The Amazing Spider-Man - OPEN SPOILERS NOW

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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man


Batman has always been hyped to death from the 60s show, to the older films, to the cartoon series. The Nolan films just amplified that. Batmania happened in '66, again in '89 and then in '08. People have always loved Batman.

Don't disrespect, son.

Noticed how you skipped the years of Batman Forever and Batman and Robin. AND OH MY!!!!!!!!!!! The next Batman movie will be directed by Uwe Boll :rotfl.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Noticed how you skipped the years of Batman Forever and Batman and Robin

Batman Forever, 1995, was big too, but not as big as the others. What more needs to be said, it was highly successful. Batman and Robin was highly anticipated and hyped up but ended up failing, oh well. Still doesn't mean that it tarnished "Batman" in anyway.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Yup, I love spidey. But have been a batfan ever since I could wear his underwear.
Bat's will always have a special part in my life. From watching BTAS after pre-school, bugging my mom to put in BATMAN 89 constantly and having my uncle dress up like keaton's batman for my 6th Bday. I grew up with bats.

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

If Batman Forever was the only Batman movie that existed, then both it and the character would kind of suck. However in a world with Burton and Nolan Batmans "Forever" is kind of a fun diversion.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I grew up playing with my Kenner Alien/Predator figures, watching my uncle play AvP + AvP2 on the computer in fear and amazement, running around with my imaginary Queen Alien friend (Queeny), looking through the wonderous pages of my uncle's Alien/Predator comics..

I'm not a big Batman fan, or even a..lesser Batman fan.. But I'm not going to say he's "poo" just because I prefer the Predator and Alien over him..

It's like, "You grew up with and were around something different than I, so it's all crap."...
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

^the younger generation is plagued with ADHD. low attention span, i think that's the culprit. :lol
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man


Batman has always been hyped to death from the 60s show, to the older films, to the animated series. The Nolan films just amplified that. Batmania happened in '66, again in '89 and then in '08. People have always loved Batman.

Don't disrespect, son.

This man speaks the truth :lecture
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I grew up playing with my Kenner Alien/Predator figures, watching my uncle play AvP + AvP2 on the computer in fear and amazement, running around with my imaginary Queen Alien friend (Queeny), looking through the wonderous pages of my uncle's Alien/Predator comics..

I'm not a big Batman fan, or even a..lesser Batman fan.. But I'm not going to say he's "poo" just because I prefer the Predator and Alien over him..

It's like, "You grew up with and were around something different than I, so it's all crap."...

:lol I understand. But people on this site need to know when you're joking. I've said it many times before that I think Predators isn't Poo. (Especially the desingn). Just not my cup of tea.

:1-1: All joking aside though, to each their own. Don't let somebody's opinion become infuriating to you. It's not worth getting mad over cause it's damn near impossible to change someone else's oppinion. Why even try:dunno

I just like debates, some might even say i'm a master-debater.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I related to Batman as a child because he killed people. I grew up with Burton's Batman. Then Forever. Got freaked out in Robin because of the Bane scene....which probably made my dad quite happy to not sit through another minute of that....

Which ended up having me dislike Batman. He was no longer cool.....

Until Nolan came around.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Wait, you related to Batman as a child because he killed people?
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

:lol That's okay, my first reaction was "Batman does kill people that was Burton BS." Then, "Wait, did Celtic say that's why he related to him?" :rotfl
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Haha...but I did like that Batman for it. See, as a child, I grew up with movies and all that, I knew movies weren't real, hence why I was able to watch R-Rated stuff, and old school Disney cartoons.

So when I had a hero "spare" the villian...I was like "C'mon! He's gonna do more harm! Just throw him off the cliff like they did in Disney movies!"
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man


Batman has always been hyped to death from the 60s show, to the older films, to the animated series. The Nolan films just amplified that. Batmania happened in '66, again in '89 and then in '08. People have always loved Batman.

Don't disrespect, son.

Pshh please before the Nolan films people in the general public thought bats was campy. Yea the animated series was awesome but those two horrid movies in the 90 s didn't help . Batman used to be a joke in the gaming industry and movie industry. Son. but still batman will always be my second fab superhero. Spidey is just number one cuz I loved his character more
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Batman is not a video game character.....

And you can't call him son, he's OLDER THEN YOU.

Batman was popular BEFORE the Nolan flick's. That's a fact straight outta compton.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Uhh he was in several video games and has an a high budget game coming out this year in the form of arkham city. Therefore he is a freaking video games character, No duh, i know he was popular before the nolan movies but as for the movies and games they were jokes to most people.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Erm, Crash Bandicoot is a video game character...

...Batman is a comic-book character.