Tamashii Soul of Chogokin C-3PO & R2-D2

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I'm just not getting the C-3PO feel from this piece. The Gentle Giant bust and statue, though undersized, has the correct look.

This guy and his digital model has a more correct look, but could probably improve with a bit of guidance and proper reference:


I'm just not seeing the right curves and shapes. It just appears way too flat and square. And their claim is pretty bold, considering they didn't nail the character completely, when others did.
I think that pic above looks great for a K-3PO or R-3PO, or maybe even TC-14. If they did that, I would be willing to pay as much as $125 for either one of those.
Yeah... it's GG... wait 'til you see the mess they actually produce... :lol

The Threepio Statue GG did is excellent, as are most of their Mini Busts, Ackbar is excellent just to name one.

I really hope this Threepio gets the same finish as both the GG Bust and Statue.
The impression I have is that Sideshow is assisting in the manufacturing end of it, not development. Don't quote me, as I have no recollection of where I got that impression. However, I'm pretty certain of my conclusion.
Hadn't thought of that angle but that makes sense.
I got to see it on Sunday at NYCC and both looked pretty good. Not $400 a piece good, but maybe like $200 a piece good.

The finish on both is puzzling, with Threepio having the matte finish and R2 a shiny dome. The details were slightly soft, which might have something to do with the enamel type of paint they might need to use on the metal. I noticed that more on R2. They looked very solidly made, though. And honestly I can't tell what the inaccuracies are. I would be pretty happy with the sculpts as they are. Just fix the paint finishes!

The only thing that worries me is that their weight might be a hinderance to their joints. The joints are going to have to work extra hard to hold up these figures. Some idiot bumped into the display while taking a picture of a bloke dressed as the Road Warrior masked guy and didn't even notice he knocked over R2! But I noticed the "ankle" and "shoulder" joints on R2 were all twisted when he was knocked over, as if the bump made the body pivot a certain way that the joints were not able to support.
did you talk to any rep about these being a final product or protos?...........surely this can't be the final finish on these........:gah:
Can you explain more about what you meant that the joints were twisted? Like on the verge of breakage? If these aren't final pieces, perhaps the engineering is not complete?
Nothing like that. Just that the position of the legs and feet didn't stay in place. It appeared as if the legs and feet very easily swiveled out of position when the weight shifted on the body when the podium was bumped.
In that one video you can hear the ratcheting of the shoulder joint. I think that's probably true of the hip, knee, and ankle joints to help it hold a position.
Hmm. Maybe it was the R2 only.

Ratcheting joints is definitely a good idea with these guys. Not that I'd get them.

I wonder how feasible it would be for Sideshow to simply use these prototypes and plans to make their own plastic versions. They can adjust a few details (whatever those may be), but they would be more than halfway towards a figure.

With R2 they'd have to scale it up a good 10-20%.
I got to see it on Sunday at NYCC and both looked pretty good. Not $400 a piece good, but maybe like $200 a piece good.

By that measure medi's droids would have to be $130 a piece good and not $200 a piece good... but that's the way these things are, 1/6 rarely leaves a feeling that you're getting good value these days.

My take is the use of materials, weight in hand and likely robust engineering of these (I hope) puts the premium price in context. I'd think a more realistic wish price would be a $300 MSRP.

What has been shown in the promo and con pics, and pointed out by others as well, suggests that the finish on 3po has been a mix of different proto finishes and that the final one will be a lot shinier. R2's dome is a bigger question mark IMO.
I don't know.. those recent photos still make the 3PO figure appear to have a small-ish head, & that'd bug me personally.

The hip plating isn't sculpted correctly either; the way it goes down into his legs like that. A degree of artistic license perhaps, to make it appear more droid like & not a guy wearing a black undersuit with metal pieces over the top.. or for practicality's sake maybe, to retain a certain level of robustness? :huh

I don't know.. those recent photos still make the 3PO figure appear to have a small-ish head, & that'd bug me personally.

The hip plating isn't sculpted correctly either; the way it goes down into his legs like that. A degree of artistic license perhaps, to make it appear more droid like & not a guy wearing a black undersuit with metal pieces over the top.. or for practicality's sake maybe, to retain a certain level of robustness? :huh


Threepio's "shorts" did actually go down into the upper legs quite a ways. The costume was made of various materials (e.g. the arms were real metal because it was thinnest) for various reasons and so those shorts were made of soft vinyl so he could move. You can see them bent up and distorted in certain pics.

The head is tough to judge. Threepio's head can be quite distorted depending on the camera's lens setting. The top of his head can look oversized, or his head can look fat or very thin. It's tough to find "neutral" pics. You can take pics from the movies and put them side by side and his head looks differently proportioned.

Sculpt-wise, the head looks pretty good. Like Boba and Vader, Threepio's head is nearly impossible to nail. Overall, the Tama's look is not without errors - the pistons on the Tama arms are way oversized compared to the costume (obviously because they have to work,) and some of the "lines" on the upper legs are either too soft or not there.
R2D2 definitely needs to 'grow' a little.

We still don't know how tall 3PO really is. For all we know R2 could be accurate and the goldenrod could be too tall.

If he really is 12 inches then he is way too tall. Anthony Daniels was 5' 9" so in 1/6 scale he shouldn't be any taller than 11 1/2 inches tall. R2 should be 7 1/16 inch.
Threepio's "shorts" did actually go down into the upper legs quite a ways. The costume was made of various materials (e.g. the arms were real metal because it was thinnest) for various reasons and so those shorts were made of soft vinyl so he could move. You can see them bent up and distorted in certain pics.
You know what - I just googled a few ANH pics, & you're absolutely right! :slap :lol

I ALWAYS thought differently. Maybe I saw a specific production photo once, & had that image fused into my memory ever after as a definitive reference. There you go indeed - cheers man. :hi5:
Yeah I have to look at these and realize that what the characters look like to me, in my minds eye, are based on how I remember them as I saw them as a kid. So even the real costume probably looks funny if truth be told. And like SW said, the camera plays so many tricks with the proportions. Add that to your own memory and 3PO and Luke are indistinguishable! HA!
It looks accurate, best way to tell is on the prototype, the grey matte finish is easier to see, the gold finish can distort the angles, shape etc.

I'm buying it, Sold!

SSC have had long enough to do them ,they're not getting my money.:pfft: