The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Thats ____ing awesome! Glad to see Thor will be in this movie and not his twin brother Triple H. :lol Now, if HT and SS give me that version of Thor I'll be buying.

you've said this so many times. :cuckoo: I don't follow wrestin' at all but is HHH known for wearing a vest? sleeves must be a big deal I suppose.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

you've said this so many times. :cuckoo: I don't follow wrestin' at all but is HHH known for wearing a vest? sleeves must be a big deal I suppose.

Yeah, I'm being a smartass. Problem? :dunno Triple H is a big guy he wrestles with no shirt (no sleeves) and I been making cracks since the teaser trailer that without the sleeves thats who Thor reminds me of. Just being a smartass because its not my favorite look for Thor. I prefer the sleeved look from his movie and what we've see in the pics above.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Finally nice to see Avengers production photos come out and impress like TDKR has been doing.

This action set piece just floored me!

It makes you instantly forget about the complaints of the suit and just makes you lose yourself in the action.

Sometimes fans just need to relax and just grasp the fact that there is a high budget Avengers movie being made!!!!!
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

gotcha. just failed to understand the sleeves = superhero, no sleeves = wrestler joke as I'm familiar with Thor being depicted in the vest from Journey Into Mystery in the 60s though modern Ultimates.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

gotcha. just failed to understand the sleeves = superhero, no sleeves = wrestler joke as I'm familiar with Thor being depicted in the vest from Journey Into Mystery in the 60s though modern Ultimates.

Yeah, just being a smartass. Like I said I preder bits of the mini ultimate Thor they did recently and the look of him in Mighty Thor going on now.

Pretty much :yess:
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

It makes you instantly forget about the complaints of the suit and just makes you lose yourself in the action.

Actually the fact that Evans is fighting with his mask off only made me wonder if Whedon realized that the new mask isn't that great either. ;)

Sometimes fans just need to relax and just grasp the fact that there is a high budget Avengers movie being made!!!!!

We now have sweet Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America movies, so as far as I'm concerned anything cool in The Avengers is gravy. And it'll just be cool to see all the heroes kicking ass at once. That doesn't change the fact that based on what's been shown a number of pretty key designs look worse than the ones used by previous filmmakers.

And a pet peeve of mine is having a costumed character with a mask (getting back to Cap) fighting without it in the movie. It takes me out of the story and makes me assume that either the director didn't have faith in his own material or they decided the actor needed more "face" time.

Despite Evans being unmasked on all the posters I was very impressed that he never removed it in the middle of a fight (or had it conveniently knocked off) at any point in The First Avenger.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Yeah, I'm being a smartass. Problem? :dunno Triple H is a big guy he wrestles with no shirt (no sleeves) and I been making cracks since the teaser trailer that without the sleeves thats who Thor reminds me of. Just being a smartass because its not my favorite look for Thor. I prefer the sleeved look from his movie and what we've see in the pics above.

It's uncanny how much HHH looks like Thor

This movie needs to come out NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Hemsworth looks so sexy, even with his longer biosilked out hair. :lol
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

they decided the actor needed more "face" time.

that's it exactly. don't cover your million dollar pretty actors' faces. for us comic geeks not such a big deal but for the main stream audiences they want to see the actors. plus it's a lot more difficult to emote, and therefore connect to the audience, under a mask. as much as they want these to please comic fans they have to aim for a broader audience.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

that's it exactly. don't cover your million dollar pretty actors' faces. for us comic geeks not such a big deal but for the main stream audiences they want to see the actors. plus it's a lot more difficult to emote, and therefore connect to the audience, under a mask.

That's what studios believe but I don't think they are correct. Cap kept his mask on for all the fighting scenes in TFA and the gajillions of people who saw The Dark Knight obviously didn't have a problem with Bruce wearing the cowl for all of his costumed scenes.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

obviously it doesn't work for some like judge dredd. plus capt looks pretty beat up there, we'll see how the mask gets ditched.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I think if someone goes to a superhero movie and is pissed because they are wearing their mask, that person should be kicked out of the theater lol
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Yep. Dredd (Stallone version) is a great example of what I'm talking about. I loved Spidey 2 but wish he didn't have to rip the damn thing off every other second.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

like it or not, some people go to these just to see hemsworth or evans with their shirts off.