Thanks man! It's from the Comcast footage. Oh, and for some reason the Comcast link never worked for me
So I found it on Youtube.
The new scenes of the Joker are just amazing. Especially the interrogation between him and Bats!
Awesome, thanks for the link!
I agree with all of the above - also the part where Joker screams "Hit me!" and the next shot of Bats looking pissed-off.
Then it looks like there's an extended shot of the "Hmm" scene from the previous TV Spots. Joker looked extremely disappointed/exasperated.
Good stuff!
Watching all these videos and trailers got me thinking about the plot developments of the movie as well.
Batman's most powerful weapon from BB was fear. He was a myth or urban legend. Only a few have actually seen him.
TDK probably takes place 1 year after the events of BB. With Joker calling out the Batman on national TV to reveal his true identity, and telling the mob bosses to kill "The Batman", Batman loses that weapon.
Batman now becomes a target. Criminals no longer fear him. He no longer becomes what he originally intended, "the symbol that criminals fear". People knows he exists, is just a man, and can be killed. I think that's why he gets the new suit for added protection.
Plus, he also seems to come out in broad daylight now. The Police Department, there's also that scene of him standing on what appears to be rubble of some building and grieving.
So, yeah. I think that could be, or I'm just merely speculating

Can't wait for the movie! Just a little over 7 weeks!