SW Original and SE shot by shot comparison

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I like most of the improvements. The only ones I really do not like are.

1. Greedo shooting first and Han's "moving" and then shooting.
2. Totally redone party scene in Jabb's palace in ROTJ

There might be 1 or 2 others I am not crazy about that I don't recall right now, but most of them I really like.
JustinLuck said:
Did you like Boba Fett's original voice?

I am pretty "meh" about it. I mean he should sound like Jango since he's a clone. Does not make sense for him to sound any different.
KitFisto said:
I like most of the improvements. The only ones I really do not like are.

1. Greedo shooting first and Han's "moving" and then shooting.
2. Totally redone party scene in Jabb's palace in ROTJ

There might be 1 or 2 others I am not crazy about that I don't recall right now, but most of them I really like.

I've only seen your second gripe once. I always hit the skip button when it gets to that part.
Darth Loki said:
I've only seen your second gripe once. I always hit the skip button when it gets to that part.

But you shouldn't have to. :( I still can't figure out how ANYONE thought "Jedi Rocks" was a good idea. :sigh: As much as I don't want to buy these non-anamorphic dvds, I may just go for ROTJ, since I can't stand having the Jabba's palace scene ruined on the SE dvds. :emperor
carbo-fation said:
I would like to see the original version some times. I've only seen the SE version and I think it's pretty good!

Ya see this is why the original versions should have been released all along, with the SEs! I can't imagine being a Star Wars fan (which I'm assuming you and others who have posted are) and not having seen the original unaltered films!

I for one hate the SE's. I was really excited about them when they were announced, mostly to clean-up effects shots and add deleted scenes. But instead we got all these stupid changes that really (IMO) did a disservice to the feel of the original movies.

If you have not seen the originals, do yourself a favor and watch them. Sure they might not be quite as flashy as the Prequels, but they are (simply put) much better films.
Galactiboy, what do you think Boba Fett's voice? :D

Another disappointment I had was the addition of the beak to the Sarlaac pit. One thing I loved as a young child was seeing the ominous pit and the mystery that surrounded it. We really had no idea what was at the bottom of that pit. People just fell in, past those downward sloping teeth, never to be seen again. I LOVED that mystery!

So when they drew in the beak, it just took away all that fear and excitement of what happened after they slide down to the bottom.

Do you guys see how it kinda lost the mystery appeal? Anyone else prefer the original pit?
I think you can guess JL, but of course... not a fan of the changes.

And not to be completely down on the SE's, I think they can be fun and updating them can help to fit in better with the PT. I just want to have a choice in which version of the film I can buy and watch, thats all.
JustinLuck said:
...Do you guys see how it kinda lost the mystery appeal? Anyone else prefer the original pit?
I do. It doesn't bug me too much, but I'm right there with you. The head always looked a bit too much like the FlyTrap in Little Shop Of Horrors.:emperor
Dislikes SE
Ep IV: Ben's house. from a "real" house to a unessesary effect.
Jabba scene, fun as an outake but shouldn't be in the movie,and adding Boba Fett just because it's cool, takes away from his entrance in ESB.
Greedo scene, not just because he shoots first, but the original is better cut with the closeup I think.
Ep V: Nothing really, I like the extended Wampa scene. But you know the Boba Fett line by heart so it's weird hearing another voice.
Ep VI: Jedi rocks! Bleach!! Sung by a cartoon. Lapti Nek all the way!
No Yub Yub! But the new ending makes sence.
Ewoks! Both versions! :emperor Not much a fan of the direction I'm sorry to say.
It's funny, because if you sum up the changes that evoke the most hatred in the SEs, it really only amounts to a few minutes total:

Most hated ANH changes
  1. Greedo shooting first (I think most can agree this was a silly and unnecessary change)
  2. Jabba (Not sure I agree with all of the hate on this one, since I kind of like it, but I can see how it does lessen the "evilness" of his character)
  3. The added characters in Mos Eisley, escpecially the comical jawas
Most hated ESB changes
  1. Boba Fett's voice (I think this is the top-rated lingering hate for this film)
  2. Luke's "girly-man" scream (which was fortunately removed from the 2004 DVD release)
Most hated ROTJ changes
  1. Lapti Nek
  2. Yub Yub
  3. Jar Jar (or, rather, the Gungans in general) in the celebration montage
  4. Hayden's ghost (Some really like this one, but many really, really hate it)
  5. The Sarlacc beak
(If I missed anything that should be on the most-hated list, feel free to correct me ;))

It seems to me that aside from these few, albeit despised changes, everything else in the SEs appears to have been pretty well-received. Cleaning up matte lines and improving many of the less-than-perfect effects (such as the colorless light saber blades) worked very well, and some of the "immersiveness" changes really did give a better idea of what George Lucas had in his imagination "way back when."

Not to mention the fact that the 2004 SEs look absolutely stunning on DVD. I was watching parts of ANH and ESB last night, and even blown up on a very large screen, they are still crystal clear; much better in fact than TPM and AOTC look on the same screen.

Of course, I will be buying the unaltered originals, for a number of reasons, but all things considered, the SEs aren't that bad by comparison.
RoboDad said:
but all things considered, the SEs aren't that bad by comparison.
No, they really aren't. I mean what's a more important scene, Han having a drink with Greedo for 30 seconds or the attack on the frickin' DEATH STAR? The Han scene is a little worse in the SE but the climax of the movie is immensely better. I can live with that.

If they had messed up Luke staring at the twin suns, anything on Dagobah, either DS attack, the Snow Walker battle, Vader's revelation to Luke, or Luke throwing down on Vader and later lighting his funeral pyre then that would be something to seriously take issue with.

But none of the scenes that were lessened were that pivotal in and of themselves and all the truly pivotal scenes were either made better through the SE restoration process or even enhanced through updated visuals (like the ANH DS assault.)
I dont mind George going back and cleaning up the effects on the movies but I just dont like certain changes like Hayden at the end of ROTJ and changing Boba's voice, and also Greedo Shooting First.
jlcmsu said:
Man, I really like Hayden being in there. That to me is perfect.
That's one of the weird things about that change. A lot of people really love it, and a lot of people really hate it. There don't seem to be too many in the "I don't care one way or the other" middle ground.
I don't mind the updated special effects in the SEs, but I'll never understand why Lucas felt the need to change stuff like Han shooting first or forcing Jabba into that Mos Eisley scene even though it looks incredibly awkward and is plainly obvious that Han's really speaking to humanoid character. Heck, they even changed Obi-Wan's monster noise he uses to scare off the Sandpeople, talk about changing things simpy for the sake of changing them. The beautiful new Cloud City almost makes up for all of that silliness though, almost.
pixletwin said:
Me too. Beautiful moment and closure to all 6 movies.


RoboDad said:
That's one of the weird things about that change. A lot of people really love it, and a lot of people really hate it. There don't seem to be too many in the "I don't care one way or the other" middle ground.

Yeah, that seems to be the way it goes. Kind of like me you either love me or hate me. :lol :monkey3
You're right. I still don't understand why Lucas felt so compelled to put that Jabba scene back in. To me, it adds nothing to the story. Infact, it detracts from it. We know Han owes money. But it's a lot more interesting to not know what Jabba looks like until the third act. And to think, he probably spent a quite a bit of money to get Jabba rendered into that scene.