The Avengers VS The Dark Knight

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Which is the better movie?

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I never got 'serious' while watching Avengers (ok, maybe for a minute when Coulson died). Really enjoyed the movie. In TDK, apart from a couple of quips Alfred made (did he?), the entire movie had a certain tension. Like many say, I believe they're completely different genres and should not be compared within the same category of a 'comic book movie'.
*predicts that every member with a Batman sig/avy will, despite years ago having said Nolan's films were the best comic book movies ever made, will now say they shouldn't be categorized as comic book movies*
Damn, I love both. I can't decide!!! Like Badmoon wrote, I need to go flip a coin. Hmmm, Two Face flips a coin. He was in the Dark Knight. decisions, decisions. :(
Damn, I love both. I can't decide!!! Like Badmoon wrote, I need to go flip a coin. Hmmm, Two Face flips a coin. He was in the Dark Knight. decisions, decisions. :(

You are in violation of Sideshow Freaks Rule #1.

You are not allowed to like more than one Superhero blockbuster movie at a time.

Oh wait yes you can, TDK isn't a Superhero movie.

You are cleared to proceed loving both. :lol
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TDK is a movie based on a comic character, not denying that at all. Maybe there should be a sub-genre (if there is anything like that). I mean if Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth is made into a movie, will it be the same as compared to any other regular comic story based movie :dunno has classified the two under the following categories:

TDK: Action / Adventure / Comic book / Crime / Sci-Fi / Thriller

Avengers: Action / Comic book / Sci-Fi

Maybe its nothing, but still goes to show that TDK has been more than just a fun comic book movie. So, maybe comparing them in the same scale is just, as they say, apples to oranges.
Avengers, although I haven't seen it yet.

Don't really care for the Batman movies, they were alright. Never cared for any of the characters..nothing really amazed me. My favorite thing about them was probably Heath Ledger as the Joker, and that was pretty underwhelming too.

I'd definitely say they are the most overrated movies of all time.

...FYI, I had no idea who Ironman was before the movie came out. Knew nothing about Captain America..Only remembered Thor as the god with the long blonde hair and hammer.. And I've liked Batman since I was little.
The Avengers wins for having sexier womenz, though TDK has the bigger line-up of beefcakes.

Dat Alfred
Dat Lucius
Dat Commish Gordon

The Avengers just cant compare when it comes to that team of Sectogenarians. Are you hot just thinking about it, ladies? is Avatar more overrated than the Batman movies? There was MUCH more hype for TDK than Avatar. And Avatar was a much better movie anyway... :dunno
One. Yes. Two. No.

Avatar is the number one film of all time. So, therefore, it's way overrated.

And it is not a better movie. Not at all. In any way, shape or form.
I am a Batman fan. My opinion will likely be biased when I eventually vote in the poll (I haven't seen "Avengers" yet). I liked "Iron Man" and "Hulk." Never saw the need to rewatch either of them though. I loved "Thor" and own it on Bluray and have watched it a few times since seeing it twice in theaters. I didn't either hate or like "Iron Man 2" or "Captain America." I don't see how I will flip out over this movie enough with characters I don't care for to say it will end up topping BB or TDK.

I do think both can be considered comic book movies. But at the same time, they're very different types of movies within the genre. It's like comparing "Dumb & Dumber" to "Clue." Are they both comedies? Absolutely. Are they made for the same audience? Absolutely not. Will everyone enjoy either? Nope. Will some enjoy one and not the other? Yup. Is it possible to like both for different reasons? Yes. And that's the point people are making when trying to separate Nolan's Batman films from Marvel's Avengers series.
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