The Book Of Boba Fett (December 2021)

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I didn't see episode 6 as all that anyway.

Mostly rehash fan service and touting Ahsoka as this great mystic that even Luke asks after is for me, irritating. Because there wasn't any reason for her to be there at all, except to get non- CW fans to "get" her importance. *Meh*.
Plus the awkwardness of this choice thing, tho I wouldn't be surprised if the reason Luke sent Grogu off with just R2 is that Grogu does, in fact, have a lightsaber. Hopefully not to be used in the future sparring with Mando, so Mando can understand the Darksaber. Not like little Grogu can't Force-choke when he wants, anyway.

More bouncing Yodas. Just use the Force *&^%. But I did like the ant droids and the planet. Can't blame Grogu for bailing out tho, after hanging with Din D'jarin it was probably pretty dull having to sit and meditate.
I can definitely understand being underwhelmed by episode 6 if you're not going to be swayed by the nostalgia factor of Luke training a kid of Yoda's species in scenes mimicking ESB. That's why I qualified my post by saying, "for me."

As someone who has *loved* the Dagobah training scenes for 40 years, believe me, episode 6 hit the spot... for *me.*

Fett upstaged by Fennec, Cad Bane, Mando, and Grogu? Maybe in the comedic episodes but not when it counted.

Fennec and Mando didn't even believe they were capable of defeating the Pykes and that was even before the Annihilator Droids showed up. So she jetted off to take out the high command only for Fett to end up defeating the Pyke army without her. Then when she got there the Pyke Boss said they were leaving anyway (thanks to Fett and the Rancor) so her murder spree wasn't even that necessary.

Fett upstaged Mando in the finale by a wide margin. Fett defeated Cad Bane in single combat. Grogu? Yeah it was cool that he put the Rancor to sleep after Mando showed that he couldn't handle it like Fett but that doesn't mean that Fett couldn't have gotten it under control himself.

Then when all was said and done Fett got to do something that no SW villain has ever done in live-action: turn good and live.
Weren't a lot of the Pyke soldiers defeated by Vespa girl and her new pal on the rooftop, and not Fett? And wasn't that after Fett deferred to Vespa girl when it came to the tactical decision about where to stage the battle from?

I'm not trying to be argumentative, Khev, I'm just struggling to understand how you don't see Fett taking a backseat, even in the finale. Fennec ended up getting the key kills which should've been Fett's ultimate retribution for the harm done to him and his Tuskens.

And "killing" Cad Bane is great, don't want to take that away from him, but he *did* get outdueled by Bane big time and only won because Bane was stupid and cocky enough to get into close quarters.
I didn't see episode 6 as all that anyway.

Mostly rehash fan service and touting Ahsoka as this great mystic that even Luke asks after is for me, irritating. Because there wasn't any reason for her to be there at all,

She's the one living person in the galaxy who repeatedly fought side by side with his mother and yet didn't share any details! :cuss

And "killing" Cad Bane is great, don't want to take that away from him, but he *did* get outdueled by Bane big time and only won because Bane was stupid and cocky enough to get into close quarters.

For me, Bane was the shining moment any time he was onscreen in an otherwise disappointing series.

I don;t think they buffooned him once.
For me, Bane was the shining moment any time he was onscreen in an otherwise disappointing series.
Bane was definitely cool in the series. I was lukewarm (at best) about the character in the animated stuff because I thought it was too on-the-nose of an aesthetic homage to Angel Eyes, but in live action the character was undeniably a highlight. And would've been a highlight even if the series had been great.
For me, Bane was the shining moment any time he was onscreen in an otherwise disappointing series.

I don;t think they buffooned him once.
Fennec was fun. Probably deserved better. My wife did a drinking game every time she called out Boba’s bad decisions or bailed him out of a bad decision.
Bane was definitely cool in the series. I was lukewarm (at best) about the character in the animated stuff because I thought it was too on-the-nose of an aesthetic homage to Angel Eyes, but in live action the character was undeniably a highlight. And would've been a highlight even if the series had been great.

I never saw him in the cartoons, but I was aware of his character and design.

I also felt he was a bit on-the-nose as the bad gunslinger but then I remembered Ben the monk, Leia the Princess, and Han Solo the cowboy complete with sidearm and western vest, and I realized alot of Star Wars is just on-the-nose right from the beginning. I was just too young to realize it.

Vader is one of those rare characters that is a more interesting 'mishmash' of many elements -- Nazi, Samurai, the Black Knight, etc...
Weren't a lot of the Pyke soldiers defeated by Vespa girl and her new pal on the rooftop, and not Fett?
He still took out way more Pykes than her (and everyone else.) Plus he recruited her so even her assistance can be traced back to his foresight.

I'm not trying to be argumentative, Khev, I'm just struggling to understand how you don't see Fett taking a backseat, even in the finale. Fennec ended up getting the key kills which should've been Fett's ultimate retribution for the harm done to him and his Tuskens.
They might have been high ranking individuals but taking them out wasn't some amazing act of badassery unlike say ridding the city of an army atop a rancor that only you can ride. :)

And I do find that there's a certain coolness to him basically saying "you guys are such losers I'm just sending one of my underlings to take care of you." Plus it's in the tradition of Leia, not Han, being the one to end Jabba.

And "killing" Cad Bane is great, don't want to take that away from him, but he *did* get outdueled by Bane big time and only won because Bane was stupid and cocky enough to get into close quarters.
Awesome villains make for awesome heroes. Main villains should be characters that the good guys must defy the odds to defeat, IMO. So I thought it was great that they made Bane so badass and seemingly the better gunslinger/gadget guy. He had to get close to remove Fett's Beskar helmet to get the guaranteed kill so I don't fault him for that especially since everything else he did was tactically sound and totally competent. And he was only defeated by a seemingly impossible move with the gaffi so Bane's combat wherewithal remained intact to the end IMO. :)

Honestly if apart from everything else that we disagree with about the finale you also think that Cad Bane had a poor showing then we really have no hope of anything past "agree to disagree," lol. :duff
I never saw him in the cartoons, but I was aware of his character and design.

I also felt he was a bit on-the-nose as the bad gunslinger but then I remembered Ben the monk, Leia the Princess, and Han Solo the cowboy complete with sidearm and western vest, and I realized alot of Star Wars is just on-the-nose right from the beginning. I was just too young to realize it.

Vader is one of those rare characters that is a more interesting 'mishmash' of many elements -- Nazi, Samurai, the Black Knight, etc...
Fair enough. Han is different for me because his look never seemed all that different from some of the other background people walking around Tatooine. But yeah, my childhood sensibilities probably continue to inform my "adult" view of those original movies and characters.
Fair enough. Han is different for me because his look never seemed all that different from some of the other background people walking around Tatooine. But yeah, my childhood sensibilities probably continue to inform my "adult" view of those original movies and characters.
One big difference between Cowboy Han and Cowboys Bane/Vanth was that while Han might have looked and acted the cowboy archetype they didn't put him in situations that were also on-the-nose cowboy tropes. Compared to BOBF where you have characters acting like desert towns squaring off against each other in quickdraw duels. The closest Han got to that was Cloud City when Vader appeared but everything about that scene was so magnificently Star Wars-ey (Vader, the stark white halls, being up in the sky, etc.) that it didn't feel like a straight copy and paste from another genre.
He still took out way more Pykes than her (and everyone else.) Plus he recruited her so even her assistance can be traced back to his foresight.

They might have been high ranking individuals but taking them out wasn't some amazing act of badassery unlike say ridding the city of an army atop a rancor that only you can ride. :)

And I do find that there's a certain coolness to him basically saying "you guys are such losers I'm just sending one of my underlings to take care of you." Plus it's in the tradition of Leia, not Han, being the one to end Jabba.

Awesome villains make for awesome heroes. Main villains should be characters that the good guys must defy the odds to defeat, IMO. So I thought it was great that they made Bane so badass and seemingly the better gunslinger/gadget guy. He had to get close to remove Fett's Beskar helmet to get the guaranteed kill so I don't fault him for that especially since everything else he did was tactically sound and totally competent. And he was only defeated by a seemingly impossible move with the gaffi so Bane's combat wherewithal remained intact to the end IMO. :)

Honestly if apart from everything else that we disagree with about the finale you also think that Cad Bane had a poor showing then we really have no hope of anything past "agree to disagree," lol. :duff
The Pyke syndicate chief wasn't just some high-ranking leader, though. He was the guy who ordered the hit on the Tuskens, and Cad Bane made it clear to Fett and to the audience. So, there was a personal retribution to be had. Also with the mayor who Fett knew to have sent assassins after him. That was what I was getting at.

As for Bane, I don't think it was a poor showing at all. If I thought a SW villain doing something stupid by way of cockiness made for a bad showing, I'd have a much different take on some of my favorite cinematic villains of all time.
One big difference between Cowboy Han and Cowboys Bane/Vanth was that while Han might have looked and acted the cowboy archetype they didn't put him in situations that were also on-the-nose cowboy tropes... like desert towns squaring off against each other in quickdraw duels.

That's very true. The entire setting, style, music, acting; everything is straight spaghetti western, right down to Cobb's ridiculous red scarf.

In Han's case in ANH, they also emphasized the pirate/smuggler angle alot -- so he became this hybrid "gunslinger/pirate" which was cool. The blatant archetypes were streamlined more, simplified to a core. More recent creators have gotten lazy or just don't know how to mix archetypes well... or Lucas has already burned out the majority of available choices.
Fair enough. Han is different for me because his look never seemed all that different from some of the other background people walking around Tatooine. But yeah, my childhood sensibilities probably continue to inform my "adult" view of those original movies and characters.
If Han is 70% on the Western Gunfighter Scale, Cad Bane is easily 98% which is about 28% too much for Star Wars, in my opinion.
My favorite part was when helmeted Fett informed Cad that he was in armor.

I guess Cad looked like this to Fett:

My favorite part was when helmeted Fett informed Cad that he was in armor.

I guess Cad looked like this to Fett:

View attachment 563763

Speaking of favorite scenes with Cad Bane I really loved the exchange that he had with the mayor and the Pyke boss at the beginning of the episode. A major back and forth between three significant characters and not a single one of them was human. Have we ever had an all alien scene like that in SW before? I'm kind of surprised that one isn't immediately coming to mind. Even outside it was just jawas cowering as he walked by. That's when you know you've got really well realized fantasy characters if a true human doesn't even need to be present to ground the scene.
If Han is 70% on the Western Gunfighter Scale, Cad Bane is easily 98% which is about 28% too much for Star Wars, in my opinion.
Agreed. As Wor-Gar already noted, the subtlety found in the George Lucas style of utilizing his inspirations and paying homage is often missing with his successors.

Boba Fett's aesthetic was inspired by The Man With No Name, but it was applied with enough creativity and subtlety that even some fans of the Leone trilogy didn't notice the nod until it was pointed out in supplementary material. The silhouette of Boba Fett is very uniquely Star Wars. But contrast that with the silhouette of Cad Bane which is basically Lee Van Cleef with tubes. :lol

Another example of this difference is how the first Star Wars was heavily influenced by The Hidden Fortress, and yet even hardcore Kurosawa fans might've missed it because those elements were repackaged with plenty of originality and imagination. Again, contrast that with the Kurosawa-inspired Ahsoka episode of Mando last year. There are shots and sequences there that so overtly invoke the source of inspiration that it seems like nothing more than a direct copy. Even viewers who are only casually aware of Kurosawa would have a hard time not being smacked in the face by it.

I think there's more than just a fine line between "homage" and "pastiche." Lucas stayed on that right side of that broad line far more often than not, IMO. And I attribute that to his creativity and imaginative capacity inherently keeping him from being too on-the-nose imitative. Those qualities are not nearly as evident in his apprentice. It's unfortunate because a sense of "freshness" had so much to do with SW getting so popular in the first place.