The Book Of Boba Fett (December 2021)

Collector Freaks Forum

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I haven't gotten that in years and I still compulsively collect, so...

Yes, there's absolutely an element of compulsion with my collecting as well. I think some people are just predisposed to being collectors. I collected sports cards as a youth and into my 20s. I bought the Han Solo, Chewie and Fett Applause figures back in the Star Wars blight of the late 80s and early 90s and I went full bore on POTF figures when the line was resurrected. I've sold and bought different things as my tastes change but I'm always collecting something. I just need to make sure my kids know where all the boxes are and how they're labeled so they can recoup some of the lost inheritance that this little compulsion has cost them :)
neither are perfect at all, and i agree. as much as i love sw.

mcu>sw it just has so much rewatch ability and there’s more than 9 good movies and shows in the entire mcu (compared to sw 5 or so movies and 2 seasons of a good show).
Yes, taken as a whole the MCU is a far greater accomplishment in storytelling.

Forget all the "Star Wars was first" and "technical achievement" and "cultural watershed" stuff -- taken strictly on the merits of entertaining films and storytelling, the MCU is better and more consistently executed by an order of magnitude, as @jye4ever says.

There is only the OT. The others are blasphemy.
Ah, you're orthodox. I can respect that.

Good points actually. Maybe the Joker isn't really such a hard role to full off.
It may not be 'easy' but it's not exactly King Lear either; I think there's not enough credit given to writers -- someone had to create the character and context for the actor to step into. Sometimes there's alchemy, sometimes there's failure, but it begins with the writers, and the director certainly has a huge hand in it as well. I've worked on films wherein directors single-handedly destroyed characters and wrecked performances because they couldn't get a handle on the human aspect.

It's a difficult and technical job; for every skilled and talented director there are scores of megalomaniacs and hacks who maybe have a handle on one aspect of a deeply multi-dimensional enterprise. You see it writ large with big names like Snyder or Burton, although of the two I think Snyder is inferior.

Can anyone say "narrow minded"?
He's ultra-orthodox, let it go.

The PT has genuine SOVL and PATHOS. You Homunculi wouldn't get it because you have SOVLs.
It attempts it. Swing and a miss.
Yes, taken as a whole the MCU is a far greater accomplishment in storytelling.

Forget all the "Star Wars was first" and "technical achievement" and "cultural watershed" stuff -- taken strictly on the merits of entertaining films and storytelling, the MCU is better and more consistently executed by an order of magnitude, as @jye4ever says.

Ah, you're orthodox. I can respect that.

It may not be 'easy' but it's not exactly King Lear either; I think there's not enough credit given to writers -- someone had to create the character and context for the actor to step into. Sometimes there's alchemy, sometimes there's failure, but it begins with the writers, and the director certainly has a huge hand in it as well. I've worked on films wherein directors single-handedly destroyed characters and wrecked performances because they couldn't get a handle on the human aspect.

It's a difficult and technical job; for every skilled and talented director there are scores of megalomaniacs and hacks who maybe have a handle on one aspect of a deeply multi-dimensional enterprise. You see it writ large with big names like Snyder or Burton, although of the two I think Snyder is inferior.

He's ultra-orthodox, let it go.

It attempts it. Swing and a miss.
lol I'm not even religious, but my media consumption is. I've recently purged the average movies in my collection and are at a cult like/cleric/paladin strict cleansing level of quality. I do realize that my OT/EU canon's time is over. Someone else is in power (Hitler if you will) has taken hold and dark times are upon us. And Mando is the best of that world, although still lacking. It will never be the same for me....ever. Acceptance is difficult and it is best to just go to that stage and move on/evolve aka stop watching new SW trash.
And Mando is the best of that world, although still lacking. It will never be the same for me....ever. Acceptance is difficult and it is best to just go to that stage and move on/evolve.
I tend to agree. I've had two stages of heavy engagement as a fan, one when I was building 1/6th customs, and the second when I took umbrage at the smug and cynical handling of the ST; the pandemic's initial stages left me with way too much time to burn on idles like this forum, but it also made me examine why a middle-aged man should care enough to enter into long debates over basically children's films from decades ago.

Fandom is a strange thing. At any rate part of it was an argumentative aspect to my personality and sheer disbelief that anyone could give what I viewed as a lying cash grab a pass -- I guess I felt like I was being gaslighted -- but the rest of it ... ? Yes, time to let it go.

I understand the joy and diversion and community such fandom brings to many people and I would never call it wrong -- I'm still here posting with my nerds -- but I have also accepted that it's over and I can let it go, pack up the good memories and go be an adult. Disney will do what it always does and I simply don't need to engage. They lost my subscriber money because their content is bad, end of story.
I tend to agree. I've had two stages of heavy engagement as a fan, one when I was building 16th customs, and the second when I took umbrage at the smug and cynical handling of the ST; the pandemic's initial stages left me with way too much time to burn on idles like this forum, but it also made me examine why a middle-aged man should care enough to enter into long debates over basically children's films from decades ago.

Fandom is a strange thing. At any rate part of it was an argumentative aspect to my personality and sheer disbelief that anyone could give what I viewed as a lying cash grab a pass -- I guess I felt like I was being gaslighted -- but the rest of it ... ? Yes, time to let it go.

I understand the joy and diversion and community such fandom brings to many people and I would never call it wrong -- I'm still here posting with my nerds -- but I have also accepted that it's over and I can let it go, pack up the good memories and go be an adult. Disney will do what it always does and I simply don't need to engage. They lost my subscriber money because their content is bad, end of story.
Agreed. Best to focus on the new/better content like The Batman and the MCU, where at least content is driving forward instead of staying in previous events.
Yes, taken as a whole the MCU is a far greater accomplishment in storytelling.

Forget all the "Star Wars was first" and "technical achievement" and "cultural watershed" stuff -- taken strictly on the merits of entertaining films and storytelling, the MCU is better and more consistently executed by an order of magnitude, as @jye4ever says.

Ah, you're orthodox. I can respect that.

It may not be 'easy' but it's not exactly King Lear either; I think there's not enough credit given to writers -- someone had to create the character and context for the actor to step into. Sometimes there's alchemy, sometimes there's failure, but it begins with the writers, and the director certainly has a huge hand in it as well. I've worked on films wherein directors single-handedly destroyed characters and wrecked performances because they couldn't get a handle on the human aspect.

It's a difficult and technical job; for every skilled and talented director there are scores of megalomaniacs and hacks who maybe have a handle on one aspect of a deeply multi-dimensional enterprise. You see it writ large with big names like Snyder or Burton, although of the two I think Snyder is inferior.

He's ultra-orthodox, let it go.

It attempts it. Swing and a miss.
:thud: :thud: :thud:

That statement really says it all doesn’t it that is some hardcore truth.

Before anyone brings up The Clone Wars animated series that doesn’t count for me.

Now OF COURSE I will ALWAYS love ANH/ESB over ANY MCU movie BUT make no mistake about it the MCU is the true pop cultural successor to the OT NOT the new SW movies or even Mando!

The OT changed cinema!

The MCU changed cinema!
Ah, you're orthodox. I can respect that.

It may not be 'easy' but it's not exactly King Lear either; I think there's not enough credit given to writers -- someone had to create the character and context for the actor to step into. Sometimes there's alchemy, sometimes there's failure, but it begins with the writers, and the director certainly has a huge hand in it as well. I've worked on films wherein directors single-handedly destroyed characters and wrecked performances because they couldn't get a handle on the human aspect.

It's a difficult and technical job; for every skilled and talented director there are scores of megalomaniacs and hacks who maybe have a handle on one aspect of a deeply multi-dimensional enterprise. You see it writ large with big names like Snyder or Burton, although of the two I think Snyder is inferior.
Good points. But the writers are often ignored in the same way the director's the one that gets all the attention. Joker's problem is that he's transcended his being and now exists as something larger than the character. The meme is stronger than the reality. I guess I was never particularly into it, so the more attention it gets as a concept, the more it irks me. IMHO, it's not that hard to pull off the scary, wacky guy in a controlled and scripted environment, especially compared to other archetypes. It still takes charisma and talent, it's just that there are much harder roles out there. Grab an isolated autist, give them some paint and let them run amock during one of their embarassing flashback episodes, and I reckon you'll get a more truthful and unsettling Jokah Bay-Bee performance than most Hollywood guys...

It attempts it. Swing and a miss.
Sure, but it has its moments. The fact that it tried at least is something I can admire. It's why the ST is so devoid of any meaning in comparison.

but it also made me examine why a middle-aged man should care enough to enter into long debates over basically children's films from decades ago.

Anyway, I'm off to seethe about Kang and plan in what sexy poses to put my inevitable Jean Grey dolly in 7 years. I sure am a balanced individual!


help us mando and obi wan you’re our only hope

i have a feeling obi wan might be really good dare i say great like mando.
Yeah, even tho it's taken forever tor Obi-wan to get off the ground, dunno just feel like it's gonna be good.
Ewan McGregor being a big part of that; always liked him as Obiwan since the PT.

Plus no doubt successes with the Mandalorian in the tech department (the Volume and having some old school artists jump in) is gonna boost the quality, at least visually.

Reading some of these comments; and the online explosions over TLJ:horror - dunno if I'm better off, or not, coming into real comics and SW fandom pretty late compared to many. I'd always been firmly in the fantasy camp, pretty much (Middle Earth and knockoffs) up to the MCU and actually, the ST. So I've done a lot of backtracking. Dunno if everyone goes through fan phases, or not.

So for whatever reason - and I like gritty - the early TFA images got me hooked, at first anyway. 😁



For me at first, what's not to like, a story about a young woman living a bleak life on some dry dusty planet, and probably the first Stormtrooper in SW to really show feeling anything about anything. Star Wars reborn! This looked awesome!


For me so much promise, by the end so much *&^%; I've only seen TROS twice 'coz on the second viewing literally found it unbearable. Terrible writing.:pfft:

But the ST did get me reading, listening to old school fans, watching CW and Rebels which I enjoyed the *&^% out of. Then Mando came along and it's like, someone made a SW just for me.:lol


Hadn't thought about, but time and again these directors seem to stumble at the end - from the Hobbit (yes, luv a lot about the Hobbit, but not the elf overload except for Thranduil) to the MCU (End Game with lots of rehash...) to SW (the ST that ultimately went into reshash x10, the cowards...) - but for right now, with these SW series, I'm having fun.

Suppose collecting-wise tho, knowing all good things come to an end, it's just a good check before I buy e.g. asking myself; do I really see this on my shelf 5 years from now, 10 years from now? For now I feel pretty good about my Mando stuff, like the Crest. Even if the series went to &^%$ in the end, I was there for the introduction of some stellar new characters into the world of SW. Just plz F&F don't *&^% this up.:crying Don't think I can deal with another GOT finale.:poop:

It gets like, never care, 'coz these producers/directors/writers will step on you as they laugh their way to the bank. And by then you've blown money on a pricey fig you decide you need to offload. I sure hope the folks that bought a life size Thanos bust really, really luv it (I settled for the HASBRO Thanos gauntlet and Mando helmet 😁)
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Yeah, even tho it's taken forever tor Obi-wan to get off the ground, dunno just feel like it's gonna be good.
Ewan McGregor being a big part of that; always liked him as Obiwan since the PT.

Plus no doubt successes with the Mandalorian in the tech department (the Volume and having some old school artists jump in) is gonna boost the quality, at least visually.

Reading some of these comments; and the online explosions over TLJ:horror - dunno if I'm better off, or not, coming into real comics and SW fandom pretty late compared to many. I'd always been firmly in the fantasy camp, pretty much (Middle Earth and knockoffs) up to the MCU and actually, the ST. So I've done a lot of backtracking. Dunno if everyone goes through fan phases, or not.

So for whatever reason - and I like gritty - the early TFA images got me hooked, at first anyway. 😁
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For me at first, what's not to like, a story about a young woman living a bleak life on some dry dusty planet, and probably the first Stormtrooper in SW to really show feeling anything about anything. Star Wars reborn! This looked awesome!

View attachment 563602

For me so much promise, by the end so much *&^%; I've only seen TROS twice 'coz on the second viewing literally found it unbearable. Terrible writing.:pfft:

But the ST did get me reading, listening to old school fans, watching CW and Rebels which I enjoyed the *&^% out of. Then Mando came along and it's like, someone made a SW just for me.:lol

View attachment 563603

Hadn't thought about, but time and again these directors seem to stumble at the end - from the Hobbit (yes, luv a lot about the Hobbit, but not the elf overload except for Thranduil) to the MCU (End Game with lots of rehash...) to SW (the ST that ultimately went into reshash x10, the cowards...) - but for right now, with these SW series, I'm having fun.

Suppose collecting-wise tho, knowing all good things come to an end, it's just a good check before I buy e.g. asking myself; do I really see this on my shelf 5 years from now, 10 years from now? For now I feel pretty good about my Mando stuff, like the Crest. Even if the series went to &^%$ in the end, I was there for the introduction of some stellar new characters into the world of SW. Just plz F&F don't *&^% this up.:crying Don't think I can deal with another GOT finale.:poop:

It gets like, never care, 'coz these producers/directors/writers will step on you as they laugh their way to the bank. And by then you've blown money on a pricey fig you decide you need to offload. I sure hope the folks that bought a life size Thanos bust really, really luv it (I settled for the HASBRO Thanos gauntlet and Mando helmet 😁)
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Why would I? The man did say he backtracked and went through the previous installments in an effort to dive into the IP. My problem's with the ignorant tumblr and twitter crowds who see a flick then rush to make fanfics of their headcanons and ignore the canon and the foundations, thinking themselves all the better for it. Basically, normie bloody *****. **** 'em I say.

:lol Bring it.

Meanwhile am still admiring the paint on my newly acquired 3.75 Mando. I can stop any time I want, I swear. Utinni!:monkey3
It's okay, I forgive you for getting into SW with the ST, since you put in the work.


Now however comes the true test of a filthy OT purist, and an EU Chad. What did you think of SW Legacy?

Why would I? The man did say he backtracked and went through the previous installments in an effort to dive into the IP. My problem's with the ignorant tumblr and twitter crowds who see a flick then rush to make fanfics of their headcanons and ignore the canon and the foundations, thinking themselves all the better for it. Basically, normie bloody *****. **** 'em I say.

It's okay, I forgive you for getting into SW with the ST, since you put in the work.


Now however comes the true test of a filthy OT purist, and an EU Chad. What did you think of SW Legacy?

Cade Skywalker in Mando armor taking death sticks and telling ghost Luke to go eff himself. Awesome series.
And then Disney came in and ruined everything. They even stole those Boba Fett and Darth Maul games from us...

There is a long rant I could go on, but it tis helpless. EU was gold and even with Lucas he didn't use utilize the stories and characters to it's fullest potential. Kyle Katarn, Luke's awesome Jedi Academy, Solo kids with Ben Skywalker. My best friend doesn't even acknowledge Star Wars anymore because of it.
There is a long rant I could go on, but it tis helpless. EU was gold and even with Lucas he didn't use utilize the stories and characters to it's fullest potential. Kyle Katarn, Luke's awesome Jedi Academy, Solo kids with Ben Skywalker.
Ain't that the truth...


Now that was SOVL. And I'll never get dollies of them... Man, what's the point of my collection even? Like half of my favourites will never happen, and others were ruined in translation. Is this all for naught?

My best friend doesn't even acknowledge Star Wars anymore because of it.
That's what I used to do until my OCD completionism completely took over. Now I store everything in an external HD. Comics, shows, movies. I even have The Picture Book Of Beta Fatt stored. I can't stop.

Ain't that the truth...


Now that was SOVL. And I'll never get dollies of them... Man, what's the point of my collection even? Like half of my favourites will never happen, and others were ruined in translation. Is this all for naught?
Ah the memories. All burned. This is all for naught as if they even like a character, they will transform them into a much lesser and worthless character. My main boy is Exar Kun. The Tales of the Jedi comics and Darth Malak are the remnants of my former large SW collection. HT R2, Rotj Fett, Rotj Luke and Heavy Mando is my HTs. Will get Snowspeeder Luke and upgrade to Mando Jedi Luke for Jedi Master Luke. Besides a Thrawn in Ahsoka, that all I will need.
That's what I used to do until my OCD completionism completely took over. Now I store everything in an external HD. Comics, shows, movies. I even have The Picture Book Of Beta Fatt stored. I can't stop.

I like the new shiny object. And frankly, my OCD of having to know hurts. Just got to find way to ignore SW. My new shiny object is Horizon Dawn 2 right now.
Ah the memories. All burned. This is all for naught as if they even like a character, they will transform them into a much lesser and worthless character. My main boy is Exar Kun. The Tales of the Jedi comics and Darth Malak are the remnants of my former large SW collection. HT R2, Rotj Fett, Rotj Luke and Heavy Mando is my HTs. Will get Snowspeeder Luke and upgrade to Mando Jedi Luke for Jedi Master Luke. Besides a Thrawn in Ahsoka, that all I will need.
I just pick and choose myself. My shelves tell their own little stories. Kylo can be Jacen in my head. When we get Thrawn it'll be EU Thrawn I'm looking at, not Disney Thrawn. I do that with everything. Same way my Endgame Thanos is waiting for an Adam Warlock to represent Infinity Gauntlet, and my X-Shelf will be my favourite Mutants, not some specific era or team. One thing I have to thank the Krakoa era for is that with all the muties on the same island, and them changing costumes depending on mood, I can just do a Krakoa Display and have literally any combination I want and still justify it as a set-up.

I like the new shiny object. And frankly, my OCD of having to know hurts. Just got to find way to ignore SW. My new shiny object is Horizon Dawn 2 right now.
I haven't had a genuinely shiny new object like that in... I don't know, honestly. I'm caught up in trying to keep up/come to terms with past IPs. Get the dollies, get the Omnis, close the chapters is how I see it. There's little enjoyment in it. I'll get my Cosmic, FF, Supernatural, X-Men, Illuminati, Sith, Jedi, Batman, Lantern, [...] Displays and then... that'll be it, I suppose. I know I'll give in and buy a Kang and Namor even if I hate their MCU portrayals. I know I'll not stick to my one-per-character rule for certain ones. It's just how I am. I just need to keep it contained from going further, and I'm doing just fine thus far. I've skipped lots of "sure, I like that" and stuck with the necessities. For now... Sometimes I wonder if it'd be easier to just stick to 10-20 favourites and go around buying 1/12th, 1/6th, 1/4th, 1/3rd, etc of them, but I know my OCD would kill me.

The thing is, nothing new really jumps out at me either. Nothing that comes to mind right now, at least. Games, comics, movies, they're all "oh, yeah, sure, I'll catch that... someday" at best. I have an entire pile of floppies of about a year that I haven't read yet. Since you mentioned it, I'd love to play Horizon due to the sprawling environments, but the story doesn't sound that interesting to me, and I've not bought a new console since the PS3. I also haven't upgraded my rig in about 7 years now, and part of it is because I'm not seeing anything that makes me want to do that. I don't have time to game, and when I do it's all so dreadfully boring.


I genuinely miss that though. Waiting for E3 each year and getting hyped over new vidya was always something I anticipated with excitement. I guess I want to see how that new Star Wars Eclipse game turns out. I'm not holding out much hope for the KotOR remake. The Wonder Woman game could be fun, and I'd buy a figure of her if she's got better aesthetics than the Gadot versions. I don't much care for her comics (I don't like it when myths get pop culture'd as I feel it cheapens them; it's weird that I even like Namor as much as I do), but going by pure aesthetics she's gotten a great redesign since the Nu52 days where she moved away from the American Flag panties.