legally these forms must be kept and turned in for evaluation, which is exactly what was done. As Dave pointed out, it's not voter fraud unless someone turns up and tries to use an id with the name "Dallas Cowboys".

The one shining part of this election for me is that some people have revealed themselves to be quite ignorant and foolish with name calling and hyperbolic vitriol.
Ugh. this is such a silly overblown news story.

Some people were hired to register people & got lazy and filled out Mickey Mouse, Dallas Cowboys n such. Legally these forms must be kept and turned in for evaluation, which is exactly what was done. As Dave pointed out, it's not voter fraud unless someone turns up and tries to use an id with the name "Dallas Cowboys".

The one shining part of this election for me is that some people have revealed themselves to be quite ignorant and foolish with name calling and hyperbolic vitriol.

Here in Ohio you have to show your driver's license or some kind of ID and sign a book. I doubt it would work. I think it's just people being lazy to do the job or pressure on the job to meet a quota. It had nothing to do with getting Obama elected over McCain.
I figured that's what you'd say Dave. So you win, I won't post. Guess I was wrong about the 2nd being dead. Atleast in here.

As you can see from this thread and many others - it's possible to have discussions from opposing sides without getting inflammatory.
Ugh. this is such a silly overblown news story.

Some people were hired to register people & got lazy and filled out Mickey Mouse, Dallas Cowboys n such. Legally these forms must be kept and turned in for evaluation, which is exactly what was done. As Dave pointed out, it's not voter fraud unless someone turns up and tries to use an id with the name "Dallas Cowboys".

The one shining part of this election for me is that some people have revealed themselves to be quite ignorant and foolish with name calling and hyperbolic vitriol.

I don't think it's overblown. I think the left if trying to quickly dismiss it and hope it fals through the cracks, as has Rev. Wright, Ayers, etc.

This is how I understand it, and I may be completely off as I haven't researched it that well. ACORN was making it as easily as possible to register groups of people that will most likely cast ballots for Obama. Obama represented Obama during some legal issues and Obama and ACORN are financially tied to one another. So it's in ACORN's best interest to get Obama elected. That in itself is a conflict of interest, but that's a whole other story. So while ACORN is registering people to vote, they are also casting early ballots, on the same day. This is the problem and big concern. There is already numerous examples of fraudulent voter registration (Mickey Mouse, Dallas Cowboys, registering 73X, convicted criminals registering, homeless people potentially registering in multiple counties of same state, etc etc. etc.) So obviously, the McCain people are concerned. I'm concerned. In Ohio, an official asked the secretary of state to look into the situation and see if the early ballots that had been cast are legitimate. This is a difficult process, because remember, once you cast a ballot, it is ANONYMOUS. You don't want the govt to know who you voted for. And this anonymous ballot and the letter it came in get separated when it comes in, and once that traceability is lost, there is NO WAY to tell how many of the received ballots are legitimate. So the state was asked to look into the process and see if voter fraud was occurring by yesterday (Friday) The secretary of state of Ohio basically said it's too hard to do, and she appealed to the Supreme court to file for an extension, and Supreme Court said she didn't even need to look into it.

I find it extremely interesting that Obama's people and ACORN are only commiting voter registration/early ballot fraud in swing states. In the blue states where they know they'll win, no need to cheat. In swing states (Ohio, Nevada, Florida, etc.) these additional fraudulent votes can only help his cause.

I also find it extremely unprofessional that our potential future president isn't addressing the problem. If it were me, I would go on record, address the public, and say I don't approve of any voter fraud if it is happening, and if I win this election, I want it to be a fair process, not an election won through illegal and criminal acts. Obama will not live down this conspiracy, it will follow him his entire campaign. It will make it very difficult for republicans to accept him as their leader when there is doubt if he should even be in the white house to begin with.
One more year. But that has nothing to do with anything. You can still read, and learn about these things without being an adult.