Tamashii Soul of Chogokin C-3PO & R2-D2

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Is there an ES or is this an open edition?
Pretty sure they want to sell as many as they possibly can. I ran across a press release for the line (which at that time referred to Wild Tiger and 3PO) a while back that I posted at Rebel Scum:

Tamashii Nations Press Release said:
The key target market is males in their 20s and 30s. Bandai plans to sell the figures in model shops, toy stores,and model and toy departments of electronics and mass retail outlets. The action figures will also be sold through Internet sales and other channels. Bandai is targeting global sales of 20,000 units [both Wild Tiger and 3PO] for the series as a whole by March 31, 2013.
So yeah, anyone that wants to wait for more details should be totally safe to do so.

Jedijim3002: Sorry, I didn't mean to be a jerk about your 3PO mod, even though that's how it came across. I was more referencing the post that seemed to indicate modding the Medi with wires would be a slam dunk to look better than the Tamashii when it would be a really complex job. I appreciate the stuff modders like you and others on the forum do, so I'll hope you'll let it slide as bad manners on my part.
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I'll never buy this figure.

R2 might be harder to turn down if they brush steel that dome. I'm more than ready to pay a lot for the PF, so I'm open to the idea of stupid prices as far as he's concerned.
$400 would be hard enough to justify for the set, muchless for one.

It looks great, but I would never see C3P0 on my shelf, I would see $400 spent and it would drive me nutty.

I'll spend it on hookers and blow instead. :lecture
And the memories would last a lifetime.

C-3PO might too, but spend a romantic night doing coke with 3PO and see if you want to remember that.
Or even better my memories wouldn't last til morning and I would never even miss the $400 I spent. As long as no hookers die its money well spent :yess:
Yeah, I forgot a man who is reported to be 5'7 to 5'9 and was cast partially because he was "so slight of build" he fit in the suit with no modifications is SO HUGE. Of course if hes a hair taller than Hamill, well he must be a Titan. :lol

Big if you're a hobbit I guess

Just getting back to Threepio's height vs. Luke's - I just saw these pics, which show Hamill and Threepio in a photo shoot (Fangoria magazine - 1977) on a level floor, with full bodies visible and in precisely the same plane as each other.

They're terrible quality pics, but you can pretty clearly see the relative heights, as well as Threepio height next to R2D2. It's possible/likely it's not Anthony Daniels in the suit, but the suit doesn't look extended in any way and in fact the black abdomen area and neck (the only areas that could noticeably "grow" with a taller person in there) look a little shorter than in the movie.

Oddly, Threepio still looks a clear few inches taller than Hamill. Hamill's feet aren't exactly flat, but he's standing up pretty straight.


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Or even better my memories wouldn't last til morning and I would never even miss the $400 I spent. As long as no hookers die its money well spent :yess:

Sounds like you have it all figured out. No hooker would ever agree to take up permanent residence on your shelf for a measley $400.
I agree. The figure looks great but there are too many unknowns, too little accessories, and not enough articulation to justify a $400.00 purchase. Kudos to all those who can afford this and that are getting it but it's too rich for my blood. I'll stick with my sloppy, mess of a medicom mod that shows no talent.

Looking at it, I am wondering why so much? Are they just trying to see what the new price of a 1/6 is? Guess making a metal droid does cost? I know the wires don't.
Pretty sure they want to sell as many as they possibly can. I ran across a press release for the line (which at that time referred to Wild Tiger and 3PO) a while back that I posted at Rebel Scum:

So yeah, anyone that wants to wait for more details should be totally safe to do so.

Jedijim3002: Sorry, I didn't mean to be a jerk about your 3PO mod, even though that's how it came across. I was more referencing the post that seemed to indicate modding the Medi with wires would be a slam dunk to look better than the Tamashii when it would be a really complex job. I appreciate the stuff modders like you and others on the forum do, so I'll hope you'll let it slide as bad manners on my part.

Don't sweat it bro. It was late and I was a little rattled but it's all good. I respect other people's opinions and welcome constructive criticism as long as its respectful. I know mine is far from perfect and I'm no 3po expert but it will do until a better one comes along that doesn't break the bank.

I would be tempted to get this if I could afford it but with 7 figs on preorder that I must have this one will have to wait.
Oddly, Threepio still looks a clear few inches taller than Hamill. Hamill's feet aren't exactly flat, but he's standing up pretty straight.



Yep, and the fact that R2 looks about 10% too small makes it easy for me to pass. I sure hope SS gets the scale of these characters right for when they do their 1/6 versions.

Here is another size relation to Luke:

Is the Chogokin R2 the right size?


Why is is companies keep getting R2's height wrong? I know in my mind I tend to make him smaller than what he is... but just look at any pic of them next to one another :huh

Same dumb issue with Medicom... I can see past the overall height issue on them, but at least have them be in scale to one another :huh
Don't sweat it bro...

I would be tempted to get this if I could afford it but with 7 figs on preorder that I must have this one will have to wait.
Thanks, jj. Yeah, I was thinking about this last night and definitely a big part of what kept me from pulling the trigger is thinking about the other stuff I have coming (Bespin Luke, Tusken and Bossk), along with a likely Vader PO that's been hinted for Spooktacular. Just feeling like the aggregate is too much and sort of selfish, in regards to say the goodies my wife's gotten in the same time frame. Looking forward to getting this batch out of the way, as it at least represents a good portion of what I want from this line. I'll take another look at 3PO once it's been released and I can see in-hand pics and how it fits in with the other figures.

Yep, and the fact that R2 looks about 10% too small makes it easy for me to pass. I sure hope SS gets the scale of these characters right for when they do their 1/6 versions...
Have to admit, I didn't really notice it before, but seeing the pics from you and squeaks really puts into perspective how much mass the R2 proto is missing. Seems incomprehensible how companies can miss this stuff. I'm guessing it's too late for R2 to be corrected, at this stage.
From Invictus Sol:
Originally Posted by Tamashii Nations Press Release
The key target market is males in their 20s and 30s. Bandai plans to sell the figures in model shops, toy stores,and model and toy departments of electronics and mass retail outlets. The action figures will also be sold through Internet sales and other channels. Bandai is targeting global sales of 20,000 units [both Wild Tiger and 3PO] for the series as a whole by March 31, 2013.

20,000 units of 3PO at $400? Never gonna sell that many. Unless they mean 20K of both figures, meaning 10K each.

Assuming their hold to that number, if you really want this, I'm sure you could get it somewhere for about 1/2 price about a year or so after release.

Remember that HT Scarecrow was supposed to be rare at 3,000-4,000 units? He's still available.
From Invictus Sol:
Originally Posted by Tamashii Nations Press Release
The key target market is males in their 20s and 30s. Bandai plans to sell the figures in model shops, toy stores,and model and toy departments of electronics and mass retail outlets. The action figures will also be sold through Internet sales and other channels. Bandai is targeting global sales of 20,000 units [both Wild Tiger and 3PO] for the series as a whole by March 31, 2013.

20,000 units of 3PO at $400? Never gonna sell that many.

Assuming their hold to that number, if you really want this, I'm sure you could get it somewhere for about 1/2 price about a year or so after release.

bandai would be smarter to limit the number to less than half that -- maybe 8,000 or so -- and perhaps the rarity would appeal to some.

Remember that HT Scarecrow was supposed to be rare at 3,000-4,000 units? He's still available.

I read that as Wild Tiger + 3PO = 20,000 units, but don't know for sure.

Also, I agree with you that this Tamashii 3PO needs to have a low ES if they want this thing to sell out. However, does Bandai even do limited quantities of their more prestigious pieces?
Why is is companies keep getting R2's height wrong? I know in my mind I tend to make him smaller than what he is... but just look at any pic of them next to one another :huh

Same dumb issue with Medicom... I can see past the overall height issue on them, but at least have them be in scale to one another :huh

It IS very strange, isn't it? You would have thought after the criticism Medi received about their R2's size Chogokin would have been extra careful.