The Book Of Boba Fett (December 2021)

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@matticus 's orthodoxy got me thinking:
  • OT only: Ultra Orthodox
  • OT and PT: Apologist
  • OT, EU and/or PT: Pantheist
  • OT, RO, Solo and The Mandalorian: Progressive
  • ST: Heretical
  • BoBF: Cultist
As a staunch Progressive I respect Ultra Orthodox fans, tolerate Apologists and Pantheists, while considering the ST and BoBF to be the entirely apocryphal ravings of charlatans and lunatics, and pray for the liberation of their followers from such heresy and falsehood.
Even chibi Boba Fett from Star Wars Visions has more game than this bumbling fool.

@matticus 's orthodoxy got me thinking:
  • OT only: Ultra Orthodox
  • OT and PT: Apologist
  • OT, EU and/or PT: Pantheist
  • OT, RO, Solo and The Mandalorian: Progressive
  • ST: Heretical
  • BoBF: Cultist
As a staunch Progressive I respect Ultra Orthodox fans, tolerate Apologists and Pantheists, while considering the ST and BoBF to be the entirely apocryphal ravings of charlatans and lunatics, and pray for the liberation of their followers from such heresy and falsehood.
The true purists are SW/ESB only. :lecture

No ROTJ. No SE's, not even "A New Hope."

And for BOBF you can just type "Khev." "Cultist" implies cult which implies more than one person, lol.
The true purists are SW/ESB only. :lecture

No ROTJ. No SE's, not even "A New Hope."

And for BOBF you can just type "Khev." "Cultist" implies cult which implies more than one person, lol.
There are many, many schisms and permutations within this ancient religion. I figured the broad strokes would do. :LOL:

But you do bring up a good point about the SE heresy. :unsure:

*continues to pray for Khev's liberation*
...on another note, could it be that Kathleen Kennedy is the Palpatine of this story? Working behind the scenes well before we she made herself known, whispering in George's ear to turn him?

It was SHE who conceived of the PT, working behind the scenes with her apprentice ... SHE who engineered the sale to Disney and her own rise to power and the ensuing Dark Times. 😲 😲 😲
Tython Deluxe Boba pak is a keeper and I dont even have mine yet.

You know what I see HT doing? Ignoring everyone else in BoBF, as well as legacy characters everyone wants like Padme' and her fifty costumes, etc. we dont get the rest of the Bad Batch - none of that - and instead giving us every last one of those stupid "Mods," and each one of them comes with their assigned Skittles vehicle. HT would totally do that! They are sadists.
Huh. With the increased delays by the time the mods came out from HT, another director will have come along and wisely had Cad Bane take them out 😁 .
No way Bane is dead. His return is a couple of shows for season 2 TBOBF right there.
I'm wondering/thinking that Cad Bane may play a role in the show that they are teasing with Timothy Olyphant. Maybe he wants to get even for that shot that almost killed him... Or they'll team up for something. Not sure where they are going with this spin off, but I think we may see him show up in it.

Also I was playing the old Jedi Academy on the Switch a week ago and I forgot that Boba shows up in it. He's a badass in that game, though pretty short lived and with very little interaction. Now that I'm thinking it, I think he was in Jedi Outcast 2 as well. Great games...
The true purists are SW/ESB only. :lecture

No ROTJ. No SE's, not even "A New Hope."

And for BOBF you can just type "Khev." "Cultist" implies cult which implies more than one person, lol.
ah so “purists” are like grandmas who don’t know it’s a film saga, just a star war.

My hate has nothing to do with me wanting a continuation of ESB Fett.

They dropped the ball with their new Fett post Sarlaac transformation.

First they created a character who is an intellectual slog who doesn’t even comprehend his own plan then they surrounded him with the most lame team in SW history.

The plot was as intricate as a 50 piece lego box set and as intriguing as an ABC afterschool special.

BOBF gave us a lady who beds Jawas.

Luke, Mando and Grogu should’ve never been in this abomination.

I laugh every time I see the BOBF narrative described as a "redemption arc." A redemption from what!? Fett's first chronological scenes in the series already demonstrated that he was a compassionate person by default. There was no evidence or reason given on screen during the show to believe the lip service about him ever being a ruthless killer.

When he tried escaping his Tusken captors, his instinct was to want to free the Rodian slave. And when the Tusken dynamic with Fett was still a very hostile one, he refused to harm the Tusken kid who was beating him. Again: they made him default to compassion *before* any alleged transformation.

There was no redemption arc. There was no arc of any kind. All he did was get dumber. And he was somehow clueless to begin with when it comes to the generalities of Tatooine underworld politics... despite working for Jabba for years.

He was upstaged by Fennec, Cad Bane, Mando, and even Grogu. His most memorable scenes are things such as "like a Bantha," getting tossed around in his undies, crashing his ship into walls before flying it into a Sarlacc pit, and making weird faces. What an extended legacy! :lol

I laugh every time I see the BOBF narrative described as a "redemption arc." A redemption from what!? Fett's first chronological scenes in the series already demonstrated that he was a compassionate person by default. There was no evidence or reason given on screen during the show to believe the lip service about him ever being a ruthless killer.

When he tried escaping his Tusken captors, his instinct was to want to free the Rodian slave. And when the Tusken dynamic with Fett was still a very hostile one, he refused to harm the Tusken kid who was beating him. Again: they made him default to compassion *before* any alleged transformation.

There was no redemption arc. There was no arc of any kind. All he did was get dumber. And he was somehow clueless to begin with when it comes to the generalities of Tatooine underworld politics... despite working for Jabba for years.

He was upstaged by Fennec, Cad Bane, Mando, and even Grogu. His most memorable scenes are things such as "like a Bantha," getting tossed around in his undies, crashing his ship into walls before flying it into a Sarlacc pit, and making weird faces. What an extended legacy! :lol


I laugh every time I see the BOBF narrative described as a "redemption arc." A redemption from what!? Fett's first chronological scenes in the series already demonstrated that he was a compassionate person by default. There was no evidence or reason given on screen during the show to believe the lip service about him ever being a ruthless killer.

When he tried escaping his Tusken captors, his instinct was to want to free the Rodian slave. And when the Tusken dynamic with Fett was still a very hostile one, he refused to harm the Tusken kid who was beating him. Again: they made him default to compassion *before* any alleged transformation.

There was no redemption arc. There was no arc of any kind. All he did was get dumber. And he was somehow clueless to begin with when it comes to the generalities of Tatooine underworld politics... despite working for Jabba for years.

He was upstaged by Fennec, Cad Bane, Mando, and even Grogu. His most memorable scenes are things such as "like a Bantha," getting tossed around in his undies, crashing his ship into walls before flying it into a Sarlacc pit, and making weird faces. What an extended legacy! :lol
Savage post is savage lol
Indeed! And for me, there was a massive step down even within the series itself. From episodes 5 and 6 to the finale, it was like...

I didn't see episode 6 as all that anyway.

Mostly rehash fan service and touting Ahsoka as this great mystic that even Luke asks after is for me, irritating. Because there wasn't any reason for her to be there at all, except to get non- CW fans to "get" her importance. *Meh*.
Plus the awkwardness of this choice thing, tho I wouldn't be surprised if the reason Luke sent Grogu off with just R2 is that Grogu does, in fact, have a lightsaber. Hopefully not to be used in the future sparring with Mando, so Mando can understand the Darksaber. Not like little Grogu can't Force-choke when he wants, anyway.

More bouncing Yodas. Just use the Force *&^%. But I did like the ant droids and the planet. Can't blame Grogu for bailing out tho, after hanging with Din D'jarin it was probably pretty dull having to sit and meditate.
khev and ajp when they don’t agree about SW…

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Fett upstaged by Fennec, Cad Bane, Mando, and Grogu? Maybe in the comedic episodes but not when it counted.

Fennec and Mando didn't even believe they were capable of defeating the Pykes and that was even before the Annihilator Droids showed up. So she jetted off to take out the high command only for Fett to end up defeating the Pyke army without her. Then when she got there the Pyke Boss said they were leaving anyway (thanks to Fett and the Rancor) so her murder spree wasn't even that necessary.

Fett upstaged Mando in the finale by a wide margin. Fett defeated Cad Bane in single combat. Grogu? Yeah it was cool that he put the Rancor to sleep after Mando showed that he couldn't handle it like Fett but that doesn't mean that Fett couldn't have gotten it under control himself.

Then when all was said and done Fett got to do something that no SW villain has ever done in live-action: turn good and live.