There's no chemistry at all between any of the actors.
Terminator 2 is the best by far and Terminator (the first movie) is the second best.
There's no chemistry at all between any of the actors.
That's because the actors are mostly made for tv actors that weren't really all that good to begin with. Love GoT but I don't find her to be particularly that great in it as far as acting goes.
After rewatchin' this I must say that the basic plot is REALLY cool and I REALLY like it. Could've been made into one awesome film, but... the script is mixed (great stuff with some trully dumb ****), the direction is meh, actors are blegh and the music is awfully unfit (I like Lorne Balfe, but this was just too bland and wrong for a Terminator).
I think he's right that T2 is the best, but you're right that it's not BY FAR........however, they are 2 totally different types of films. 1 is a scfi thriller made on a lower budget. 2 is a big budget action blockbuster made for mass appeal. If you like thriller/horror movies more then you'll like 1 more. If you like big action summer films then you'll like 2 more.No, not even close.
I like this movie. Maybe it had to do that I saw Spectre first and I established Craig's like an Earth 2 version of Bond.
Seeing this, I saw it more like Earth 2 Terminator, that way it doesn't necessarily taint the original.
I am not a fan of Jai Courtney, but he was decent. I love Emilia and how she is up and coming, but yeah she didn't strike me like Sarah.
Overall, solid film IMO.
Just messin' with ya dude.
While I like the movie, I have to say, the marketing was some of the worst ever, gave away the biggest spoiler, and I just realized looking back now, they put Skynet's humanoid form in promo shots?
And the "character", so to speak, was completely pointless plot wise.
Personalization of SKYNET is the dumbest thing of this film's script.