takara batman begins again

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Toys2 will probably get them sooner, but will cost me more to ship. So I will just wait a bit longer and get it from BBTS.
Could it be the resolicit is a mistake and that Takara is only doing a new figure from DK?
Could it be the resolicit is a mistake and that Takara is only doing a new figure from DK?

Hmmm. I can't imagine so many distributors making that mistake or neglecting to say it's a totally new figure.
I just figured it's a great ploy to make alot of extra change on an older figure right before they release the DK version or they didn't get the go ahead to produce the DK version so they're cashing in while they can. Either way I'm glad they did it.:D
So, is the final consensus that this figure trumps the Hot Toys version?

I think the only consensus is that they are both great figures and that both figures have their share of strengths and weaknesses... Whether one trumps the other, and exactly which one, is flame war fodder. Personally I think it's a to-each-their-own situation, but whatever.
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ordered 3 superman figures, 2 jorel's and 3 tak bats. :chew
So, is the final consensus that this figure trumps the Hot Toys version?

I never seen any of the 3 up close, but from what I know from the excellent Crawford review and much of the discussion here and elsewhere--if it wasn't for the heavy after market price--most people would agree that Takara is the best version. For me, the Hot Toys paint app on the face is subpar and the Medicom version has the typical Medicom size issues. I don't think I'm alone here.
This is the shot right here that I think tells it all:

The Hot Toys nose (middle) is really bad looking at profile--way too long and exaggerated. The facial sculpt too is much more Bale on the Takara (last). Every time I look at this review, Takara wins it hands down.

I haven't checked out this image or review in a long time since all 3 were in after market, out of budget price range by the time I found out, but looking at that, HT is the worst head of them all, not only is the nose pointy, but the whole shape of what would be Bale's skull just looks to elongated and inhuman, Medi and Takara definitely got the shape better. I believe from what I can tell with the interchangeable heads, that Takara's also has articulation which the other 2 look like the lack, so you're almost stuck with the head in that looking down style pose.

Whether this new Takara is Begins or Dark Knight, at least I've secured one for myself. I planned from day 1 to get the Dark Knight figure if they made one, I'd prefer the Begins suit, but either way they're similar enough I'll be happy, I just want a definitive figure representing Bale Batman.
So, is the final consensus that this figure trumps the Hot Toys version?
From the neck up, yes, the Takara definitely wins. From the neck down it's much more of an open question, but I come down in HT's corner on the body from all the data I've seen.

That said, for $160 I'll pick up the Takara anyway (I already have the HT).
Got my order in..... Now I feel much better. Didn't like the HT all that much and sold it. Even though I was all about it when I first had it. Just realized eventually that the Tak WAS better. :lol
IMO I think the majority of people who wasn't able to get a Tak Batman before the prices skyrocketed are the ones who say the HT is better than the Tak Batman. Call it rationalization.

Im betting a lot of those same people are jumping on the chance now to own Tak Batman now that he is being re-issued. :lol:lol