Not a bad idea. Get people to root for the Terminator for a change!![]()
[I was actually rooting for him the whole time.]
I dunno.... Electro is one of my favorite Spidey villains, which came about after reading Adam Troy Castro's "Secret of the Sinister Six" books. [And for anyone who has not read them, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND them, and I am a very tough critic. Doc Ock in particular was kicking ass without taking names, all over the place. It was great.] I was hoping Raimi would get around to him, but no.... we got That 70's Venom.

But this horrid miscasting.... and they will put him in some damn stupid costume on top of that, unless they used the Ultimate Electro black rubber containment suit - which I seriously doubt they would be smart enough to do.... but no big deal, this casting decision has shot my interest execution-style in the back of the head before I even get that far.
Which makes my heart go