Mister Ski
Super Freak
You are going to make Jinxx's day...
Nice quote Dave.... 15 pictures for 3 words and a smiley
And Black Elektra owns PF Jason 3
Oh yeah.. no doubt. That thing has no presence whatsoever. I could have ordered it 10 times over. But just looking at it... it didn't do anything for me.
You like my custom Sweettooth Mugg hunh? So does David JaffeTM PS3 early next year FTW!!
Great pics Rising!
mines broken too I wonder what the hell SS was thinking! This is going to be an expensive fix for them, its the WHOLE BASE!.
The shield is glued to the base!... I dunno who stupied idea was that. Usually what they do is have pieces that are removable simlar to spidey BnB. not this time!
video going up, fixed the light up issue. battery came loose.
review of black friday elektra, thanos, and planet hulk diorama uploading
Did you buy this one as well?
Better make sure you didn't miss any threads with this, Chap!
Just got mine in and before I can even try to enjoy it, I have to deal with a broken shield also.
As far as the light up goes, does anyone's work?
I pulled out the tab, made sure the batteries were in place, no luck with it lighting up. I switched the batteries to brand new ones, still no luck. I looked closer at the infinity gems and it looks like they were painted over. Does the light up work and the paint blocking it out, or is the paint supposed to be thin enough to see the light through?
Anyone able to help?
Does this statue have a lot of issues cause ineed to make a quick decison on whether to get one or not.
Does this statue have a lot of issues
Ok for those of you that have no issues with the light up, is the light up very bright, in other words can you barely see it and maybe mine is working or is it very bright?
Also does yours look like the gem colors were painted on?
I have to assume the paint type is semi transparent and the light shines through it?