The 3A Thread

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I heard from another boardie they fully charge at time of order.
Thats why i'm out of luck as funds aren't in right now.
You need PayPal & payment has to be made at time of order or you run the risk of Ash cancelling it on you.

Drop times vary, 24hrs is the general rule, but some stuff stays up longer, some disappears as soon as the quota it met.

Rule of thumb for 3A toys is "if it's up on Bamba - go, go, go!". :panic:
Just woke up to find the buy fell apart. Gutted.

Thanks anyway Ghost it was a good effort so close to the sale.
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You need PayPal & payment has to be made at time of order or you run the risk of Ash cancelling it on you.

Drop times vary, 24hrs is the general rule, but some stuff stays up longer, some disappears as soon as the quota it met.

Rule of thumb for 3A toys is "if it's up on Bamba - go, go, go!". :panic:

Oh well, no paypal so I'm out. I guess that gives me time to save some money.
Well, I have bitten the bullet and ordered my first 3A fig. Ordered number 3, he was just too bad ass to pass up on. 3 is my lucky number and I love the duel katana's.

For those that order on the regular, how long does 3A take to ship from ordering roughly? I'm guessing at least a month as the figs have to be produced?
Well, I have bitten the bullet and ordered my first 3A fig. Ordered number 3, he was just too bad ass to pass up on. 3 is my lucky number and I love the duel katana's.

For those that order on the regular, how long does 3A take to ship from ordering roughly? I'm guessing at least a month as the figs have to be produced?

Shipping is currently scheduled for the end of Q1 next year so my guess is beginning of Q2......4-6 months overall.
Yeah, I think 6 months is a pretty fair estimate, Tiger. It's a pre-order, expect the usual 1/6th figure wait time.

The HK crew must constantly have a lot on their plate, they do great work, you just gotta be patient!

Wow, that is some time.
Best off forgetting about this for a bit then.

That's the best way to deal with the wait, makes the arrival all the sweeter.
I appreciate the effort, was worth a try. No big deal it didn't work out.
Hey guys,

Yeh im bummed it didnt work out as well. Like i said we should try and organize a group that would want to do the group buys. It would save a good amount of money for each of us and if the person who does the buy has a 3aa discount it would be even sweeter.