The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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I don't know that I care if it hits all time money maker, but I'm glad it's making a ton of money, proving that super hero movies are not on the decline.

Put out a good product, and the people will come out in droves.

I think you might have hit on my reasoning for wanting it to do well...

I want more of them!:)
this movie is AWESOME!! definitely on top of my list for best comicbook movie :D

i also wanna randomly highlight on something though

did anyone realise just before at the end when the group all stare at loki, cap looks clean rather than being dirty after the battle,that was very weird

He got changed in the lift on the way up.:wink1:

I went last night to watch it and I think I feel pretty much the way you do, kara. But ultimately I think I enjoyed it more than you. I definitely felt that initial disappointment. After all the universal praise it's been getting I guess I was expecting more. But as the movie went on, I got more and more into it. I guess it just started a little shaky, but I'll have to reassess it when I eventually get it on BR and rewatch it. All the characters remained true to who their characters are (with one small exception), and they all had a chance to shine. I felt Banner wasn't quite right though. The Hulk was fantastic, but I don't know how I feel about Banner's revelation that he's always angry. Ruffalo played it correctly, which made Banner seem off the whole way through until he says that line and you think, "oh, that's why he was acting funny". But I don't know if that's correct for the Banner character. Oh well, just a minor quibble.

Really great overall. After the final battle was over I really wanted the movie to keep going, which says a lot. Of course I LOVED the after credit lunch sequence! And yeah, that Hulk and Loki fight drew the biggest laughs! The adopted line was hilarious too (but SOOO offensive :rolleyes2).

And curse that ******* that spoiled the Coulson thing! :cuss First that guy spoils it in the HT Avengers Cap thread, then someone else said it in some other unrelated thread! Is that some kind of joke now? Why is everyone casually spoiling this like it's nothing?!?

Also, I have a strange desire to go out and buy an Acura.
Don't get me wrong. I really enjoyed this film a lot, and felt that everyone involved did a great job. It just wasn't mind-blowing to me in the way that, say, the first Iron Man movie was (first introduction to this universe), or X2 (first time seeing a comic team that really jumped off the pages of the comic) when I saw them. Part of it is probably getting a bit spoiled with these kinds of movies. We see great comic movies on a pretty regular basis now, so it would take something really different to make a movie step up beyond what we've previously seen in my eyes. X-Men: First Class did that by stepping up the filmmaking quality level for example, making it feel like it could succeed even if the characters didn't have fantastic powers. I think that if you take away the ensemble component, and fact that you see guys interacting with one another in ways we've never seen with these characters, that this movie is really not superior to Thor or Cap: First Avenger. More action and more epic, yes. But as a means of storytelling broadly? I'm not so sure.

I thought Ruffalo Hulk was great, but agree that the always angry part was a bit strange, and seems to take away one of the major wildcards about Hulk that makes him so interesting.

And I also saw a spoiler about Coulson in another, unrelated thread and it pissed me off. To do that is the pinnacle of *********gery or thoughtlessness.
Let The Wild Rumpus Begin.

R.I.P Maurice Sendak
So I can finally read this thread now! . . .after reading through the last few pages, I'm not sure that that's a good thing. But anyway, I think I set my expectations too high for this one. It didn't make me geek out that much, and didn't blow me away like I was kinda expecting based on the hype. It had some funny moments, lots of insane action set pieces, and did a lot of the things that it was supposed to, but lacked. . .something that could have made this a truly special movie in my eyes.

Still very cool to see all the guys on the screen together, etc. I think maybe Iron Man came off as too great across the board. He was the smartest guy, one of the best fighters, had the best lines, ultimately proved that he's as honorable as anyone, etc. They didn't focus much on his flaws here. I'm glad that Cap was the leader on the battlefield when it mattered, which I feared might not happen based on the story up to that point.

Hulk didn't make you geek out a little?

HULK, Thor and Iron Man make the movie. The rest is average.

Oh and few minute long shot of Black Widows ass is nice.
It did a bit, but not that much. Not like that feeling when I saw the first Nolan Batman trailer, or saw Iron Man suit up for the first time. Maybe I'm just too old now :(
has there been any discussion of what avengers2 might be about?
I saw somewhere,that it is possible that lokis capture was staged so he could return to asgard so he could gain access to the gold guantlet that is stored in the vault for thanos.there was more to the speculation,but thats what I remember reading the most and it seems like a really good possibility for the next movie.
I think suggesting that Loki was fooling everyone by allowing himself to be captured. . .again. . .would be going to the well once too many times. If freakin' Thanos wants the Infinity Gauntlet, he'll be able to get it without Loki I reckon. I figure a Thanos-focused film would most likely make use of the Gauntlet, though.

And I read speculation somewhere that the Ch'Tauri leader guy was supposed to be Annihilus? Can anyone confirm that?
I dont know,but I cant wait to see the next movie,heck if I wasnt so broke I would go back and see avengers atleast 3 times back to back.I laughed so hard when hulk whooped lokis a$$ I almost peed on my self.
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Don't get me wrong. I really enjoyed this film a lot, and felt that everyone involved did a great job. It just wasn't mind-blowing to me in the way that, say, the first Iron Man movie was (first introduction to this universe), or X2 (first time seeing a comic team that really jumped off the pages of the comic) when I saw them. Part of it is probably getting a bit spoiled with these kinds of movies. We see great comic movies on a pretty regular basis now, so it would take something really different to make a movie step up beyond what we've previously seen in my eyes. X-Men: First Class did that by stepping up the filmmaking quality level for example, making it feel like it could succeed even if the characters didn't have fantastic powers. I think that if you take away the ensemble component, and fact that you see guys interacting with one another in ways we've never seen with these characters, that this movie is really not superior to Thor or Cap: First Avenger. More action and more epic, yes. But as a means of storytelling broadly? I'm not so sure.

I thought Ruffalo Hulk was great, but agree that the always angry part was a bit strange, and seems to take away one of the major wildcards about Hulk that makes him so interesting.

And I also saw a spoiler about Coulson in another, unrelated thread and it pissed me off. To do that is the pinnacle of *********gery or thoughtlessness.

I totally see what you mean. Those movies you named, IM1 and XM2 I consider truly great Marvel comic movies. And I thought First Class was excellent as well and for the same reasons I ended up liking the Avengers. It's the character interactions that really do it for me. RDJ in the first IM was perfect. It certainly was a unique take on Stark, but it worked. They kept the essence of who Stark is and added this new layer that RDJ contributed. Same with the X Men movies. Logan and Scott and Jean weren't quite like their comic counterparts, but they had the relationship dynamic right. And now with First Class, the relationship between Erik and Charles was fantastic. Better than I could have hoped.

So now with the Avengers, the interaction with all the characters all clicked for me. Everyone had an important role to fill and they each had their moment of heroism and redemption.

And I disagree about this movie being no better to Cap:FA. That movie just didn't click for me. I think I explained in this or another thread that while the script seemed to hit all the right notes, the way it was filmed it simply didn't work. You saw that here I'm supposed to feel sad, or here I'm supposed to feel patriotic. But the feeling never came. I think it totally hit the notes in the Avengers. I think the Cap character probably works better in the Avengers because his patriotism is a quirk and is unique to only him. In FA, everyone is patriotic so Cap's character doesn't stand out as strongly. Maybe Cap was a little more patriotic than the other characters, but during WWII the nation as a whole was behind our soldiers and our country, and eagerly wanted to serve and followed orders. Questioning orders and questioning the nature of the war was something that developed during the Vietnam era. Even SPR feels a little revisionist to me because the fact that Hank's troop was constantly questioning the mission seemed very out of place (and out of time). It seemed like a very Vietnam thing to do. I know I'm generalizing here, and I'm also rambling a bit.

But anyway, I think Avengers was way better than FA, and on par with Thor, which I thought was excellent as well. Tom Hiddleston is simply brilliant as Loki. There is so much pain and evil and vanity in him. Fantastic!
And I disagree about this movie being no better to Cap:FA. That movie just didn't click for me. I think I explained in this or another thread that while the script seemed to hit all the right notes, the way it was filmed it simply didn't work. You saw that here I'm supposed to feel sad, or here I'm supposed to feel patriotic. But the feeling never came.
I feel similarly to you about the Cap movie in some ways, but also felt that way about Avengers in some ways, which is why I was comparing them that way. But the interaction between the characters was definitely one of the biggest positives about the Avengers movie in my eyes, as well.
Don't know why everyone thinks Avengers was so great...I enjoyed X2 much more.:dunno


Actually, I think I do know why people think Avengers was so great, I just disagree. . .and enjoyed X2 much more :dunno :lol
So I can finally read this thread now! . . .after reading through the last few pages, I'm not sure that that's a good thing. But anyway, I think I set my expectations too high for this one. It didn't make me geek out that much, and didn't blow me away like I was kinda expecting based on the hype. It had some funny moments, lots of insane action set pieces, and did a lot of the things that it was supposed to, but lacked. . .something that could have made this a truly special movie in my eyes.

Still very cool to see all the guys on the screen together, etc. I think maybe Iron Man came off as too great across the board. He was the smartest guy, one of the best fighters, had the best lines, ultimately proved that he's as honorable as anyone, etc. They didn't focus much on his flaws here. I'm glad that Cap was the leader on the battlefield when it mattered, which I feared might not happen based on the story up to that point.

Just saw it.

In Thor, I didn't think Hemsworth did a good job as Thor, same with Hiddleston as Loki, Avengers definitely changed that.

The scene where Black Widow is trapped and Banner is transforming was so damn suspenseful..loved it.

The scene where Hulk punches Thor was hilarious because it was so unexpected. :lol

I thought each character had the PERFECT amount of screen time.

And I have fallen in love with Scarlett Johansson :love

Oh, and..accidently saw the 3D version. GOD 3D is HORRIBLE! It's not realistic at all, it makes it so difficult to focus on what's happening in the movie. There was only one scene I thought benefitted from one point, a lot of sparks fly off of Ironman. That looked cool in 3D. That's all. And the glasses were very annoying considering the fact that they don't fit to your face.
Kinda cool look at the some of the props and maquettes for Avengers.

Oh, and..accidently saw the 3D version. GOD 3D is HORRIBLE! It's not realistic at all, it makes it so difficult to focus on what's happening in the movie. There was only one scene I thought benefitted from one point, a lot of sparks fly off of Ironman. That looked cool in 3D. That's all.

They post converted it. They didn't film it in 3D and the shots are not composed for 3D.This stupid gimmick should go away. They're just ripping people off.
They post converted it. They didn't film it in 3D and the shots are not composed for 3D.This stupid gimmick should go away. They're just ripping people off.

I wish the general public would realize that it's not better. But until then, they'll keep making them that way. I always go out of my way (sometimes paying MORE money at AMC than the cheaper theaters) to see films in 2D. I don't mind seeing Pixar styled animation in 3D. I think that works. But live-action? Hugo's the only one I saw that worked. But I enjoy it without it just as much.