Terminator Genisys (July 1st, 2015)

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Re: Terminator 5 - Shooting Jan 2014

I guess Annapurna and Megan Elisson thought it would be better to rape the already half dead corpse of the Terminator franchise than actually bringing in some decent writing talent and taking the franchise back to its former glory.

Brace yourselves for something that looks like this -



Re: Terminator 5 - Shooting Jan 2014

IF they do the time travel route again, it should be for something different. They really need to mo-cap and de-age arnold for this. It worked in X-Men 3. Either that or CGI over his face. I would have preferred to see him as a human in this though. Would be a nice fresh take.

EDIT: Waitaminute.... Isn't Bale signed on for at least two more films?
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Re: Terminator 5 - Shooting Jan 2014

IF they do the time travel route again, it should be for something different. They really need to mo-cap and de-age arnold for this. It worked in X-Men 3. Either that or CGI over his face. I would have preferred to see him as a human in this though. Would be a nice fresh take.

EDIT: Waitaminute.... Isn't Bale signed on for at least two more films?

Bale was signed on for two more films, but none of that matters since Halcyon doesn't own the Terminator rights anymore.
Re: Terminator 5 - Shooting Jan 2014

If what is being reported is actually true, any faith I had before has well and truly been crushed.

At this rate Arnie might as well start channeling The Fonz for his performance and hell while they're at it, he should limber up so he can waddle over to the jukebox, give it a punch and...

Re: Terminator 5 - Shooting Jan 2014

This movie already sounds awful.

"From my perspective, it's run its course and I don't know what else to say that hasn't been said. Plus, frankly... the soup's kind of been pissed in a little bit by other filmmakers, so I don't have any personal desire to go back to it."

- James Cameron

I had hope that T4 might be a 2 hour film that was all about the opening war scene in T2... and I was horribly let down. The franchise is dead without Cameron, just let it rest in peace.
Re: Terminator 5 - Shooting Jan 2014

"From my perspective, it's run its course and I don't know what else to say that hasn't been said. Plus, frankly... the soup's kind of been pissed in a little bit by other filmmakers, so I don't have any personal desire to go back to it."

- James Cameron

I had hope that T4 might be a 2 hour film that was all about the opening war scene in T2... and I was horribly let down. The franchise is dead without Cameron, just let it rest in peace.

The story ended in 2.
3 was watchable to a point hated the 4th one.
Re: Terminator 5 - Shooting Jan 2014

Its crazy I Like bale but in that movie the blame cant all be put on him the script was terrible.

His overacting made my stomach hurt. That movie was dead in the water well before the cameras were rolling.
Re: Terminator 5 - Shooting Jan 2014

I watched salvation again yesterday, I think it's a good movie. Not great but it's Terminator, so I'll watch it regardless
Re: Terminator 5 - Shooting Jan 2014

Just from reading comments around the web, mostly all are in agreement that this proposed plot is utter donkey ****.

Hopefully Annapurna sees sense before driving the final nail in the coffin.

Oh yeah and **** no to The Rock.
Re: Terminator 5 - Shooting Jan 2014

Weird that one could find T3 more watchable than Salvation. At least Salvation takes itself seriously, and doesn't re-use the "time travel" plot device. T4 also has a stellar cast. And how was Bale hard to watch? He barely had any lines. :dunno
Re: Terminator 5 - Shooting Jan 2014

The trouble with Salvation is it takes itself too seriously. I like Bale in literally every other role I've seen him in, but I agree with the criticism that he totally overacted throughout. Story was stupid and them outrunning the blastwave from a nuclear explosion and then doing a literal heart transplant in something less than a field hospital was ridiculous. I don't like T3, at all, but as mindless drivel it beats Salvation, which just has to be slogged through.
Re: Terminator 5 - Shooting Jan 2014

Really,the rock in the 40s?I so hope its not true,although I think the rock would make a good terminator putting him back in the 40s opens up a can of worms,segregation,racism,was around then,he would be arrested or assulted the second he walked into a whites only place.granted if he is a terminator I doubt they could hurt him and that would make it worse,a black[or whatever the rock is]man assulting white people in the 40s,that would be ridiculas and hardly believable.
Re: Terminator 5 - Shooting Jan 2014

The trouble with Salvation is it takes itself too seriously. I like Bale in literally every other role I've seen him in, but I agree with the criticism that he totally overacted throughout. Story was stupid and them outrunning the blastwave from a nuclear explosion and then doing a literal heart transplant in something less than a field hospital was ridiculous. I don't like T3, at all, but as mindless drivel it beats Salvation, which just has to be slogged through.

A Terminator movie being too serious? T1 and T2 aren't known for their light-heartedness. :lol And the trouble with T3 is it doesn't take itself seriously at all. Stupid jokes like "talk to da hand" and playing s**t like "funky man" when Arnold puts on his sunglasses is a ****ing disgrace to the character and franchise. You can't accept the fact of a heart transplant (which I agree is pretty ridiculous) in the desert, but you can accept the fact of time traveling robot assassins? My point is they're much more flawed concepts throughout the franchise than things like the Heart transplant in Salvation.