Tamashii Soul of Chogokin C-3PO & R2-D2

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Ask a good question, get a boilerplate answer...

Me... "will Sideshow be doing their own C-3PO 1/6 figure, or does the one that just went up for pre-order constitute Sideshow's 1/6 C-3PO?"

SSC CS... "I am sorry, but our Customer Service Team is not made aware of what products may be in development stages.

Product development questions are best submitted through our "Ask Sideshow" link which can be found under the Experience section on our website. Questions submitted there are answered by our Product Development team."

Of course we all know that Ask Sideshow hasn't answered a SW-related question since early May, also known as... FIVE MONTHS AGO.

SSC ain't gonna tell us anything. They have their name associated with this and it's sold through their website. They are getting a nice profit outta this. Then when they sell their own version they will make an even greater profit. Whether it be 3 months from now or 3 years from now it's all win win for them. More profit for them and lighter wallets for us...
Looking at 3po, if he is a full 12" tall then R2 might not be out of scale. Dunno.
Actually, it's more like two.

It's a figure of a guy in a suit of armor, who is NOT removable from the armor. I think it is just a torso of Stane. Based on that, it is still one figure. Bruce Lee and Luke Skywalker HT are two figures.
Maybe Iron Monger could be considered one and a half, if only he came out. However, the armor is just a sort of like a jacket and pants are just an outfit. An empty suit of armor is not really a figure. Again, you don't get two complete figures with the Iron Monger.
I think the Iron Monger is an excellent comparison, because it is almost all plastic for $400, while this has a lot of metal, and apparently, just about as much engineering. I think $400 for this might be a better deal.
So if this is discounted further down the track, and does look pretty damn cool in production pics, what is the price that will make people pull the trigger?
It is £300 here, nearly $500 :lol hmm thats the price of bossk, tusken, and a snowtrooper combined :panic: will look forward to in hand pics!
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Don't get a quote until it's ready to ship. My last few orders from them for EMS were between 30 and 40 AUD. Even if it's $60-70 that would prob be what it would be from SS to Australia any way.
Well my GF asked me about this today at 5am. Asking if she should buy it or pass on it. After asking do you need money, she was not sure. I have to say this is going to be a hard one for some people to buy and I can see why. She did buy it, payments but still end cost is going to be $450 give or take.

In short I told her if it was a Ironman I would buy it, and there is one. Only the price is in Yen and I have no idea what the cost would be. Collectors will buy what they like and lets face it. He is a droid so metal would be cool.