"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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Did Your bro wear a seat belt? I don't think Joker is one who takes kindly to seat belts? HA!

I will have to ask him. But you don't know if the Joker isn't wearing a seat belt. In the world established, there are seat belts available to the Joker, thus my argument is still valid.:lol:lol:lol
Did Your bro wear a seat belt? I don't think Joker is one who takes kindly to seat belts? HA!

perhaps he'll jokingly talk about how seat belts save lives... then have his rig flip over. sounds like something Mr. J would do.
I saw this on Batman On film.com today and thought it was very cool!

Actor/Director Jon Favreau -- who helmed the kick-ass IRON MAN (HERE'S MY REVIEW) had some very nice words for Chris Nolan and THE DARK KNIGHT Check this out...

"I think as the summer roles out, and I’m really curious about 'The Dark Knight’ to be honest with you. That was this looming presence that we knew was going to be a great film. I have no doubt that it’s going to be phenomenal.

I think our big saving grace was the fact that we had a couple of months between that film and us and there was room for both of us. We weren’t fighting for shelf space. Even though we weren’t going head to head, it was very clear that we could not take this character that on paper could seem very similar to Batman, and I have no doubt that just the inception of ‘Iron Man’ was a reaction to DC. It was definitely borrowed a lot from DC because here you have the billionaire bachelor guy, who was struggling with inner conflict, and he has no super powers. He invents his own suit and his abilities come from himself. He’s a self-made hero. We had to really steer clear of everything that ‘The Dark Knight’ was doing.

I have tremendous respect for their cast, for [Christopher] Nolan, and so I want to see what they do. I definitely don’t want to fight for the same territory as them. There is plenty of room to tell these stories. As a fan I’m really looking forward to it and I have a lot of respect for the way they approach the material too. He has no second unit on his films. He does all the directing himself. If they are going to do some IMAX work then they shoot it in IMAX. He put together a cast in a way that broke ground for me to be able to use the cast that I did. They made sure the script was perfect before they started shooting it and that’s not typical for all super hero films. A lot of times they just throw them together and try to do them as inexpensively as they can. They try to chase the poster and chase the date. They put a lot of care into that film. I’m looking forward to see how it pays off. From everything I’ve seen so far my hat is off to them. I look forward to checking that film out."

THE DARK KNIGHT opens July 18, 2008!

Cool! Head on over to LATINOREVIEW.COM and read the whole interview.
That's pretty cool of Favreau. And I guess it doesn't hurt that Iron Man was such a huge hit for him.
That last bit where Favreau was talking about Nolan having a perfect script before they started shooting got me thinking.

Go check out YouTube for chuckthemovieguy's videos. There was an interview with Robert Downey Jr and he mentions that there were times, he and Jon Favreau didn't know what to do during filming! Or something to that effect! I think it was improv or something.

Then again, don't know if Downey Jr was trying to mess around with Chuck, being the joker that he is.

I believe there is an interview with Jon Favreau as well about the Iron Man movie and he does say something about wanting to watch "The Dark Knight" as well.
Jon is a cool guy, he kept things laid back throughout the shoot... keeping the fans updated on his Myspace page. The guy is a class act, I'm soo happy for him with Iron Man being such a huge hit. He deserves it, as does RDJ. His hard work paid off.
Thanks for the link. Awesome Video:banana
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Oh my god, so ^^^^ing sick!!! HOT DAMN!!!!! :rock:rock:banana:banana

Check This Out: Making of The Dark Knight's Clown Masks

Ok, you may now all worship the ground I walk on.:D

Wow... I've got nothing but love for the folks involved with this flick, but that's almost overkill. Milling that clown mask out of renshape on a CNC? The design of the faces are deliberately crude, the whole team of masks could have been hand-sculpted just as good in a couple days by one sculptor (and honestly might have looked even better... I think they'd have benefitted from a little texture, less precise symmetry). Maybe it's just my underlying disdain for computer-created sculpture coming out. :eek: :monkey1
Wow... I've got nothing but love for the folks involved with this flick, but that's almost overkill. Milling that clown mask out of renshape on a CNC? The design of the faces are deliberately crude, the whole team of masks could have been hand-sculpted just as good in a couple days by one sculptor (and honestly might have looked even better... I think they'd have benefitted from a little texture, less precise symmetry). Maybe it's just my underlying disdain for computer-created sculpture coming out. :eek: :monkey1

I agree with you. Seems like a waste of time. Still pretty cool however.
I just watched "Batman Begins" again tonight. Man am I pumped for Dark Knight!!!!:chew:chew

This will be the first of many repeat viewings until I get my Batman fix at midnight July 18th.

Heads or tails????!:D
Thanks man! It's from the Comcast footage. Oh, and for some reason the Comcast link never worked for me:monkey2

So I found it on Youtube.

The new scenes of the Joker are just amazing. Especially the interrogation between him and Bats!

Awesome, thanks for the link!

I agree with all of the above - also the part where Joker screams "Hit me!" and the next shot of Bats looking pissed-off.

Then it looks like there's an extended shot of the "Hmm" scene from the previous TV Spots. Joker looked extremely disappointed/exasperated.

Good stuff!

Watching all these videos and trailers got me thinking about the plot developments of the movie as well.

Batman's most powerful weapon from BB was fear. He was a myth or urban legend. Only a few have actually seen him.

TDK probably takes place 1 year after the events of BB. With Joker calling out the Batman on national TV to reveal his true identity, and telling the mob bosses to kill "The Batman", Batman loses that weapon.

Batman now becomes a target. Criminals no longer fear him. He no longer becomes what he originally intended, "the symbol that criminals fear". People knows he exists, is just a man, and can be killed. I think that's why he gets the new suit for added protection.

Plus, he also seems to come out in broad daylight now. The Police Department, there's also that scene of him standing on what appears to be rubble of some building and grieving.

So, yeah. I think that could be, or I'm just merely speculating :D Can't wait for the movie! Just a little over 7 weeks!
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