Another thread?

Once upon a time in this country everyone got together anywhere and discussed politics.
That's probably also the time when almost everyone walked around with sidearms and disposed of each other at will. Coincidence?
Seriously though, if there really was "a time in this country everyone got together anywhere and discussed politics" then I thank my lucky stars I wasn't around then. I'd rather drink kerosene and piss on fire than engage in endless, futile debates rife with circular logic.
The over policing of threads and the forum in general is getting very old very quick. Whether you want to blame the posters for posting borderline posts that are up to interpretation or over zealous forum censors.
We need a non modded section where you can enter at your own risk and people can say whatever the hell they feel like saying. IMO that's what the sandbox should have been but I guess it didn't work out that way. Make a new section and call it The Wasteland or something. Even if you have to accept a "User agreement" or "terms" box before you enter.
It's easy to just say "go somewhere else" but not everyone are forum whores and post on 20 forums a day. They would just like to have conversations with the people they have come to know about things that matter to them without being babysat. I see no reason why this shouldn't be allowed.
I have a feeling if such a place existed here you would notice a lot of people spending a lot of time there......
I think it ridiculous that politics can't be discussed anywhere but the appropriate websites. That's the biggest problem with politics in this country - that everyone seems to think it's never the time or place to have these discussions.
Once upon a time in this country everyone got together anywhere and discussed politics. Communities that discuss politics were able to figure out what it was they really needed and elected officials that got the job done. This doesn't happen anymore (not since Nixon ruined politics for most of the counrty) and now has devolved into partisan rhetoric so everyone has adopted "not the time or place."
We are supposed to be a community so we should discuss the things that affect the community and that is topics besides toys. I don't have any answers for you about how this should be done but censorship is never good.....even on board. If people want to fight outside of said thread then maybe these people are the ones whos should get locked and not the thead itself.
This thread sucks.
I completely agree except for the few who can't do it without trying to flame or spam. Really I think my suggestion (if its technically possible) is the best solution: If you have more than one infraction you can't enter into the political threads.
I think its a simple solution and one that will keep political threads civil and interesting without having to read page after page of a flame war between two guys who can't agree to disagree.
I dont think so. we are here to talk about collectibles and such. not **** stuff or controversial political debates. there are other forums for those outlets, use them....why does this place need to incorporate that?
I dont think so. we are here to talk about collectibles and such. not **** stuff or controversial political debates. there are other forums for those outlets, use them....why does this place need to incorporate that?
besides, what do you care? You dont even contribute much here except to say how "modded" this forum has become.
I think it ridiculous that politics can't be discussed anywhere but the appropriate websites. That's the biggest problem with politics in this country - that everyone seems to think it's never the time or place to have these discussions.
Once upon a time in this country everyone got together anywhere and discussed politics. Communities that discuss politics were able to figure out what it was they really needed and elected officials that got the job done. This doesn't happen anymore (not since Nixon ruined politics for most of the counrty) and now has devolved into partisan rhetoric so everyone has adopted "not the time or place."
We are supposed to be a community so we should discuss the things that affect the community and that is topics besides toys. I don't have any answers for you about how this should be done but censorship is never good.....even on board. If people want to fight outside of said thread then maybe these people are the ones whos should get locked and not the thead itself.
But, not ALL of us are in your country-- and some of us (from other countries who also by the way currently have a federal election in the near future--- in fact, before the US election) either discuss politics in a rationale way or choose to leave that discussion for another place after agreeing to disagree.
I agree 100% with Irish... A close friend's oldest son was just diagnosed with a rare form of Cancer (2 out of every million people) and the outlook is not good. In addition to trying to do whatever (insignificant though it'll be) thing to help him deal with this traumatic event I'm also trying to figure out how to go into our opening night game tonight without my star tailback (high ankle sprain) against the team that we beat in last year's championship who've got a quarterback who in last week's exhibition game threw for over 500 yards-- oh and we lost both our all-star defensive end (ankle) and nosetackle (knee) on Wednesday... The football stuff seems silly in comparison to my friend's anguish but I'm just trying to suggest that maybe at every turn, in the real world there's enough of a ^^^^^ storm (both big and little) that when we log in here for a respite we want to escape... Some people want to bring the ^^^^^ storm everywhere they go and that's alienating the people who want to enjoy the hobby with other likeminded individuals. As pix correctly stated (and others have as well) these things spill over from these "political threads" and soon grudges and comments permeate every section of the board.
Mods have tried to stay back. I've stayed back and let "mature (and not in the pornographic sense)" conversations rage on-- Because they should happen here as well as in the real world... But the constant trolling and attempts to drag both the topic and others down by immature posts (and subsequent posters) has reached its zenith.
If you want to sling mud there are a ton of websites designed for just such postings. I don't believe that this website was designed for that purpose. It was designed to create a community of like-minded collectors from ALL over the world and bring them together like neighbours... Or, am I wrong?
Great in theory, but go read some of the closed threads and you tell me if they are a civilised discussion or just a battle of wits or insults between members.Don't like to read it don't go in it. It's very simple and i don't understand why other people are not allowed to have these discussion because some don't like it. Most people send their time here and like to talk to people here let them have their other topics section. It's not that big a deal.![]()
But, not ALL of us are in your country-- and some of us (from other countries who also by the way currently have a federal election in the near future--- in fact, before the US election) either discuss politics in a rationale way or choose to leave that discussion for another place after agreeing to disagree.
I agree 100% with Irish... A close friend's oldest son was just diagnosed with a rare form of Cancer (2 out of every million people) and the outlook is not good. In addition to trying to do whatever (insignificant though it'll be) thing to help him deal with this traumatic event I'm also trying to figure out how to go into our opening night game tonight without my star tailback (high ankle sprain) against the team that we beat in last year's championship who've got a quarterback who in last week's exhibition game threw for over 500 yards-- oh and we lost both our all-star defensive end (ankle) and nosetackle (knee) on Wednesday... The football stuff seems silly in comparison to my friend's anguish but I'm just trying to suggest that maybe at every turn, in the real world there's enough of a ^^^^^ storm (both big and little) that when we log in here for a respite we want to escape... Some people want to bring the ^^^^^ storm everywhere they go and that's alienating the people who want to enjoy the hobby with other likeminded individuals. As pix correctly stated (and others have as well) these things spill over from these "political threads" and soon grudges and comments permeate every section of the board.
Mods have tried to stay back. I've stayed back and let "mature (and not in the pornographic sense)" conversations rage on-- Because they should happen here as well as in the real world... But the constant trolling and attempts to drag both the topic and others down by immature posts (and subsequent posters) has reached its zenith.
If you want to sling mud there are a ton of websites designed for just such postings. I don't believe that this website was designed for that purpose. It was designed to create a community of like-minded collectors from ALL over the world and bring them together like neighbours... Or, am I wrong?
Great in theory, but go read some of the closed threads and you tell me if they are a civilised discussion or just a battle of wits or insults between members.
A thread may start out civilised and I personally find them interesting until the inevitable inclusion of people insulting others,offensive remarks, people attacking others and so on.
DN is right we have tried to stay out of things and just tried to encourage a great discussion between members that would remain civilised even though people had differing opinions.
Dave said himself he let 2 political threads run as he didnt want to lock them but eventually he had to because of the infighting between members, name calling, insults and attacks.
If this is the result of all these threads then what is the point of them?
We are not here to bicker and fight or create unpleasantness, I know I'm not I get enough of that in real life.
Your right it is a community for collecting but why stop them from having other discussions in one place? Again i didn't say i had the answer but i still feel that if certain people cannot follow the rules then they are the ones who pay for it.