The 3A Thread

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Whats funny is my 3A collection is at a all time low number. I only have three pieces right now, but man each one of them is amazing to me. Sometimes it seems like that they almost display better by themselves without anything else on the shelf. I do have a bunch of grunts coming in. Actually all the grunts minus emgy but ill probably only keep one. Either medic or stealth. Havent decided yet.
I have a fairly small number of things, at least compared to some of the more hardcore collectors. Maybe 20 things total.
Ive got a bunch of stuff on preorder. The only thing i know ill keep for sure is blind cowboy and the ghosthorse. Really the only things im looking forward to seeing 3a put out would be shogun tomorrow king, future mort, and dead gangsta astronaut. Other than that i really cant think of anything i would like. I want more tomorrow kings, but i really didnt like wasabi or oyaloper.
too bad it didn't work out. BUt thanks for the effort, ghost.

add some images to this thread.


Yeah I need to get myself a Badbot, I've been meaning to get one for awhile now but it's dam hard trying to keep up with everything you want in this hobby. I'll definitely get myself one soon though.
Ive got the red hoodzomb on order. Just a fyi each hoodzomb has a different head sculpt.

Oh cool, I didn't know that! if I have extra money in Nov, that might make me get a second. These figures photograph so well (as other SS Freaks have shown on here) that I'm looking very forward to doing some pics of my own.
Is there anywhere that you can see all the heads?
Hey guys,

Yeh im bummed it didnt work out as well. Like i said we should try and organize a group that would want to do the group buys. It would save a good amount of money for each of us and if the person who does the buy has a 3aa discount it would be even sweeter.

Just wanted to add my thanks in as well. Too bad it didn't work out, but it was a solid attempt. I ended up passing on the Finger Gang, but that leaves me more cash for later drops.

I've got to make sure to buy a 3AA membership this year - the savings just get to be ridiculously good.