The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

It's uncanny how much HHH looks like Thor

I've heard the HHH reference a ton of times which is funny since Hitch (unofficially of course) based his look of Thor on Brad Pitt (who was rumored to have been offered the part and turned it down)

Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

that would be a very very small percentage though, the other 99.9% are there because of Thor, Cap, and Iron Man...not Hemsworth, Evans, or RDJ
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

It's uncanny how much HHH looks like Thor

This movie needs to come out NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those two looks they really kind of do. :lol

As far as the costumes I don't care for Thor without sleeves I do think its a look thats less cool than his own movie, but disagree with some on the look for Cap. His new look is equally as cool if not better than his own movie and I think when folks see figures of it or in the movie it will be fine with them. That thing up close at comic-con was cool as hell. I stopped by and looked at it every day.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

that would be a very very small percentage though, the other 99.9% are there because of Thor, Cap, and Iron Man...not Hemsworth, Evans, or RDJ

I'm not sure if any research or polling has been done on this or not. Regardless, ask any actor if it is easier to emote and connect to an audience without something covering your face.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Oh I'm sure you're right about that, but still, I want to see Cap in his full gear, same as Iron Man
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

The problem with Cap's new costume is that its more form fitting than his last with a lot less bells and whistles in terms of layering and straps so it's more difficult to get it look right on the actor. I'm sure in post, they'll CGI the suit more form fitting and even tighten it up left and right to make it look more heroic. I'm not at all worried.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Oh I'm sure you're right about that, but still, I want to see Cap in his full gear, same as Iron Man

totally. :duff But what I want and what is best for the picture are often different things. I think they've found a nice balance in most of these. But yeah, Spiderman was ripping off his mask every chance he got. :lol
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

totally. :duff But what I want and what is best for the picture are often different things. I think they've found a nice balance in most of these. But yeah, Spiderman was ripping off his mask every chance he got. :lol

I know lol. He even managed to get it off DURING the fight scenes instead of just before and after lol
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

That's what studios believe but I don't think they are correct. Cap kept his mask on for all the fighting scenes in TFA and the gajillions of people who saw The Dark Knight obviously didn't have a problem with Bruce wearing the cowl for all of his costumed scenes.

Yeah, it would be nice to see Thor with his helmet on in these scenes.
It shows enough of his face for emot-ing. HHH has too much of a knuckle dragger look and persona to be considered or mistaken for Thor. Isn't Steve Rogers blond?:dunno