Bo Shrek
Super Freak
Being a fan of the Terminator franchise, this is a movie I wanted to see BUT had the patients to wait until I could borrow from library (which I did yesterday). Knowing I would eventually watch this I did not bother to see trailers, read reviews or come to this thread. I watched this this morning and found myself fulling entertained with action, effects, story and comedy. Basically I enjoyed it. Based on personal enjoyment of "the first time viewing" I would put TG ahead of Ultron and JW. 
Loved Arnold approach for this new T-800....."Pops". And liked the father/daughter plus father/daughters love interest. And liked that Arnold's character "finally" was not terminated in the movie. Now if only Predator could do that!!

Loved Arnold approach for this new T-800....."Pops". And liked the father/daughter plus father/daughters love interest. And liked that Arnold's character "finally" was not terminated in the movie. Now if only Predator could do that!!